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Chapter 1372 The Fallen Empire (Twenty-nine)

Ms. Xia, I am honest or not.

Although the lesion was found, Fu Qian, as a good doctor in Laerting, did not step forward to check.

Because obviously, I also have serious digestive problems.

Or strictly speaking it should be called an absorption problem.

The copper ring fish that was eaten melted quickly under the effect of insight.

However, what followed was not a new harvest, but the negative effect that was just obtained was suddenly strengthened.

It feels like front-wheel drive becomes four-wheel drive.

Before paying, my self immediately felt better, and I felt like I was one with the stomach that enveloped me.

There was a strange stirring in the pulling, and there was a faint image of death.

And the body's degree of disobedience is steadily increasing - even if the pseudo-god is turned on.

That's right, before using the thousands of tentacles just now, the buffer period for the pseudo-god's transformation has expired, so I spent another 10 points of sanity without hesitation before paying.

It is worthy of the name of level 1 mission!

While pulling himself up in a real sense, he silently watched the strange things in the corner without rushing to do anything drastic.

Of course, he had no interest in killing Frankie and the other four.

Otherwise, how could they leave so intact.

In fact, Fu Qian didn't even have the interest to police these lost people and make them realize the truth.

The purpose of launching the attack just now was very simple. Under extreme pressure, the Fallen Star clan had already contributed all their value.

As a bloodthirsty capitalist, how can you have a second to spare?

What you should do, of course, is to quickly abandon the residue and move on to the next cow or horse, or the next possible cow or horse.

Like the nightmare agent.

If you can't find it, the remaining value of this mission trip will no longer be worth continuing.

The problem is that from the beginning to now, the character who obviously has great control over nightmares has no idea of ​​showing up and is even more shy than expected.

As for me, I don't have the time to hide and seek with him.

So I directly chose to create conditions and let him come to me.

In fact, at this moment, the squirming polyp has really expanded to the size of a person.

And at the next moment, he even used parts similar to his hands and feet to perform excision surgery on himself and pull his body out.

No facial features, no hair.

With an elegant limb landing, the lump formed purely by the turbulent flow has truly stretched into a human body.

Even the surface is glowing with the legendary colorful black.

The moment he stood up straight, this mannequin-like creation actually assumed the exact same posture as Fu Qian.

The only difference is that his left arm is still intact.

I didn't change my posture before paying, just to see if the other party would follow suit.

Because at that moment, he completely lost control of his body.

Of course, as compensation, he gained a self in two bodies.

Yes, that's a wonderful feeling.

Just as the surrounding "stomach" is a part of the self, the feeling coming from the opposite body is ten times more intense, and it is even more difficult to peel it off.

Immediately before paying, I had a strong feeling of self-examination - together with another will.

That's right, at this moment, every part of the body is filled with the chaotic alternation of the self-dispersion after swallowing the fragments, and the sense of erosion after contact with the copper ring fish.

And that's why I can't move now.

As long as you are not careful, you will completely lose that part of yourself.

It's not just about the physical level.

This is real pollution.

"You are special, but the outcome has already been determined."

And the next moment, the sound coming from the source of pollution actually came from under the blurry face on the opposite side.

A very special sound, a bit like a low-quality broken speaker. Each word is made up of deformed and mutually exclusive notes. It almost has the effect of crossing the dimensional barrier and directly impacting the spirit.

Not to mention that this voice really has a spiritual version.

When I heard it in my ears, there was also a recognition in my mind, that is, I said these words.

With this kind of two-dimensional mental impact, someone with a weaker will might have gone crazy on the spot and would be unable to maintain the last bit of balance.

"It's actually a skull."

However, under the influence of this magical sound, Fu Qian carefully moved his vocal cords, and his response was obviously beyond the thinking of normal people.

Fortunately, the other person is not a normal person.

The specific manifestation is that although he didn't say anything, a black hand naturally touched the back of his head.

At that position, the round, hairless head was actually missing a piece of shell.

The edges are even rough, as if a piece has been torn off by force.

And through this lack, the parts inside are even more surprising.

If it were all tumbling turbulence, I wouldn't think it was anything special.

After all, more than 99% of the time, this is the agent related to the original power of the nightmare. It is not surprising that it has the same material as the original pool.

But at this moment, at a glance, it was far more chaotic than imagined.

In addition to the black turbulence, various strange and incompatible creations are rolling in it.

It suddenly reminds me of a trash can soaked in water.

This extremely weird scene almost makes people want to touch their own heads.

I really touched it before paying.

Because the moment the opponent made the action just now, his body was almost copied simultaneously.

"I gave them to them a long time ago, but I didn't expect you to eat them."

And after a few seconds of caressing, the weird voice finally sounded again, acknowledging the problem Fu Qian pointed out.

"It's a very special way of coping, but it doesn't make you immune to the effects."

It's really nice, more talkative than expected.

Regarding this response, Qian Qian immediately expressed that he was very satisfied.

Of course, he wouldn't think that the other party is the kind of villain who talks a lot.

These words are obviously meaningful, for example, they can help break down one's own resistance from both physical and mental aspects.

One of the evidences is that when the other party was talking, he spent a lot of effort to resist the urge to follow along.


Even so, Fu Qian still cherishes this opportunity for dialogue.

"You can say that I am the messenger and guardian of the great beings."

As expected, the other party didn't mind answering the questions at all.

The great beings seem to know why this trash bin feels like this.

"Although there is one who dominates the scene, in this nightmare, there is not only the will of one superior person, but a mixture of many forces?"



The other party admitted openly, and Fu Qian felt that more doubts had been answered.

"The holy object in the pool is the embodiment of other chaotic forces? Did you take it out and put it there?"


"Where is the missing knife..."

Halfway through asking before paying, I already saw the answer.

The person opposite slowly pulled out a short knife from his body.

Aimed at myself.()

This chapter has been completed!
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