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Chapter 76 Immortal Grass Clivia [Dont Smile] Ten Thousand Rewards and Additional Updates

The disciples fell into deep contemplation for a long time, wondering whether it was flowers or capital that devoured people. Why did the flowers that once symbolized all the beauty become a demon-like existence that people were afraid to avoid?

Maybe there is a special rule here, but it's a pity that they can't understand it yet.

Cheng Ying made some preparations on the ship. First, he took a bunch of test tubes and beakers, and used electrolysis and a series of complicated operations to extract some sulfa drugs.

Don't ask why he extracted sulfonamides, ask Shi Jiyuan, Qian Kong, that green onion spirit, was able to produce sulfonamides in a primitive society. The conditions here in Chengying are many times superior. According to the hardcore in the anime

Popular science, even if you encounter some accidents, it is not a big problem to extract sulfa.

Previously, he originally planned to cultivate Penicillium on oranges to extract penicillin, but the effect was never very good, mainly because he had no understanding of the chemical properties of penicillin and did not know whether the extracted thing would work.

Fortunately, various pathogens have not yet developed resistance to antibiotics, and the sulfonamides produced by chemical methods are sufficient.

In addition, he also purchased a large amount of fresh fruits from the mainland, squeezed the juice and mixed them together to make a potion. He also used some flavoring agents that would not destroy the medicinal properties to mask the taste of the fruits.

This is exactly the miracle he is going to show. He first gives Clivia all kinds of mythical qualities, then gives it all kinds of excellent qualities that people can imagine, and finally hypes it up, which will make the trend of Clivia even crazier than tulips.

After Chengying prepared the props, he came to the dense ant-nest-like slums next to the dock, randomly found a smelly residence of a dock worker, found his wife who had to work in some indescribable industry, and took photos

Two gold coins.

"Go buy some decent clothes, do something for me, don't kill anyone, don't break the law, and tell me a story after you finish the work..."

Although the woman hesitated, under Cheng Ying's explanation, she finally agreed under the temptation of the gold coins.

The next day, in the medical clinic, doctors were still unable to cure many strange diseases. Several patients died. Their illnesses were also recorded. There were many spectators every day, but no one said they could cure them.

Every day when I open my eyes, I feel grateful that I have lived another day; every day when I see someone dying, I think that I will die soon, and fall into extreme fear and uneasiness.

This was probably the weirdest thing that had ever happened on the pier, and people didn't notice that there was a group of flower-selling children somewhere near the pier.

The flower seller claimed that the flowers he brought were brought back from an island. The flowers were very beautiful, with sword-like leaves and fire-like flowers. No matter how many coppers there were, they were still worth it.

But these flower sellers claimed that these flowers would never be sold for less than two gold coins.

The people who heard the news laughed loudly and told the child who was crazy about money what the concept of two gold coins was, but the children were very persistent and were not in a hurry to sell it.

At noon, a rather well-dressed woman came to the medical center holding a pot of a flower called Clivia that many people sneered at as being too expensive. She claimed that she had a way to cure several strange diseases.

The helpless doctors did not stop this strange woman, but sought the opinions of the patients. They just wanted to live, even if there was a glimmer of hope, so they made a note: if they die, it has nothing to do with this woman, if

If you save her, you can give half of your money to this woman.

But the woman said that she would not ask for half of these people's money. She also said that her ancestors were also doctors, and her family wanted her to be a kind-hearted person who could save lives and heal the wounded. All she needed was for each person to give her a hundred coppers.

This kind of thing is simply rare, especially in this materialistic era, especially in people's longing for the emergence of real gentlemen.

Soon, this matter spread throughout Huiyue City.

The woman's method of treating diseases was very strange. She placed these people in a ventilated place, placed several pots of Clivia flowers upwind of these people, and constantly asked them to fan themselves so that the fragrance of the flowers could spread to them.

Beside every patient.

In addition, there is a kind of unpleasant potion in a jar. The gums are bleeding and ulcerated. After drinking these potions, the taste feels very familiar, but I can't guess what it is.

In addition, the person who coughed was also fed another strange medicinal powder, but the woman did not tell these people how the medicine was prepared. Everything was mysterious. In addition, she did not accept any money before, and even more

It gave this woman a mysterious aura.

Compared with vitamin water for treating scurvy, sulfonamides are obviously much more effective. In just one week, the condition of the patient with a crazy cough was greatly relieved. This made the patients more interested in the weird woman and the

The strange flowers brought by the woman can't help but give me a little more confidence.

Rumors about the strange flowers also gradually spread. I don’t know whether it was because of a request or because someone was really interested in it. Finally, a few of the flowers in the hands of the children were gradually sold.

After all, some people were rich and interested in this, and more than a dozen pots of orchids were bought from the children one after another. For the soul master, two gold coins were not cheap, but it was not difficult to accept.

Not long after, someone discovered a military green package with a red five-pointed star sewn on it at the door of the workhouse. Inside was one hundred and three gold coins and a note.

"Everyone longs to be a gentleman in his heart. Just like this flower, the sharp sword guards the unchanging kindness.

Flowers are not noble, but the virtues of a gentleman are. These are the only flowers. I hope everyone who buys them will take good care of them and not forget the virtues of a gentleman.

You have become gentlemen, because the children in the workhouse have gained more than a hundred gold coins. There is your kindness in it, just like the flowers blooming like fire, making all the haze invisible. It will always be good.

Got up.

I think there is a Clivia in everyone's heart. The heart is like the roots buried in the gloomy soil. One day it will spread out its buds and bloom into the dazzling flower of a gentleman."

On the back of the note, there was also written a line of small words that had no logic but made people think endlessly: The person you love the most, your dreams will bloom in every inch of sunshine.

The signature is: Zhengxing·Lei

Cheng Ying learned this method from a book in his previous life, including the last paragraph. He couldn't think of a more suitable word, but that didn't mean it wasn't easy to use.

More than a hundred gold coins and the thought-provoking words at the end of the note made people come up with many tragic or happy stories about Clivia.

From this day on, a morbid and sudden epidemic spread throughout the streets and alleys of Yuehui City.

Under the moonlight, Cheng Ying stood on the top of the tower of the highest Soul Master Guild in Yuehui City, looking down at the land where a gluttonous feast was brewing, and the corners of his mouth slightly curled up: "It's time to add a touch of joy to this carnival.

Set the fire!"

[To be continued]

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***The author has something to say***

I didn’t say anything about the rules for adding updates, but since someone has given me a reward of 10,000 yuan, let’s add more updates with a reward of 10,000 yuan in the future! Both starting coins and book coins are acceptable, that’s it…

My poor manuscript saving...

This chapter has been completed!
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