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Chapter 1046 Blind Eye (10)

 They are really the same type of opponents!

The sage old man gave a very domineering concluding speech, which made Fu Qian burst into admiration.

Omniscient versus omniscient.

This person is obviously the same as the Blind Holy Grail. Not only is he a knowledge-based player, but he can also discern other people's methods at will.

Although it seems that it cannot be copied at will, and the insight state cannot be maintained forever, this move is ineffective the second time, and it is undoubtedly quite suitable to deal with this invisible and traceless killing move.

Now that I think about it, at the beginning of the puzzle and illusion, the sage also said that there is no need to worry too much later, and similar methods should be used.

The possibility that this person is a new leader of the Society for the Blind has undoubtedly increased, and this special organization is becoming more and more curious.

How can an ordinary person's body reach this level with only "knowledge" and extraordinary items?

Wrong picture? Misleading?

Aisi's mind is obviously quite flexible. Although the sage old man explained briefly, but combined with Scrooge's words just now, he was almost the first to react.

"What just happened was that our people were scared and ran away?"

She took a breath unconsciously, and seeing that Charlotte was still unwilling to let go of Scrooge, she took a step forward and held the back of the former's hand.

"He was just misled. He should have seen the sage turn into a living corpse just now."

As if to avoid irritating Charlotte as much as possible, her voice was as gentle as her movements, and she explained the key points concisely and clearly.

"Is that really true?"

After frowning and asking, realizing that Scrooge had been pinched so that he could not answer, Charlotte snorted and threw him to the ground.

"Doesn't that mean that the one who ran away just now is okay? Should we chase him back?"

After being comforted by the sage and Aisi, he finally calmed down and became more responsive.

"The time it takes is beyond what we can afford."

The sage old man shook his head as expected.

"He has already made his contribution, and our goal is not far away."


It could be seen that Charlotte just asked casually, and now nodded understandingly.

The contribution made by the brother who left is naturally cannon fodder.

This method is strange and unpredictable. It is obvious who is at the end of the queue and who is unlucky.

Even he himself can't guarantee that he won't escape.

In fact, facing an opponent whose numbers do not necessarily bring an advantage, the size of the team this time is mostly for error tolerance.

The sage mentioned that the target is not far away, and the subtext is that there is no need for so much cannon fodder later.

"Then what are we waiting for?"

After taking a breath at this time, Scrooge finally got up and walked to the front of the team.

"I can't wait to see this power. It can guide to this level...Does the sage think it is alive?"

"That depends on how you define the concept of living."

The sage glanced at Scrooge, who was walking side by side, and seemed to know what he was worried about.

"It is its essential attribute to have insight into everything, just like light illuminates everything, and at the same time it is also unwilling to be penetrated."

"The Holy Grail naturally tends to disappear from all cognition. All previous actions are manifestations of this attribute. In fact, this is why it can remain here for so long."

"But beyond that, if you want to talk about so-called self-will, it's obviously not such a boring concept."

"Understood, I think there is no more suitable sacred object to learn than this."

Scrooge let out a long sigh, showing an expression of great satisfaction.

"I also believe that it can indeed help mortals usher in a new era."

Natural tendency to disappear into all perception?

I seem to know a little bit about the reason for this mission.

Sure enough, there was VIP treatment within the society. Compared to the cannon fodder who was simply given up, seeing the sage explain to Scrooge so patiently, Fu Qian also learned a lot of secrets.

So the reason why he was asked to come to the warehouse this time was because someone, led by the sage old man, knew about the existence of the Holy Grail?

This is very simple logic. If the Holy Grail has existed here for many years, it means that the unrecognized state is probably safe in the warehouse.

And will the efforts of these new students in the academy lead to uncontrollable consequences?

It makes sense and can even explain why the selection of team members is so meticulous.

The more people who know about it, the more intense the Holy Grail's reaction will undoubtedly be. Coupled with the authority to copy the ability, this seemingly weak team may be the best solution after taking into account all aspects.

But at the same time, another question inevitably arises - why limit your abilities?

If this group of people is causing trouble because they know too much, just send yourself here and slap them all to death.

Even if the sage old man had the ability to delay death, Fu Qian didn't think he could survive for a few more milliseconds under his hands.

You don't even need to tell yourself about the Blind Holy Grail.

But now the warehouse has taken away all his abilities and items, allowing him to explore honestly.


It can't be just to increase the difficulty, right? Because the previous work attitude was not correct?

Fu Qian shook his head in his mind and rejected this guess.

In his opinion, many aspects of the warehouse are the same as the Holy Grail, relying entirely on essential attributes to act. This boring "emotion" should have nothing to do with it.

I always feel that the answer to this question is a key piece of information.

“Well done.”

While he was thinking about it, Aisi's voice sounded next to him.

Praise yourself? The key is to catch the fish in the whole process. This is also called doing well?

Fu Qian looked over with curiosity, but saw Ms. Aisi smiling, and her compliment was quite pure.

This psychological adjustment ability is really good. No wonder the sage dared to form such a team with its own disharmony.

Of course, it is also possible that these three people brought money into the group and had to bring them.

"It seems I haven't done anything, right?"

"Yes, it's because you didn't do anything. Look at what those few did."

Aisi pointed around very naturally, and this comment made more than one person gasp on the spot.

It’s really hard to break bad habits!

Seeing this, Fu Qian shook his head in his heart.

In fact, it still makes sense. The situation just now was able to be stabilized without causing chaos. It was already a pretty good operation for the role he played.

But the problem is that to say it like this is undoubtedly to put people on the fire.

Is it because I acted too unmoved?

Sure enough, excellence is often accompanied by quirks, and this woman's desire for control is simply outrageous.

"You're not bad either."

Too lazy to get entangled in this kind of matter, Fu Qian directly satisfied this person's psychological needs in the simplest way - with expressionless humility, his eyes lingered on the other person's holy robe for two more seconds.

This chapter has been completed!
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