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The selection of [Houji Improved Breeds] is not only related to the reputation improvement of Song Tan's various crops, but also related to the selling price of the seedlings distributed here. Therefore, when filling out the form this time, you can't brag like a [small farmer].

Professor Song was very worried, even at his age, he had to look at the computer and fill it out for her himself.

Two days later, the form was returned because it did not meet the specifications.

Professor Song:......

Song Tan:......

"Pfft hahahahaha..." She couldn't help it. Professor Song was the initiator of the [Houji Fine Breed] selection and the main domestic selector hahaha!

The staff opposite responded quite politely:

[Hello, in order to facilitate the review, please fill in the form according to the template and do not use it freely.]

[In addition, please ensure that the data is true. If abnormal data is found in the later review, there will be no chance to participate in the next three years. 】

Professor Song couldn't help but feel dumbfounded when he looked at the sugar content, trace elements, and various test results attached to the information below.

Faced with everyone's ridicule, Professor Song sighed helplessly: "I'm getting older... In the past, students had to help with these tasks."

Of course, he is older, and the projects he has been responsible for in the past two or three years have been light physical work, focusing on answering questions, and have nothing to do with [Houji Fine Breeds]...

Xiaozhu Party Secretary chuckled: "Look, don't I have to do it? Don't worry, I don't like to brag even if I can. Real data is easier to fill in than anything else - come on, come on, I'm best at filling out forms.


She took over and asked by the way: "You are the reviewer, so it won't have any impact if we submit it for review, right?"

Like avoidance or something like that?

Professor Song laughed: "What impact can it have? Everyone is presiding over work all over the world. If we have to avoid the review because of this, what else can we achieve in the end of the year?"

Moreover, the goodness of good crops and good seeds is visible to the naked eye of the public. Although it is not as fixed as science and engineering, it is not like literature where there can be 1,000 Hamlets.

Delicious is delicious.

Seedlings that are resistant to disease mean they have strong growth potential.

They would rather wait for years or more just to get a result, which is enough.

But here, Xiao Zhu, the branch secretary, suddenly closed the form again.

Facing Song Tan's puzzled eyes, she said sincerely: "I have filled out forms before, and I am even quite experienced, but I have never filled out something as large as dozens of pages..."

Moreover, each data in it must be in the corresponding position, and the template is already too difficult for her to understand, let alone help her fill in a new one.

She sincerely admitted defeat: "How about...which of your students have filled in before? Can you help me?"

Professor Song: ...No one has filled it out several times before. Which student can I bring to help?

He thought about the three students today. The one with the most leisure time was probably——

"What kind of life have I been living, teacher..."

Yan Ran, who was far away in a foreign country, cried bitterly and cried loudly into her mobile phone.

"There are only three people in the entire experimental station. One of them has gone to the countryside to treat the pigs there because he still has a veterinary license. The other is busy with his doctoral dissertation and works hard in front of the computer every day..."

"Now there is only me in the whole station, a yellow dog and three chickens, and I have to cook by myself..."

She lifted up her bangs and said, "Teacher, the hardships I experienced in the past are not hardships. You can tell by looking at my hair that burned when I burned the fire... I am really not this material!"

Professor Song wondered: "Isn't that place quite quiet and comfortable? You can grow whatever you want, not to mention you have always wanted to live such a leisurely pastoral life?"

He sincerely wants to train his students and wants them to live well. The little girl got tanned by him before. Why not find a test station with better conditions to recuperate her body?

There are only a small number of people, and they don’t have to fight for any funds. They get a safe salary every month, including food and housing... It just allows them to think about their future direction.

How perfect!

Yan Ran said bitterly: "The leisurely countryside I thought, at least I don't have to cook by myself..."

Really, she knows the hard work of farming, and she is also skilled at wielding a hoe in the bright sun, but this does not include cooking for herself!

I was so tired that I had to make it myself when I came back. I kept humming and humming for an hour, but I couldn’t even swallow five mouthfuls of it...

She has been working for two months now and has gained 8 pounds! She has eaten all of it by eating fast food. Her skin has become whiter, but pimples and pimples have appeared, and she looks terrible in the mirror...

"Teacher..." she said pitifully, "I look like this. If I go back during the Chinese New Year, no matter how indulgent my family is, they probably won't let me learn farming..."

What can Professor Song say?

I can only sigh and think: Nowadays, there are really not many people who really devote themselves to agriculture!

However, it’s not that he doesn’t understand the pressure of young people nowadays, so he is very considerate of his students. Yan Ran works hard and makes progress around him, and never shirks the easy and shirks the hard. It’s just that he’s a bit greedy, but that’s nothing...

Thinking of this, he smiled reassuringly: "It's okay, don't panic. I already agreed in advance when I arranged for you to go there. You will get internship wages. You have not finished your studies, so you can continue your studies."

There are senior brothers and sisters everywhere, they are really hardworking, and this matter will not be difficult to handle.

Song Tan asked curiously: "So you are interning here, can you still come to participate in the pig killing feast?"

"Yes, yes, yes! It must be possible!" Yan Ran swore: "When you sent me the time, I took leave and prepared to buy tickets. Don't worry, I can crawl over it!"

Song Tan laughed: "Okay - what about Tang Xiaodong and Qi Lin?"

The two of them... Yan Ran couldn't help laughing: "They have a very fulfilling life."

Isn’t that fulfilling?

Tang Xiaodong is a ruthless person who fills out reports every day. The brothers and sisters in the hospital take care of him. They try their best to let him use all the instruments and let him go through all the data...

It has a very famous name: Molecular Breeding Laboratory.

But what about actually?

Boring, repeating experiments over and over again, failing a hundred times a hundred times, and numbly entering data over and over again...

"Just a sad migrant worker..." he sighed.

Qi Lin, who performed best, is now working as an odd job in the microbiology laboratory, following everyone on the topic of reducing nitrogen. He has been working on this topic, and has been applying for funding. Because it is a key laboratory, everyone has very important topics.

It is important, so the fight for funds alone is already exhausting...

No matter how thoughtful he is on weekdays, he is still a student, and a student from a poor mountain village...

These things piled up around him, even if they had nothing to do with him as a low-level handyman, it was still difficult enough.

At once……

Before choosing agriculture, who would have thought about the development of science and technology? Those engaged in agriculture do not necessarily have to farm, but they also have to wash test tubes in the laboratory?

Professor Song sighed, those who cannot bear loneliness will not achieve anything in the end.

Forget it! Young people have their own ways of living. As a teacher, he just wants them to live a comfortable life.

This chapter has been completed!
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