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Chapter 135 Disorder (5)

 Chapter 135 Disorder (5)

Brother, who are you?

Fu Qian looked at the excited man in front of him.

Wearing a white tie, shirt, trousers and brown robe, if he holds a book in his hand, he looks like a proper priest.

It can be seen from the reactions of the people around him that this priest is quite prestigious here.

Following the words he blurted out just now, Fu Qian felt everyone's eyes looking at him become intense.

"Is it really Dragon Feast? A sequence that has disappeared for decades?"

The lady in the trench coat looked at the priest with a frighteningly solemn expression.

"Believe me, Countess, there is nothing wrong. Blue round thin scales, starting from the limbs and torso..."

The priest's voice was shaking.

"After all these years, a sequence finally returns!"


The lady in trench coat, who was called the Countess, took a deep breath.

"I think it's best to confirm it and not be overjoyed when the time comes."


The priest nodded heavily, looked at Fu Qian with an enthusiastic face, and greeted him in a tone that did not allow for questioning.

"plz follow me."

Dragon Feast? Sequence? Return?

Under the escort of the baroness, Fu Qian followed the priest and inexplicably thought of the famous saying that the three-year period had come.

However, although there were only a few words just now, I could barely piece together some content.

The sequence should refer to different types of power, and the one I awakened is one of them, and its name is Dragon Feast.

According to this priest, the Dragon Feast sequence has not appeared for decades, so it is considered a rarity.

Their own awakening can be regarded as the return of this lost sequence, and they are extremely excited about it.

The priest should have some way to verify the authenticity, and he is leading him there now.

There should be no danger for the time being, so make a silent judgment before paying.

Of course, there is another point: I can be said to be jailbroken now.

Although no one has cared about this from just now, it is hard to say what the reaction would be if he was discovered.

Before paying, I decided to wait and see what happens.

With the attention of the people along the way, the group followed the priest and soon came to a church-like building.

After walking through the long hallway to the interior, I found the colorful shapes in the sky one by one on the colored windows around the hall.

It is indeed a related belief.

"The others are waiting here, and the Baroness and I will go up."

The priest took the people to the escalator on one side of the hall and signaled the rest of the team to wait here.

The others stopped decisively, but the Baroness remained silent and motioned with her eyes to walk ahead.

A few minutes later, the three of them arrived on the upper floor of another tower and finally stopped in front of a brown door.

The priest first bowed and worshiped, and then pushed the door open to both sides.

Behind the door is a wide hall, with seven stone statues standing from near to far, forming a ring in different shapes.

Apart from that, there is nothing else.

"This is the Hall of Glory."

The priest looked at each statue with an indescribable piety and enthusiasm in his eyes.

"follow me."

At his signal, Fu Qian came to one of the stone statues.

The appearance of the stone statues is quite different from the auroras in the sky, and the outlines of human beings can basically be seen.

However, some special changes can be seen locally.

The body of the one in front of Fu Qian was covered with fine scales, and its appearance was very similar to the one on his own arm.

Of course, in comparison, my current condition is still very mild, and except for the scales, everything else is normal.

The stone statue looks much more ferocious. Not only does it look like a lizard, it even has flying wings growing out of its back.

Following the priest's instructions, he pressed his hand on the stone statue before paying.

In the nervous eyes of the two people, golden textures slowly appeared on the stone statue, which looked brilliant.

Almost instantly, Fu Qian heard two heavy breathing sounds.

"It's the real Dragon Feast!"

"Although the rank is not high, it is real!"

The priest looked at the countess, his face full of ecstasy.

The latter was finally moved.

"Seven Lights Blessing, this is everyone's hope!"

"Yes, I will announce the news right away!"

I have no problem with announcing good news, but do you really not care how I got out?

Fu Qian looked at the two excited people.

"Sorry, can you explain?"


The priest looked at him doubtfully and then suddenly realized.

"Did the previous colorless state have an impact on memory? How much do you still remember?"

"Not much."

The priest immediately gave the reasons, and before paying, he just followed the trend and gave a very candid answer.

"You should know about Long Feast, right?"

The priest pointed at him.

He shook his head before paying.


The priest looked Fu Qian up and down and sighed.

"It is understandable that awakening under the curse of discoloration must have paid a huge price."

"But it doesn't matter. You have become one of the sequences. You don't have to worry about it anymore."

"That's not bad."

"Let's talk as we walk. Let me briefly introduce the situation to you first."

The priest took Fu Qiang and walked out.

"In this glorious hall are the statues of the seven sequence kings, which are also the final expression of the power of the seven sequences."

"The seven sequences correspond to the eternal seven lights, which are also the basis of the existence of this world."

"It is a pity that the inheritance began to wither away many years ago, and some of the sequences no longer have awakened ones, including Long Feast."

"Up to now, we have only three sequences of awakened ones left."

The countess interjected from the side.

I see.

"This is why your awakening is so exciting. The return of the ancient sequence represents the greatest hope."

"People outside have been living in fear for too long."


"But what about losing color?"

"You don't even remember this?"

Now even the priest was shocked.

"I only remember that it was very painful for a period of time, and all the sensory memories in my body were disappearing little by little, but I have no other memory at all."

"Yes, that's the curse of eclipse."

The countess's voice was low.

"Everyone who has not yet entered the sequence will be under the threat of the curse of eclipse. Once infected, life will gradually dim and eventually dissipate completely."

"In fact, there hasn't been even one awakened person in the past year.

At the same time, the number of people who have lost their color continues to increase, and while we are investigating the cause, we have to put the people who have lost their color in jail."

"You are the only person known so far who can survive the curse."

"In short, your outstanding performance gives everyone hope."

The priest's face was filled with tears, and he could hardly contain his emotions.

Possessing a unique talent, he saves the world in despair.

What a feeling of seeing the chosen one!

Fu Qian sighed after understanding the general situation.

I never thought that one day we would become Long Aotian.

[The current mission is completed and the goal has been updated]

[Investigating the reasons for the increase in people losing color]

Fu Qian was sighing when a voice sounded in his ears, the long-awaited mission was finally updated.

This chapter has been completed!
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