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Chapter 120 Hunters thirst for blood (19)

 Chapter 120 Hunter thirsts for blood (19)

Inside the closed area, murderous intent emerges.

"How dare you admit it!"

As soon as Fu Qian's words came out, even Yuan Shan's body trembled and she stared at him in disbelief.

"What's wrong with this?"

The demigod's anger was extraordinary. Although Yuan Shan had not yet taken action, invisible vortices seemed to appear in the air, making people breathless.

In addition, there are three fourth-level guards in the closed area who may rush over at any time.

However, Fu Qian was not afraid of this.

"Isn't it nice to save the time of testing?"

"You brought me down here to confirm this, didn't you?"

"Since you said so..."

Yuan Shan had a cold expression and sharp eyes.

"I hope you can use the precious time you save to explain the reasons carefully, otherwise it will be difficult for you to leave here today."

You don’t need to tell me, I was already aware when I came here.

Fu Qian thought to himself.

When Poker Face said that Yuan Shan wanted to see him just now, he thought of this scene.

But come before paying.

The reason is also very simple. The blood of thorns was not found on Henrik.

If I had just confirmed that there was a mission target on Henrik, I would not have paid any attention to anyone and would have simply harvested and completed the mission.

However, when he could not find the Blood of Thorns and confirmed that there was someone behind the scenes, he had to come this time, otherwise it would become a shield to divert attention.

Next, it’s time for a tongue-in-cheek battle.

"It's actually very simple, because like you, I think the whole incident is not Henrik's personal behavior."

If the preface is not surprising, then I will die.

"What do you mean?"

Yuan Shan was startled at first, then her tone calmed down, but her eyes were still cold.

"Don't tell me that you have been staying at the base just to enjoy the privileges of leadership."

"When I came to Shangjing, I just wanted to live a leisurely life and take care of my old friend's daughter. However, after learning about some things, I had to become suspicious."

"go on."

"I once dealt with a man named Lu Yuan and saw some strange research. Some of the situations I witnessed at the banquet made me a little confused, so I just wanted to confirm what was stolen?"

Before paying, choose to move the Rebirth Club out to block the knife.

"Lu Yuan?"

Yuan Shan narrowed her eyes.

"That's right, an old gentleman without a hair on his head has been obsessed with experiments such as corpses and body splicing."

"Rebirth Club?"

"You know this too?"

"Why don't I know this?"

Yuan Shan snorted.

"Those lunatics are doing whatever they want on the sea and making the place a mess. I know all about these situations."

"But it is said that there was an accident there three months ago. Not only Bai Jinting of the Baita Group was assassinated, but the Rebirth Club also suffered heavy losses. Everything including the laboratory was destroyed. Your old acquaintance should also be in the accident.


"Unfortunately, in view of the special nature of the Ring Islands, Ibrahimovic has tightly blocked the news. We know very little about what happened specifically. We just heard that the assassin has not been caught yet."

In fact, that one is me too.

Fu Qian thought to himself.

"But based on such a baseless guess, you broke into the Nightkeeper's base without authorization and even killed you?"

Yuan Shan stared.

"First of all, my original intention was just to sneak in and have a look. Secondly, I didn't kill anyone."

He waved his hand before paying.

The little girl and the two guards who were knocked down at that time deliberately controlled their strength, and their injuries were by no means fatal.

What Yuan Shan said just now was that he injured three people, which proves this point.

As for the last Tendril Barrage Devastator, he just demolished a house. The Night Devastator is very wealthy, so he shouldn't care that much, right?

"The point is not that, but that I was targeted after that. For example, I suffered a strange assassination last night."

"This morning, I met Henrik directly. Although Wen Li is indeed his prey, is this too much of a coincidence?"


"That's right."

Before paying, I described what happened to the maid and the rabbit.

"That talking rabbit, I believe, is definitely not Henrik's handiwork?"

Yuan Shan fell into deep thought.


"So I am more and more convinced that Henrik's defection is not that simple. There are other people behind it. And because of my abnormal behavior, they noticed me and decided to eliminate me as an uncontrollable factor."

"Although I am not yet sure who they are and what their purpose is, in my opinion, Henrik is just a tool being used."

Yuan Shan stared for a long time and finally nodded, her murderous aura dissipating slightly.

"Have you ever heard of the Native Parliament?"

Native parliament? This is an unfamiliar word.

He shook his head before paying.

"It's normal not to know. Unlike the Rebirth Club, which is on the surface, the Native Council is a deeply hidden and secretive organization."

"Compared to the Rebirth Club, the Native Council has no bottom line in doing things. Many incidents involving pollution and curses are related to them, and they have always been our focus of elimination."

"So you suspect they are leading this?"

As expected, Yuan Shan had already made a guess.

"I didn't believe that Henrik would do such a thing. Unfortunately, there is no evidence. If the information you brought is true, it can be considered as supporting evidence."

"If this is really the case, Henrik will probably be given up soon."

I made a silent inference before paying.

Henrik is almost completely crazy and can't reveal any information. If the purpose of the Native Council is only the Blood of Thorns, then there is a high probability that he will be abandoned at the right time.

"In fact, I think his current behavior is attracting firepower to the people behind the scenes."

"Is this why you haven't left the base? Are you worried about being transferred?"

"Yeah, on the one hand I'm not sure of their purpose, and another reason is that this thing has been unstable."

Yuan Shan pointed to the tightly sealed room and added a few more strips.

"After the things were taken away, the remaining parts of the body underwent strong changes, which not only changed the surroundings into this appearance, but even vaguely affected other sealed bodies."

"I have to deal with this all the time, and now it is basically stable."

"We just need to wait for the headquarters to send someone over to deal with this completely."

"I see."

Nod before paying.

"But you're pretty good."

A smile suddenly appeared on Yuan Shan's face.

"I like men who do things without scruples. Are you interested in joining the Night Guard?"


Give a decisive answer before paying.

"I'm just a bookstore owner."

"You can listen to the benefits first and don't refuse so hastily."

Yuan Shan's eyes flickered, and she was about to say something else, when she suddenly stepped aside with a solemn expression.

After a while she came back and looked at Fu Qian.

"They found Henrik."

Thanks to A Wild Creeper, A Sword to Bury the Snow, book title 13733, _Charlotte_ for the reward, thank you book friends for every support, everyone has a happy weekend!

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