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Chapter 929 Are you my mother?

The winner of the super-heavy competition will get a transforming mecha built by Duke Tulip himself. The lowest combat power of that thing is at the demigod level. For ordinary adventurers like Luo Yan, this is the greatest benefit they can get.


It’s not that there aren’t any better things, but they are the kind that they can’t keep even if they are given to them.

The countdown to the competition was lowering one by one in the sky, and the tense atmosphere enveloped the entire Great Soul Fighting Arena. Everyone's breathing became rapid, and Luo Yan seemed to hear his own heartbeat.

This is their opportunity and the best opportunity for them to rise. It would be a lie to say they are not nervous.

"The game begins!" With a beep in each preparation area, the door to the preparation area opened, and the unorganized casual cultivators rushed out first. The preparation area is not safe. If you don't escape immediately, you may be killed.

Other major forces gathered together to attack.

The three of them, Luo Yan, were also casual cultivators. Immediately after the competition started, they ran towards the sun through the forest and ran in irregular trajectories, trying to avoid shots from behind as much as possible.

There were quite a lot of casual cultivators in their area. With so many people attracting firepower, they escaped from the initial area without much resistance.

The arena with a radius of 100 kilometers is not that big, with a full 10,000 people participating in the competition. Even if they are evenly distributed within a few kilometers, there will be enemies, but considering that it is like a dream, they will more or less act in groups and will not be evenly distributed.

Distribution. This field is not small at all.

The three people ran wildly in the jungle and soon found an uninhabited canyon.

Luo Yan knew very well that with the personal fighting prowess of a few of his own, there would not be the slightest chance in such a super-heavyweight competition.

If you want to achieve ideal results, you must use special methods, such as... summoning heroic spirits!

The last Holy Grail War took place in Star Luo City. Although the movement was not small, the news was blocked by the Star Luo Empire. After all, this kind of thing that can resurrect the dead and even make wishes at will is too exaggerated.

You know, the fewer people there, the better.

There are even many spiritual soul masters who specialize in erasing the memories of those who know about it.

But the three of them definitely knew the news, because they were witnesses of the Holy Grail War and participated as Masters.

Although it is far less than sixty years since the last Holy Grail War, it may not be impossible to summon heroic spirits. As long as there are holy relics, it is theoretically possible to summon heroic spirits.

After all, there are fake Halls of Heroes in this world. Those heroic spirits whose heroic deeds have been passed down are real.

At this time, the three people set up the summoning circle in the valley according to their last experience, and they each held their own holy relics in their hands.

What Luo Yan holds in his hand is a knife handle, which was left over from the last melting ice. Although the energy was condensed, it has not dissipated for many years.

What Chen Bin holds in his hand is a spear tip, which is actually the longest prong of the sea cucumber trident.

As for Luo Jie, because the holy relics were limited and there were no other holy relics that were guaranteed to be effective, she just took an ancient tulip banknote.

This thing is a banknote issued by the Tulip Duke. It may be regarded as his holy relic. However, it is not certain whether it can be summoned while the person himself is still alive.

The summoning array has been carved, the light rises into the sky, and the appearance of a Hall of Heroes vaguely appears in the sky. Those who don't know the picture may think that it is the combination of seven swords.

Cheng Ying, who was walking in the jungle, felt something in his heart. He felt something pulling his power. He looked curiously towards the direction of the pulling force. It was a pillar of light rising into the sky in the distance. The aura was very familiar to him.

After reacting for a moment, I suddenly remembered what it was.

"I'm going? This is cheating. Isn't it too much to use heroic spirit summons in the game? Summon a person." Cheng Ying's expression was strange. He just thought it was convenient, and there were no rules at all during the game. He didn't expect it at all.

There are still things like this.

Ordinary undead summons, elemental summons, etc. are not a big deal, but the summoning of heroic spirits is too disruptive to the balance. If you are lucky, the summoned heroic spirits may have the strength of the main god level.

"Anyway, your rules don't stipulate that you can't use heroic spirit summons. It just stipulates that the external energy that can be carried in addition to your own energy cannot exceed the limit of a demigod.

What they are carrying out to summon heroic spirits is nothing more than holy relics, and the energy contained in them will never exceed this limit. But who are they summoning?" Ice Emperor asked curiously.

"Uh... they're summoning... me..."

This is what makes Cheng Ying feel the weirdest, because the shield of Silvis Great Soul Fighting Arena is isolated, and the signal transmitted by their summoning power is very weak. Whether other heroic spirits in the Hall of Heroes can feel it depends on luck.

Only Chengying, who was inside the shield, received the clearest summoning signal, which made him a little bit dumbfounded. Is it possible that he still wants to fight himself in this game?

Cheng Ying sensed the person who summoned him: "I didn't expect it to be these three little guys. Forget it, it's a fate, so I'll just help them."

As he spoke, a burst of energy separated from its body. That was part of the energy he had placed in the Hall of Valor. With this energy, as an introduction, he could summon the clone of the heroic spirit who was playing mahjong with his disciples in the Hall of Valor.


In the valley, the pillar of light rising into the sky is like a bonfire in the dark night, attracting a large number of strong people to observe. In this kind of big battle mode, exposing one's position may mean elimination. The three people also made a desperate effort.

Choose so.

However, no heroic spirit responded to them for a long time. The three of them couldn't help but feel anxious. Their time was limited and it was impossible to maintain the summoning circle all the time. If they were surrounded after a while, they would be eliminated directly.

Without relying on Heroic Spirits, it would be great if they could defeat other contestants one-on-one with their own abilities. If they were besieged, they would definitely be killed in seconds.

It's just that no one answered the summoning circle. They could already see other powerful men watching in the distance. Luo Yan couldn't help but have cold sweat on his forehead: "Sure enough, without a command spell, summoning heroic spirits is still possible.

Is it too forced? It doesn’t matter, I had no hope of winning in the first place.”

The encirclement was getting smaller and smaller, and the vast sea of ​​mysterious energy was secretly condensing around the canyon. Luo Yan looked over there and saw more than a dozen scouts from the Tiandou Empire. The scene in front of him was obviously to eliminate them who could not control the speed of sound. Heavy artillery was already in

The vast profound energy in the sky is condensed and is about to be blasted down.

Just as the three of them closed their eyes and waited for the reading to come back to life, a familiar voice suddenly came to their ears: "Are you my mother?"

[To be continued]

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