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Chapter 1333 Night Interview with a Vampire (6)

Blood blossoms bloom, and war cries roar.

On this early morning night, with the belated arrival of the special guest and his self-introduction, Miss Jane Winslow's consultation summary work finally started in full swing.

As the second expert, vampire Jacques was first invited to speak.

But it was obvious that he was still a little uncomfortable skipping the leader's speech.

While pondering, Jacques subconsciously looked around. Unfortunately, except for the pool of blood at the feet of the special guests, no one was willing to take on this important task.

Even several respected clan elders would subconsciously avoid looking at him.

"I don't have a clue yet, but using the elimination method, I guess it has something to do with the things in the fog outside the city."

Faced with the reaction from this circle, Jacques felt somewhat confident for a moment and gave a short and weak answer.

But at least I came up with an idea.

The suspicion is related to the abandonment, which is a relatively normal and natural logic.

Fu Qian did not criticize him too harshly, but gestured to other participating experts.

“Share the case in detail and listen to everyone’s opinions.”

It can be seen that, like many conferences, the experts are not looking forward to the topic itself, and prefer to take the opportunity to deal with some interpersonal relationships.

So seeing the person in the host and guest position advancing the issue gently and efficiently, the atmosphere inevitably fell into some unspeakable embarrassment.

On everyone's face, there is a kind of beauty that has been raped by the magic of the world.

But in the end no one rose up to resist.

During the long silence, most people subconsciously cut off eye contact with other participants, and finally the first character to lift the red temperature and compromise with reality appeared.

"tell me the story."

Ms. Barrie, who was still showing off her manicure, was obviously very sensitive to this change. She laughed in an unladylike manner and actually signaled to Jacques.

It can be seen that she is obviously quite prestigious in the clan, and more than one person immediately breathed a sigh of relief and continued to disengage from the fighting posture.

For a time, the brightness in the rotunda lost a lot of color.

The efficiency is good.

Faced with this change, Fu Qian nodded with satisfaction.

As a special guest who showed sincerity in communication and was very interested in the theme of the conference, he was very pleased that the conference could get on track with such high efficiency.

After his previous operations, it was too easy to imagine the attitude of the vampires with a sense of superiority towards him.

How to quickly eliminate prejudice during this trip is very important for you who don’t want to waste time.

Especially after arriving at the scene, I discovered that this race even had a rude talker, which greatly increased the difficulty.

But as we all know, everything has two sides.

A group with a leader will indeed become more united and determined, but the price is that once the leader is lost, it will easily become completely paralyzed.

Therefore, after Shafar's impolite behavior, Fu Qian decisively chose to use all his firepower and use his head as a weapon.

Now it seems that this elder's sacrifice was worth it.

"The reason is very simple. I sucked the blood of the daughter of the ordinary family mentioned earlier and gave me a small blessing in exchange."

At this moment, with the encouragement of Ms. Barrie, Jacques finally spoke again and spoke frankly about the case.

"But for reasons I can't understand, that blessing was actually distorted."

"Originally, it was to magnify the beauty of her body, but as a result, her eyes were getting bigger without limit."

"After discovering this, I really couldn't understand it, so I searched for the reason all the way. The only suspicious thing so far is that she once got lost in the fog outside the city."

"As for Mr. Herbert, he is the doctor invited by that family to treat him."

Blessings twisted?

With the previous impact foreshadowing, Ms. Barrie didn't look particularly surprised, but she still frowned upon hearing it.

"Then in order to maintain your principles, you directly shared the vampire's gift with her to help her get rid of the influence?"

"That's a bit too generous. What other attempts have you made before?"

It can be heard that she still understands Jacques's acting style.

"The situation was already very serious at the time. I figured that the annoying group of sect hunters would soon be attracted, so even though I couldn't understand the reason, I decided to let her body recover from the blessing first."

Jacques didn't hide his first attempt at therapy.

"But even this attempt was distorted...the target's entire existence entered a special state of restoration, for example, even the voice quickly turned into a child."

"Then you couldn't bear the repeated failures and directly shared the glory of the vampire clan with her."

Barry seemed to have straightened out her logic and nodded slightly.

"It's just stupid!"

But obviously not everyone thinks so. Ms. No. 2, who finally put away her life-threatening gun, did not restrain her desire to express herself.

"Just to solve such a trivial matter? Just for your ridiculous principles?"

"not solved."

Jacques' momentum had already risen. Not only did he not back down, he even corrected the other party's misunderstanding.

"The gift has also been distorted, and the target's state is almost contaminated and out of control."

Although the vampires were almost tired of aesthetics under the repeated attacks, they could still see their sanity crumbling with the last sentence.

Even the gifts of the vampires have been distorted?

"Understood, and then the twisted gift was shattered."

Even Ms. No. 2 was silent for a while, but Barrie immediately looked at Fu Qian with a strange expression.

"I want to know what the invited doctor did before that."

"The inspection and the results are in good condition, and any abnormality will disappear even at dawn..."

It can be seen that even now, Jacques still feels deeply magical about this.

"Then when I was trying to bring the person back and find someone to help identify the cause, he found me."

"...in an inaccessible state?"

It can be seen that Ms. Barrie was obviously shocked, but then she felt relieved.

"It's not too surprising, he can even crush gifts."

"So, Mr. Herbert, do you know why you came to that diagnosis? Is it because you are confident that you will cure her before dawn?"

Looking at Fu Qian meaningfully, the next moment she asked a question that didn't seem to be of much importance.

"To be precise, it's because I already know the result."

Think briefly before paying and word your words carefully.

The mission target is there. If Jacques can solve it by himself, theoretically he doesn't need to take action.

"You mean...divination?"

Barry frowned and tried to understand.

"How could it be such an imprecise thing?"

He shook his head before paying and his expression was astonishing for a second.

"The final destination of dreams is always waking up."


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