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Chapter 1200 The Stick Insect of the Night Holy City (6)

This is impossible! How did he do it?

Yuan Shan is still aware of the teacher's abilities. She had definitely struck with all her might just now without any hesitation.

Even if you are a demigod, theoretically speaking, even if your body does not collapse, it will take a considerable amount of time to get rid of the distortion.

However, this guy actually recovered in the blink of an eye.

Even judging from this situation, I am afraid that the weird voice at the beginning was just an act.

Still so bad...

Just now, she felt that the other party had been tricked by her and she had to do something. Now looking at the face that had almost no abnormality, Yuan Shan suddenly felt a little itchy.

"I can understand now why the second level, who is not even a match for Logan, would be scared away by you."

At this moment, Henry's sigh also came.

While thinking about the meaning of this sentence, Yuan Shan suddenly noticed a light sensation on her body.

The teacher has lifted the restriction!

Reacting instantly, Yuan Shan was surprised and the black strips covering her body spread out.

However, with her suddenly clear vision, she found that Fu Qian's face was not that happy.

What's the situation? It's possible that this guy hasn't had enough of it yet, right?

"I thought Logan was a bit unlucky before, but now it seems that he deserves to be like that!"

Before Yuan Shan could figure it out, the teacher's comments continued to come in, and she couldn't help but look sideways at the meanness in them.

"He actually can't even recognize the second-order man standing in front of him. If he continues this behavior in the future, it won't be as simple as making him look ugly."

...Second level?

After hearing what the teacher said clearly, Yuan Shan's neck felt like rust.

"the same as you!"

But just in time, Henry met her gaze and commented angrily.

"That means Mr. Fang doesn't have any ill intentions, otherwise I don't think your end will be any better than that guy Logan."

In serious situations, Yuan Shan still seems to respect her teachers.

Facing the teacher's sharp comment at this time, her cheeks were slightly red and she did not dare to refute. Instead, she turned to Fu Qian with an incredible tone.

"You are the second level?"

"Looks like it."

The latter actually sighed when he said this, and there was no joy in hearing it.

"Are you really sure I don't mean any harm?"

Not only that, the next moment Fu Qian even looked at Henry, reminding him to screen carefully, as if he was afraid that others would not kill him.

"To be honest, I'm not sure myself."

"Haha... So how did you get in touch with the Iris of Change?"

Mr. Henry ignored his nonsense and returned directly to the original topic.

"All right."

Before paying, it looked like I had finally given up.

"This is it."

The next moment he handed over the lantern in his hand.

"Tap it three times in a row, and an image of a superior person will be randomly projected."

"Then you actually used it? And happened to encounter the Rainbow of Change?"

Henry was obviously a little shocked by Fu Qian's unrestrained attitude.

"Why, do you think it's too coincidental?"

He blinked before paying and asked a question.

Henry was silent for a moment, especially when his eyes fell on the abnormal ray of color in the lantern.

Does it look familiar?

This scene naturally cannot escape Fu Qian's eyes.

He was not worried that the other party would question his statement too much. The whirlpool in Henry's last hand obviously had something in common with the abnormal color in the lantern.

This was enough to make him think that there was some special connection between this lantern and the Rainbow of Change.

In fact, it was just this that made me excited for a second.

Although he looks weird, there is a trace of the power of the Rainbow of Change on this person.

The most ideal thing is that "He" finally wants to project over and crush himself into powder.

Unfortunately, as we continue to read, it seems that this is just Henry's compensation for being a polluted person.

Even though he was not low-key and even stimulated repeatedly, nothing more exaggerated still appeared.

For the former, this is not good news.

The information that the old man can provide has already been understood in the last exchange. Fu Qian does not think that he can find out much more this time.

Currently, Henry's only value is his relationship with the Rainbow.

After objectively confirming the change in one's own rank through eternally clear thinking, the next most ideal situation is for the Rainbow of Change to appear and stop it, helping to prove that the right choice was made.

It's a pity that the latter didn't show up for a long time.

Fu Qian did not think that this was Yao Changhong playing hard to get, using this method to guide him to make wrong choices.

In previous interactions with Patch, Fu Qian thought that the feeling of the god mentioned about the mission was the most likely - for these superiors, they may be aware of the mission, but they cannot distinguish the number of times.

To put it simply, no matter how many times they repeat it, it is only the current one that is reflected in their cognition.

Just like Patch can only be harvested through san value to confirm how many times the scavengers have failed.

Therefore, once it is observed that it has acquired the correct trait, the Rainbow of Changes will never use a misleading suggestion strategy.

That is the true "treat every move as the last move" and will never allow any high-risk, low-return behavior.

When there is a huge gap in ranks, the success rate of violent prevention is obviously much greater.

And Fu Qian was very sure that He could do this in the mission.

So this is also a conspiracy.

Confront the plight of an ancient god in exchange for the guidance of the Iris of Change.

So theoretically speaking, as long as the blazing rainbow doesn't show up and destroy it, it means that what you have is a fake trait.

Even if it seems to be truly second-order and stable.

From the moment I eat it, I have been paying attention to my own changes before paying.

And so far, he has confirmed the most essential point - he seems to have become immortal.

Yes, that's the immortal one.

Just now, as all the old injuries were healed, Fu Qian realized that his body seemed to be entering an unshakable stable state.

The specific manifestation is that no matter what shape it becomes, it will automatically return to the moment when it merges with its characteristics.

Even if you create a sixth toe on your own, it will quickly degenerate as long as you don't work hard to maintain it.

Concepts like growth and aging disappeared from me.

It's like the "eternity" that spans time.

It was precisely because of this realization that Fu Qian chose to physically resist Mr. Henry's Bao Si aura and the subsequent whirlpool.

Facts have proved that even in the face of those god-level methods, the body is still firmly eliminating distortions.

Later, coupled with the return order, the influence exerted on the body dissipated in minutes.

"The world is originally composed of all kinds of coincidences."

At this moment Henry finally spoke and even handed the lantern back.

"I accept your statement, and I can also share the secret of the Iris of Change, provided you do one thing for me."


"Find a mouse."


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