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Chapter 636 The Three Kingdoms Stand in Dignity

The Thorn Flower Legion soon realized that something was wrong. Not to mention the two-sided attack, the attacks were launched at almost the same time. This must be intentional. The two empires definitely deliberately wanted to drive them out of the mainland at once.

Just when they were struggling with this, an insect plague suddenly broke out in the Star Forest from the east. Insect beasts with strength approaching ten thousand years rushed out of the jungle and turned into an insect plague army that devoured everything.

Wherever they pass, there is no grass growing, and even the rocky structures protruding from the ground will be turned into gravel by their gnawing.

"Has the Soul Beast Empire also taken action?" Montoya, the leader of the Thorn Flower Army, frowned and pondered. The entire continent was gathering strength to attack them. The situation was undoubtedly extremely bad.

"Send the order to retreat!" Montoya looked at the battle damage report on the front line and said to the orderer.

"Sir...this land is our root!" the adjutant quickly stopped.

"This land is no longer our roots. We think we are the orthodox successors of tulips and occupy the land of tulips, but what have we done?

Eighteen years ago, I led the Thorn Flower Army to fight back to Douluo Continent, just to get back what belonged to us. At that time, everyone was miserable, and they were willing to be just a screw in order to completely enter the industrial age.

At that time, I could proudly declare that we were the Tulip orthodoxy, we were the light of civilization, and we would become the leader of civilization even if we regained the territory of Tulip.

But what about the reality? It has been eighteen years, and I am almost seventy years old. I am no longer the pioneer who followed the sage around the world. Time has also allowed me to see our true colors.

Damn the light of civilization! We are just dogs like worms of civilization! When millions of passionate young people came across the sea, how many of them left the homeland alive?

Over the years, tens of thousands of passionate young people have crossed the ocean every year and spread their blood on this land. The empire told them that they came here to defend their homeland and to shed their blood for the future of the empire, but in fact

Woolen cloth?

We are just guarding a bridgehead for the wealthy people in the country, so that the empire's industrial raw materials can invade this continent without any hindrance, and then sweep away countless wealth and transport it back to the mainland.

If this wealth is used to build the country, I will admit it. Even if we stick here to the end and die in battle, it doesn't matter. But what is the reality?

The truth is that the gap between the rich and the poor in the country has widened, and the chaebols have ruled the entire empire, using the wealth we extracted from our ancestral land to squeeze the bottom and consolidate their rule.

Do you know what we received the most instruction before we sailed around the world with the sage?"

The adjutant was diverted by these words. He also felt that something was not right about the situation in the country and subconsciously asked: "What?"

"Sir, tell us, the Tao changes at any time, and anyone who wants to be the same for all eternity is an enemy. Until a few years ago, I still believed in the teachings of the sage, but as I got older, I began to doubt this.

Yes, it is true that the Tao moves at any time, but in this world full of extraordinary power, everything seems to be developing towards the eternal system.

Are we changing the times, or are we just a rock in the long river of history? I don't know, so I want to witness for myself before I die whether the people still have the slightest bit of resistance."

"But if we withdraw like this and return to the empire, I'm afraid..." If he goes back like this, Montoya may face more than just dismissal. Although he has unparalleled prestige in the army, this will not affect the high-level decision on him.

The army cannot live without supplies, and without the support of its industrial base, they are just hanging on.

"We are not going back. For those who want to go home, I will send an ocean fleet to escort them back. For the rest, who want to follow me, I will take them through the Mingdou Strait to the other side.

The Sun and Moon Continent.

Eighteen years ago, I did not lead the young people to overthrow the rule of the empire. It was my mistake. I will spend the rest of my life making up for this mistake. One day, the Thorn Flower Army will plant its flag again on the soil of the American continent.


On the front line, the retreating Thorn Flower troops were quickly supported. As the most powerful army in the United States, even though they were caught off guard, they still completed an orderly retreat after reuniting with the supporting troops. Under each other's cover,

, without giving the opponent the slightest opportunity to attack.

At the mouth of the Cao River, the former World's End is still anchored here. The wooden hull has been covered with water plants. It seems like yesterday that this legendary hybrid wooden sailboat went to sea for the first time. He once enjoyed the glory of being the world's largest ship.

Now it is just a collection that is about to reach the end of its life.

Next to him, a giant steel ship that was more than ten times his size sailed by. This scene seemed to be a cross between times, making people wonder if they were seeing hallucinations.

A total of twenty-three battleships escorted 100,000 warriors back to their homeland. The remaining 2.37 million soldiers, including the logistics force, were at the port that stretched for dozens of miles on the west coast of Douluo, waiting to board the ship and go to where they once were.

The first stop of the circumnavigation, the Sun and Moon Continent.

Although airships have long been popular, ocean-going ships are still necessary to transport millions of people. Fortunately, the Thorn Flower Legion has many ships and is capable of leading the entire army across the Ming Dou Strait at once.

In the northern sky, yellow clouds were billowing, and the snowy night brought another circle of vast sea of ​​profound energy, pressing towards the Thorn Flower Army.

In the sky in the south, the aura of the Lord God level came oppressively. Dai Huanyu, wearing a full set of battle armor, led his army of powerful men to kill them.

On the eastern land, the black insect plague army devoured everything, sweeping over like an eraser on a drawing board.

"This continent really doesn't welcome us!" Montoya was now on the bridge, watching this scene and ordered: "Start group defense! All fleets are preparing to enter defense linkage simultaneously!"

"I haven't fought in naval battles for so many years, I almost forgot that the predecessor of the Thorn Flower Army was the navy!"

The huge group defense shrouded his Thousand Sails Navy. No matter whether it was the vast sea of ​​profound energy or the thousand-meter-long White Tiger Breaking Kill, it could not shake it at all. If the Thorn Flower Army was determined to fight to the death, the outcome was still uncertain. Unfortunately, Meng

Toya no longer wants to continue being a dog of the empire.

He doesn't know any of these plutocrats now. They all worked together in the fields and now they have become nobles. He can't bear this grievance.

"Goodbye! Douluo Dalu!"

The fleet slowly left the coast, and the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms did not pursue it. The sea was different from the land, and the Thorn Flower fleet could use all its firepower, which was not something they could deal with.

[To be continued]

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