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Chapter 1189 Rotten Blood Phoenix Huang

While Fu Qian showed the white ring, the rich scarlet color around him gradually became clear.

Just like the last time I went to Liliana's location, the clear dream was activated simultaneously, recreating the lake where the flower of flesh and blood bloomed to the maximum extent.

Of course, it is not surprising that this dream is still permeated with the breath of the red moon inside and outside, and is controlled by both of them.

"It's so...delicious..."

The next moment, a familiar sweet voice finally sounded, seeming to be commenting on the viscous blood lake that had already formed.

Even with laughter.

The mood is indeed not very stable!

Fu Qian sighed in his heart, not surprised by this.

In the last attempt to complete the false god ritual, the status of the red moon was intuitively reflected.

Fortunately, although her emotional ups and downs are very exaggerated, she does not feel any hostility toward her. The only thing she needs to pay attention to is not to be affected by some of her uncontrollable reactions.

Of course, at the same time, this person's condition also means that her previous pessimistic prediction is likely to come true, that is, she will be completely unable to help in identifying the correct path forward.

But it doesn't matter, this is enough.

The Red Moon can't help, so there's still the Rainbow of Change!

In his optimism, Fu Qian activated a breath of "eternity" stored in the white ring.

That familiar, timeless feeling suddenly appeared.

And almost instantly, a line of blood snaked up from under his feet and circled in front of him.

In the blink of an eye, a door that seemed to be outlined by dark red thorns appeared in front of you.

Compared with the last time, the shape of this door is undoubtedly more curious, and you can even see the whole thing moving slightly like a living thing.

"Thanks for your hard work."

But he didn't mind before paying. After thanking him, he reached out and pushed the door open.

However, the strange thing is that this strange-shaped door that does not look very heavy actually does not move at all.


The next moment, the sweet call came again, tender and full of pity.

Feeling something in his heart, he stopped moving forward and pulled up his left sleeve.

However, he saw that dense red threads were climbing on the wound caused by the dimensional poison, and it was sutured up in the blink of an eye.

I realized I was injured, could you please help me deal with it before setting off?

It's the second time I've mentioned it.

Fu Qian silently watched the changes until the wound was completely sutured.

Apoptosis, which even the gods were said to be difficult to cure, was actually suppressed, and the flesh and blood no longer disintegrated into scattered pieces.

At the same time, with a light touch of the hand, the door of thorns, which had been motionless just now, slowly opened on its own.

Looking through the door, I saw the same sticky scarlet color.

Except for the more intense "eternity".

So accurate!

He didn't say much before paying and took a step forward.

[San value minus 10]

The moment he passed through the Gate of Thorns, the transformation of the pseudo-god also started simultaneously.

The road ahead is dangerous. As a professional, how could he make the mistake of underestimating the enemy?

But there is no need to be pessimistic. Compared to last time, I have a lot more time.

This is also the meaning of this arrangement.

As luck would have it, there was really no tide this time.

Stepping in the thick putrid plasma, I confirmed once again that the weather was fine this time before paying.

There was a faint feeling behind the door just now. Standing here now, only the rotten smell that can make bones rot is soothing me warmly.

There is no doubt that this is good news for those who have already completed their positioning.

It's time to get to work.

Before paying, he took one last look back and saw that the gate of thorns still stood quietly above the pool of blood.

Hongyue, like last time, reserved a way back for herself.

The next moment he did not hesitate, his body quickly went downwards and submerged into the boundless lake of blood.

The gentle infiltration that only my calves enjoyed last time now instantly enveloped my whole body.

The clothes quickly turned into mud, and the flesh, bones, and skin were like candles in a frying pan, softening and decaying at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This is an erosion comparable to the divine blood curse. Even if the whole body is transformed into a mythical form immediately, or even dense bone armor is adjusted, it is still not immune.

At this moment, life activities such as breathing have been suppressed, and even the eyes have been closed, and the eyelids have become transparent.

Of course, in a place like this, the role of vision is obviously limited.

Coupled with the strongly suppressed perception, I can barely "see" within a certain range.

However, this seemed to be enough. Almost instantly, Fu Qian noticed something floating in the blood.

It was a long golden and red feather that was half an arm long.

Even in such a place, it is still difficult to conceal the splendor, as if it was plucked from the tail of the legendary phoenix.

While admiring it, I didn't touch or collect it. The reason is very simple - there is more than one feather of this kind.

Further ahead, at the deeper lake bottom, pieces of similar long feathers are quietly suspended there, like leaping flames.

It looks much livelier than above.

Without hesitation, Fu Qian's body moved forward quickly, nimbly passing by the feathers and heading straight to the core of "eternity".

Of course he was not entirely without influence.

The long white worms that had been entertained by him before showed an astonishing density here. After being disturbed by his movements, they were instantly attracted and came one after another.

Under this support, Fu Qian quickly made a new discovery.

Is this... really a phoenix?

Surrounded by the increasingly dense colorful feathers, a corrupted body the size of an adult actually appeared.

With its sharp claws and sharp beak, long neck, and except for the overly small shape of its wings, it looks like a bird no matter how you look at it.

Combined with the golden and red feathers scattered around, it is easy to think of the legendary divine object.

Of course, at this moment, Phoenix's condition is obviously not good.

It seems that because it has been soaked here for too long, there is not much flesh and blood left on the surface of the body, and white bones can be seen everywhere.

The latter is very tough, with not many traces of decay visible.

Some of the tiny insects that were originally chasing Fu Qian were instantly attracted to the skeleton and scurried in and out of the skeleton.

The latter still showed no reaction, like a completely dead thing.

It seems like I know where those feathers come from.

He stopped and put his hand on his face to help the corroded eyelids readjust, and sighed in his heart.

At this time, there were also insects feasting on him.

I didn't disturb them before I paid. As mentioned last time, some of these bugs were obviously in abnormal conditions and were probably part of some kind of surveillance method.

If he really kills him, he might be able to recruit someone soon.

So it's not because of this that I stopped.

At this moment, Fu Qian's eyes were filled with continuous shadows, which at first glance looked like a giant monster at the bottom of the lake.

However, if you look closely, you will find that they are layer upon layer of corrupt bodies that are not too closely connected. There are dozens or hundreds of them.

Of course, a phoenix doesn't have that many feathers, but this number seems to be about the same. ()

This chapter has been completed!
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