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Chapter 1109 Longding Inn (31)

"Mr. Lu is really good at it!"

Looking at the figure crouching in pain on the ground, Kelson's words of praise were clear, but his tone sounded like someone had stolen something.

"Having nothing will arouse suspicion. Only one choice can better cover up the other choice."

He pointed at Sunny, who was standing aside.

"Such a character, with a little arrangement, quietly misled me."

"It seems like you acted on the spur of the moment. It's unbelievable that you managed to convince them to cooperate in such a short period of time, or is it?"

"The proprietress of this small shop should be almost a puppet, right?"

"Looks like."

Facing Kelson's revelation, Fu Qian showed no embarrassment at all and even commented on his comments in a serious tone.

Mainly, Sunny’s demeanor of running out of power is so classic.

"I now believe that the Native Council does have ideas about the wasteland. Although I'm not sure what you want to do with it, you know more about such a remote place than I do."

Kelson laughed.

"I have thought about the real meaning of this weird little shop before, but now everything seems much more reasonable."

"In order to protect himself, this person on the ground set up a stronghold in this way to facilitate a group of people to gather together."

"Its special concealment ability, combined with the puppet's cover, can easily arouse suspicion among hunters."

"And the more a group of people keeps each other in check, the less of a threat it is."

"It sounds very reasonable, but there is a question. Since the ancient dragon can move freely outside without any problems, why not hide it at this time and show up for a while to be discovered by greedy adventurers?"

Fu Qian listened and nodded, and quickly raised questions.

"Good question, but it seems the answer is right in front of me."

Kelson snorted and pointed at Aaron who finally got up.

Under the predicament, the latter did not fight back immediately, but tried to hide his figure again. Unfortunately, the tail that seemed to have a noble status still flickered in and out, clearly marking his position.

"It should need to receive blessings more than we do, so every opportunity should not be missed. However, this process is not stable enough, so its concealment cannot always be as successful as it is now."

"It seems like we have disturbed this latent cultivator. I'm really ashamed!"

There was no apology in Kelson's tone.

"In short, this provocation plan was not very successful, so he had to consider attacking first, so he immediately attacked you without hesitation."

"Speaking of which, Mr. Lu was also affected by Siren's plan. Thank you for your cooperation, haha..."

"What a pity. Continuous misjudgments of the situation soon brought it to the brink of despair, so that the puppets originally left outside had to be pulled in to try to cover."

"His Excellency Demigod Kelson may be overthinking."

At this time, Sunny came back to her senses, frowned and spoke in a sincere tone.

"I really have nothing to do with the person in front of me."

"Oh, really? Then why do you bother to explain?"

Kelson's smile continued.

"In the current situation, no matter how you look at it, he will die and you will be fine. Could it be that you can't bear it and want to change my choice?"

Sunny, whose IQ was crushed, even opened her mouth several times without making a sound, and her self-destruction became even more complete.

"This is what I admire about Mr. Lu. Faced with such a thing, you still came up with a way to use it, and you did it so naturally and without leaving any trace."

Kelson's admiration this time sounded quite genuine.

"Even I was almost misled. It's a pity that Mr. Lu is unlucky. This guy's condition is still too unstable."

"The analysis is quite reasonable. I can't help but be convinced by you."

The tone is still offensive, but the speed of commenting before payment is obviously slower this time.

As he spoke, he even turned off the return order, and the figure of Aaron on the side became clearer, with butterflies and dragon tails converging into a strange scene.

"So Mr. Kelson - are you really sure this time?"

You are really...

Facing the deliberately elongated voice in front of him, Kelson was speechless for a moment.

However, the scene in front of him undoubtedly once again proved the correctness of his guess. This person really had the means to help the target stabilize his condition.

As for the tone of speaking, we are all masters, so a little bit of demeanor is understandable, and Kelson wouldn't mind cooperating.

"Choose one of two, last chance."

The moderator's speech before paying even continued.


Kelson made a gesture, and the next moment the surrounding lightning cage slowly shrank inwards.

"Go to hell!"

But it seems that someone is obviously faster.

Seeing that Mr. Lu was true to his word and did not interfere at all after Kelson made his choice, Aaron finally stopped sitting still and waited for death. The winged butterflies turned into blades and swarmed toward Kelson.

His movements were erratic to begin with, so it was not easy to dodge such an attack.

But Kelson didn't look like he was going to dodge.

The moment before the Soul Butterfly hit, a gloomy black light emerged from his body, making his whole body feel as if it was coated with oil.

Aaron's dying blow, after successfully hitting, only left a shallow mark on this layer of oil.

The type of power is very different from this one, an extraordinary item?

Seeing this scene, Fu Qian, who was sitting firmly on the golden seat, was not surprised.

As a demigod and holding an important position in a large organization, how could he not have a few extraordinary items for personal protection?

Although Aaron's attacks are weird and unpredictable, his power level is still a bit low, so it is normal not to break through the defense.

Fortunately, this is not its real attack.

The next moment, the electric grid that was about to tie it up was torn apart by a long white whip.

The previous move seemed to be nothing more than a cover-up, as it suddenly threw out the tail that did not match its body shape.

The rank of this tail is obviously higher than his own, and it even has the flavor of divinity.

Turning a disadvantage into an advantage, this person's mind was not rigid and he decisively took advantage of the blessing that exposed himself.

After tearing apart the power grid, this blow, which was at least at the level of a demigod, hit Kelson hard.


The oil on his body finally failed to withstand the blow. One of Kelson's arms was deformed on the spot, and even his flesh and blood splattered into countless ice crystals, revealing his dense white bones.

Unfortunately, Aaron's roar that sounded simultaneously was not that pleasant.

The power grid, which was connected again in an instant, enveloped him without a trace of tremor, and continued unabated, until it gathered into a ball on his chest, and then exploded with a bang.

"There is always a price to pay for killing someone. How could I not know this?"

Kelson said coldly without even looking at his arm until now. ()

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