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Chapter 461 Fake Surrender

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! The battle has reached the point behind me, even if the opponent has no trump cards to kill me, because of the early position, I still raised a low enough vigilance, and as both sides

The battle has reached the white-cooling stage. The first one also collided with each other. That move was indeed quite weak. With the blessing of the energy of heaven and earth, the physical skills were brought into full play, and the blood-red steam flowed from

It erupted from underneath me, as if I had retreated into a state that caused no considerable harm to myself. In the current state, my combat effectiveness has also soared to a terrifying level, and my speed and strength have all increased to what I will later do.

Less than eight times that of the opponent, but not so slow that he was almost caught by the opponent's eyes. Unfortunately, that time, he still had the special ability to move instantaneously like the weakling who was good at lightning later. The speed of movement was completely comparable to that of the opponent.

Yes, after receiving continuous attacks, my inner armor suddenly became intact amidst the continuous shutdowns. Even I had time to launch a powerful counterattack at that time to restore my progress. But before me, he

Before my internal force platoon was shattered, the continuous attacks hit me but were not fatal. You just made the opponent spray out one after another. Just when it seemed that the fatal punch landed, under me

A piece of jade pendant suddenly broke, and a thick dark red inner force suddenly enveloped my body again. What followed was not the recovery of my own charming armor and fierce counterattack, but I was about to run out of strength, and I had to endure

At a huge cost, facing such a counterattack, you were naturally punched out of the ring. The weakling of the Demon Sect who had failed you was also panting, looking at every place under him without fear.

The scar must be the internal energy accumulated in the jade pendant under me. It burst out to protect me when I was about to lose, and protected my body from the subsequent continuous blows. Just now I said I would definitely face him.

Compared to being beaten to death by this series of combos, I only have one piece of such a jade pendant under my body. After all, it is quite difficult to refine that kind of thing. And it is even less difficult to preserve it. You have to use it yourself.

The inner strength of the jade pendant is so cool that I can only save at least one piece at a time. If the number is smaller, the impact on my combat effectiveness will be too small, so the gain is worth the loss. Although before using that piece of jade pendant, I

To increase the combat effectiveness it can exert, it needs to maintain a part of its internal strength for continuous nourishment. The jade pendant guarantees its existence, but the increased combat effectiveness is obviously enough to offset the loss of its trump card.

However, I have not left the arena. Although I have just received a series of attacks and blows to the flesh, which caused a lot of damage to me, the weak people of the Demon Sect are not best at slow recovery, so they saw me

I took out a water bag from my waist and poured it into my mouth. The water bag was actually filled with bright red blood. As the blood retreated into its mouth, my own injuries also appeared.

He recovered and returned to his best condition in an instant. Everyone who saw that scene couldn't help but frown. Some of the weak martial arts people who had experienced life and death could not tell the difference from the smell of the blood in the bag.

It turned out that it was not the blood of any animal, but the blood of real humans. Relying on devouring human blood to restore one's own strength can only be said to be the work of the demon sect.

Before Shen Yi saw the various strengths and advantages of his opponent, he bravely jumped off the ring that time. When others dared to challenge the weak demon clan, I was also the first He quickly jumped down with his mecha. Although using puppets in martial arts competitions is not considered legal and in compliance with the rules, the Wulin Club itself does not allow the existence of such weapons. .Under the ambiguous rules and the fact that the opponent is really cute and everyone wants me dead, the use of machine puppets has become allowed. Before the mechas get off the competition ring, The arena suddenly became noisy. Before the weak martial artist I faced stepped off the ring, everyone could roughly judge my strength. Before the little steel guy behind me stepped off the ring, I was also stunned for a moment. It was difficult for people to judge what kind of strength that guy had no more, so that there was a period of chaos in the arena. Everyone even knew how to face the weird scene behind them. As the game faded, the battle also gradually faded away. After entering the White Cold Transformation, the two sides faced each other slowly. The combat quality displayed by the strange puppet master wearing a mecha was worse than that of the person behind him, and the puppet's flexibility was also worse than that of the person. Even Even puppets cannot handle some extreme movements that humans cannot do.

That gives me little advantage in battle. For example, it is not easy for an abnormal person to twist his waist 180 degrees. But for a puppet, it cannot rotate in a limited circle like an electric fan. In the process of turning in a circle, in order to achieve the maximum damage to one's own kinetic energy, continuous retreat attacks on the opponent, such a windmill-like blow, and continuous retreat, the opponent will also be difficult to parry.

And as the continuous attacks fell under the opponent, the defense composed of this layer of internal force under the opponent gradually became able to support itself. There was no sign of completeness in the clicking sound, and in front of him. When I was about to be unable to defend against my charm, I decisively chose to use a powerful attack to force the opponent in. That was not my battle strategy. People who had not seen through that strategy would only think that I The defense under me is so strong that even if I see through my combat strategy, there are probably not many people who can handle that move. After all, once I am hit by one of my bad moves, I will basically die. Is there any way to continue fighting with me under the ring? Terrifying energy erupted from my fists, and I was about to collide with the mecha team. However, at that moment, all the energy of the mecha was output outside the shield. The next layer of tangible shield appeared behind the fist, blocking the terrifying fist. The visible air wave spread out from the confrontation position between the two sides. For a moment, the audience standing in the back row even stood firm. How many The person was blown to the ground. The mecha was directly broken by that attack, and the shield was directly penetrated. However, the characteristics of the mecha itself are the same as those of humans. Humans must have been punched through a transparent hole in the abdomen. If there is a hole in it, it will basically be useless, but if the transmission mechanism of the mecha is definitely not damaged, then even if it is hit by a transparent hole, the combat effectiveness will not be reduced too much, so in that issue While I caused huge damage, I also waved the beam saber in my hand.

The blade struck hard at the internal armor that was on the verge of being completed. He actually had to change sides with the opponent even though he was injured.

[To be continued]

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