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Chapter 1052 Blind Eyes (16)

I was speechless.

Faced with the answer given before, Ais gritted her teeth slightly, and finally looked at the sage old man, hoping that he would make the decision.

"He was fine at that time?"

The latter's expression was quite well managed, and he only glanced deeply at Fu Qian.

"everything is normal."

"So why do you pay attention to whether he is normal?"

However, before the sage old man could comment, Charlotte suddenly asked.

very good!

It finally seems like it's no longer driven by hormones.

Before paying, he glanced at Charlotte. The latter's eyes were sharp. Although she was questioning, she could no longer see too many emotional factors.

Obviously, Charlotte asked this question because she was also aware of the suspicious nature of her behavior.

As expected of a trainee Saint, he is very energetic.

"There is no room for error in this operation. I want to confirm that everyone is in normal condition."

He blinked before paying, not feeling any unnaturalness in his gaze.

The most abnormal thing is you...

Almost everyone was slandering it for a while, but unfortunately it was obvious that the sage had the final say.

"There's still enough time, but we'd better hurry up."

Facing the increasingly suspicious Fu Qian, the latter showed considerable tolerance. Not only did he signal to look back, he didn't even ask Fu Qian to go ahead.

With higher subjective initiative, the team saw a glimpse of the darkness in the darkness at a faster speed than last time.

"What's going on? That guy's leg..."

Facing the living corpse still wearing the golden holy robe, Charlotte was so shocked that she rushed forward without even discussing it with the others.

Of course, when a group of people arrived later, this person also stopped faster than before.

It was obvious that she still hadn't caught up, and at the same time, Charlotte, who was in 120% condition, realized more quickly that she couldn't be lured in by the enemy.

"It looks like a living corpse, and it does contain our equipment. All the traces are exactly the same."

Standing there and waiting for everyone to catch up, Charlotte said quickly.

"But it is different from its kind. It seems to be avoiding us, and it is also very fast. I am not sure whether to continue chasing it."

"You did the right thing."

After listening carefully and looking at the dark path, the sage nodded first, and then after thinking for a moment, he suddenly looked at Fu Qian.

"What do you think of the left hand?"

This guy...does even the sages ask his opinion?

"It doesn't look like he was attacked."

When the old man's behavior made a group of people a little confused, Fu Qian didn't have any stage fright and commented while stroking his chin in a serious manner.

"It's not that we were attacked...don't you want to say that in the thirty seconds just now, our people turned into living corpses silently?"

In the familiar dialogue, Brother Scrooge is still the one who responds quickly.

But at this time, we can see the difference in persuasiveness caused by status.

The same view was put forward in advance. Brother Scrooge understood it, but his first reaction was to question the unreasonableness of it.

"Hard to say."

In response to this, I spread my hands and acted as if I was just providing an idea.

"Perhaps the mutation starts in the brain first?"

"...Have you ever thought about checking your brain first?"

Charlotte also subconsciously raised questions, but was immediately interrupted the next moment.

"I agree with the left hand."

Staring at Fu Qian, the sage had no expression on his face as he spoke.

"Although I can't make an accurate judgment if I'm lost, I'm inclined to think it's one of ours, so we don't have to worry too much about the threat of an ambush."


He never expected that the sage would actually stand on the left hand side. Scrooge obviously didn't agree with this view and couldn't help but take a step forward.

And at that moment, his actions made Fu Qian sigh with admiration in his heart.

According to the previous development, Scrooge's extremely natural reaction was just a cover-up, and the sage would lose half his head in the next moment.

The only problem is that this time Scrooge is not looking at the old man, but at himself.

Has the world line changed unknowingly?

The target of this killing round is actually directed at myself?

In the judgment of the Holy Grail, is he even more of a threat than the sage?

It suits me again!

Fu Qian felt that he was finally being taken seriously, and his whole body seemed to be filled with strength from this encouragement.

"I still find it a little difficult to-"

The next moment, when he was talking to the sage, he was looking directly at Scrooge, who was receiving a hard uppercut on the chin.

The remaining half of the doubts were swallowed alive.

Even if the golden glove does not use extraordinary power, its lethality is extraordinary.

In the excellent blow feedback, Fu Qian could vaguely see a few white teeth mixed in the blood and water, as well as the crimson ray tearing through the darkness.

It's a pity that I was forced to look up at the stars, and the rays finally hit my head.

Where does this guy come from? There's no need to hit someone if you don't agree - wait a minute, is this?

The sudden changes before their eyes also made the audience even more shocked.

I originally thought that the guy on the left was really hit by Charlotte and had a brain problem, but I didn’t expect Scrooge too?

Directly using abilities without approval, targeting even your own people?

Of course, the most important thing is, how did the left hand know that he was crazy?

"I am now 100% sure that the person just now is one of ours..."

Fortunately, as a party involved, Fu Qian did not keep the team members guessing for too long and quickly answered their doubts.

With a cold tone and sharp eyes, he stepped forward and gently stroked his bloody gloves, looking down at Scrooge who was struggling to get up.

"Because the living example is right in front of us."

"What's the meaning?"

Scrooge was unable to defend himself for a moment, and Charlotte, who was in full alert mode, questioned him on his behalf.

"I think you are really crazy!"

"I also want to ask you if you are blind."

Fu Qian sneered and pointed at Scrooge.

"This person is turning into a living corpse little by little, and you can't even notice it?"

Scrooge turned into a zombie? Real or fake?

Charlotte and Ais, who were the closest, both took a step back after hearing this.

However, after careful inspection, they found Scrooge, who was slowly squatting up while holding on to the wall. They were surprised to find no trace of any living corpse.

"Left hand, are you sure?"

In the end, Ais was the first to ask.

"It's so obvious that you can't see it?"

Fu Qian's tone was even more surprised than hers.

"Gu...dan, obviously...like...you..."

Before Ace, whose head was full of questions, could respond, Scrooge made a difficult voice.

But it seemed that the punch just now made him bite his tongue successfully, so it was a bit difficult to understand.

"You still don't admit it!"

Fortunately, Fu Qian understood and immediately sneered.

"If you hadn't turned into a crazy zombie, why would you want to do something to me?"


This chapter has been completed!
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