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Chapter 24 What kind of building should be rebuilt?

Cheng Ying was very glad that he did not choose to celebrate Tang Chen first and forgot to comfort Dugu Bo.

He could even imagine that if he did that, Dugu Bo in the ruins would be holding a microscope and looking at the three of them from a distance with a lonely and lonely expression.

Both of them are only fifteen years old now, which is the most important stage of character formation. Perhaps such a scene will cast a shadow on Dugu Bo's life, making his character unknowingly become sinister or even extreme.

Once a teacher, always a father, it is not only about the respect that disciples have for their teachers, it also reminds teachers that they should treat their disciples as if they were their own children.

Dugu Bo didn't cry for long. In the original work, a person who could become a titled Douluo must be extremely determined even if he has a fragile side. With Cheng Ying's comfort, he finally balanced his mentality, although it was impossible to do so.

I like my junior brother, but I will no longer regard him as the enemy who stole my master.

"When the shop is rebuilt, the teacher will make you a new microscope!" Cheng Ying looked at the broken microscope in Dugu Bo's hand and apologized very much.

"No need, I will fix it." Dugu Bo shook his head and returned to his usual expressionless state.

Cheng Ying felt a little relieved when he saw this scene, but at this moment, a large group of soul masters lined up to surround Cheng Ying's small building. To be more precise, they should have surrounded a crater...

The surrounding buildings were affected, not to mention the Chengying family. Almost everyone in Tiandou City saw the scene of the black dragon falling from the sky. Although the fluctuation of soul power was not strong, the destructive power should not be underestimated.

Xue Ye, who was handling government affairs in the palace, thought that Cheng Ying had been attacked, so he rushed over with people immediately, and then saw the terrifying circular pit.

"Brother Cheng, who are you?" The team opened a gap, revealing Prince Xue Ye coming on horseback. This was the first time Cheng Ying saw a person riding a horse in this world, and his eyes couldn't help but glance at the empty horseback.

There are no saddles or stirrups.

"It seems that soul masters don't really need to ride horses, so saddles and stirrups haven't been invented yet, let alone horseshoes." Although Cheng Ying was thinking about this, he responded:

"Your Highness, please be concerned. Just now, my disciple realized a self-created soul skill. Because he didn't know how powerful it was, he accidentally destroyed my house."

Even Xue Ye couldn't help but raise his eyebrows after hearing this. Fortunately, he rode this ten thousand year old BMW over as fast as possible, and it turned out to be a test of the disciple's soul skills.

By the way, the power of this self-created soul skill is a bit too exaggerated... But when Xue Ye thought that he was Cheng Ying's apprentice, it was not surprising. He could be awarded the title of Great Sage. It was not surprising at all to have such an apprentice.


"It's good that Brother Cheng is fine. Since Brother Cheng's home is destroyed, how about moving to the Imperial City for the time being?"

Cheng Ying shook his head: "Forget it about the palace, as you have seen, the things my disciples and I are studying are too dangerous. If this situation happens in the palace, it may not have a good impact."

Xue Ye thought about the scene where one day the palace was suddenly hit by a meteorite, and she had to admit that Cheng Ying's words made sense: "Since Brother Cheng doesn't want to, then forget it, but the previous residence does not suit your identity.


Come, go and buy some surrounding real estate for Brother Cheng. The specifications of the rebuilt Sage Mansion can be the same as the Duke's Mansion." Xue Ye has gained a lot of benefits from Cheng Ying over the years, so naturally at this time

I want to sell well.

This time Cheng Ying did not refuse, but instead started thinking about building a more modern building. The previous two-story building was indeed a bit crowded with four people plus classrooms and laboratories.

"Thank you for your kindness, Your Highness, but could I ask how high the highest point of the palace is?"

Xue Ye was stunned when he heard this, but he immediately understood what Cheng Ying meant. No building in Tiandou City could be higher than the imperial palace. Although this rule was not written into law, anyone who violated it would be looking for trouble.

You can even think about it with your feet. There is a building in the imperial city that is taller than the palace. This is cheating. If you are taller than the palace, then who is the emperor?

However, no one has violated this rule for so many years. There is another important reason, that is, it cannot be done. The palace can be so high because the area is large enough. Why can the pyramid be built so high? It is not because of the chassis.

Stable enough.

According to the system of the Tiandou Empire, even if the maximum area of ​​the Duke's Palace is used, it is impossible to build such a high building. However, Cheng Ying asked about the height of the palace. I am afraid that there is a way to increase the height of the building.

"The Tiandou City Imperial Palace is one hundred and sixty-nine meters high. As long as it does not exceed this height, Brother Cheng can do whatever he wants. I also want to see how Brother Cheng builds a miracle building." Xue Ye said with a smile.

"One hundred and sixty-nine meters?" Cheng Ying converted the weights and measures, looked at the masonry palace, made an estimate in his mind, and came to the conclusion that Douluo Continent's material science must have exploded.

Black technology, otherwise ordinary masonry would definitely collapse if built so high, and the bottom brick would be directly crushed.

"This height is enough. Those bricklayers have done a good job recently. It's time to let them build a building to practice their skills!" Cheng Ying thought about the skills of his group of guys who were building bridges and paving roads everywhere.

A 100-meter-long building shouldn't be a big problem.

"Then I wish brother Cheng success in advance!" As Xue Ye spoke, he had already bought the land deeds of several nearby houses and handed them over to Cheng Ying.

Those people heard that the great sage wanted to buy their real estate, and they all agreed without hesitation. On the one hand, they respected Chengying, and on the other hand, the compensation given by Chengying was always quite generous, even for the real estate in the imperial city.

It will definitely not be a loss.

After Xue Ye led the people away, Cheng Ying also led a few people out of the imperial city and came to the manor outside the city. Most of his properties were here, including cement factories and steel mills.

Calling it a steelmaking factory is probably a bit exaggerated, but Chengying, who has set the technology tree to converter steelmaking, can proudly say that his factory can defeat the entire Tiandou City's blacksmiths.

Forging, this method of pouring molten steel directly out is really much more efficient.

The miracle building he is about to build is going to use a reinforced concrete structure. As a very important revolution in the history of human architecture, it has greatly increased the height of buildings in the same area and made skyscrapers truly possible.


[To be continued]

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There were a lot of big guys at the same time, and a lot of them were panicked~

***The author has something to say***

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