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Chapter 1385 Resurrection in five days (thanks to the scar on the eyebrow)

The leader of the sand reward)

The Lamb is finally enlightened, and the shepherd retreats into hiding?

Facing the witch's explanation, Fu Qian nodded for a moment, feeling quite relieved that his great cause was finally accomplished, but...

"Is this too deserted? It doesn't seem like you are too interested in being worshiped by others."

Seeing her knight thinking deeply, the witch kept walking with a curious look on her face.

"At least my personal experience is that it is very boring, so I am going to let them imagine this time."

The witch was undoubtedly referring to her experience in the world in the original painting, although in the eyes of her only Templar, she was clearly lying comfortably at that time.

"Of course, if you are interested, I can send apostles to walk around the world at any time."

It's nice to have a leader who can change the rules at will.


However, facing the witch's thoughtful suggestions, Fu Qian shook his head slightly in admiration.


"It seems like it was in vain again. That location is very expensive."

As the witch watched, Fu Qian let out a long sigh.

"...That's true."

And as expected, she was worthy of the name of the pope. Faced with the jumping answer, the witch actually caught up with her train of thought.

"Your landlord, Mrs. Harper, did get a lot of benefit this time."

"It's one thing if you can't refund the rent. She probably doesn't need to rent out the back of her house."


Fu Qian obviously did not have the Pope's vision to oversee the overall situation, and expressed his confusion about the former landlord's sudden financial freedom.

"With the stars in chaos and the end approaching, a group of believers in evil forces jumped out and admitted their evil deeds not long ago."

The witch smiled slightly, and her tone was almost like a storyteller.

"Inspired by the great being, they murdered and cannibalized an art museum staff member not long ago... and when they used it as a sacrifice, the law collapsed, the end will eventually come, and the great being will rule everything."

Art gallery staff…

So poor Brother Anke is not lost in the nightmare, but has already passed away?

Fu Qian sighed after hearing the witch's sharing, and thought of a bunch of photos in the pocket of police officer Rafael.

It is difficult to say that similar situations are just isolated cases.

Sure enough, having too many nightmares can easily damage your brain, and all kinds of monsters and ghosts will appear.

"The end didn't come, right?"

Before I paid, I could already imagine the miserable situation of those dear friends.

“I still managed to scare a bunch of people at first.”

Walking in this painting-within-a-painting world, the witch's footsteps become more and more leisurely, and she talks eloquently.

"No matter how dull a person is, it is impossible not to notice the strange things in the sky and the suddenly unfamiliar starry sky."

"Not to mention that the Star Spokesperson Celestial Sphere Order was also directly paralyzed."

Totally understandable.

The thing that I had believed in for a lifetime, and I didn’t hesitate to bare my butt to realize the truth, suddenly disappeared. The degree of psychological collapse was at least like that of a child who suddenly learned that Ultraman does not have levels.

It would be considered mild if it didn't split into a doomsday sect.

"In short, a lot of people were attracted to join in the chaos, and Laerting was almost paralyzed in a very short time, but——"

The symptoms of Mr. Witch Storyteller’s possession are still getting worse.

"The turning point of things often comes unexpectedly. Within the Celestial Sphere Religion, which was originally on the verge of disintegration, someone suddenly realized the reality of the world and claimed that the previous law was just a false law and was expelled."

"The truly supreme original power only comes from the dark moon appearing in the sky."

"Not many people believed her at first, until she showed her dark and cold power - the law that transcends the stars and embodies the essence of the world."

"This undoubtedly brings hope in the end of the world. Many frustrated people have joined her and are willing to serve her as an envoy of God."

"However, she rejected this title, saying that she was only inspired by the pastor and shared this wisdom selflessly, including some members of the religious order who were somewhat resistant."

After finishing a long paragraph in one breath, the witch looked at Fu Qian with a smile.

"And the pastor she was talking about was none other than Anke, the art museum staff member who was claimed to have been killed not long ago."

"It is said that he was resurrected on the fifth day after being murdered by cultists, and became the seventh apostle blessed by the dark moon and the most beloved son of God."

…Are you sure you didn’t add this last sentence yourself?

Naturally, we can guess that the pioneer mentioned by the witch is none other than Amira, who has been enlightened by herself many times, and all the developments sound logical.

Only this last sentence caused a reversal of impact before dealing with it.

"In short, the place where the seventh apostle once lived has been regarded as a sanctuary by many people. Even Mrs. Harper, who had a lot of contact with him after his rebirth, is also highly respected."

The witch seemed to appreciate Fu Qian's reaction.

"As for the villain who murdered him, on the third day after the stars fell, and the world was protected by the dark moon and no trace of the apocalyptic collapse could be seen, the awakened people were tied to the believers of the dark moon."

"What a happy ending."

He didn't pay too much attention to what the Son of God said. He listened silently to the witch's story before paying, and nodded his head to comment.

"Even compared to the previous method, this method is more reasonable and should put less pressure on your condition."

What I mentioned before, of course, refers to the outside world in the painting.

In that old version of Sanctuary, regardless of whether they believed in the Seven Lights or the Dark Moon, the power of the extraordinary people was essentially divided from the source.

Although most people are not of high rank and will not cause too much pressure, the current state of the witch is equally severe.

You must know that compared with that small town, the number of creatures in Laerting is far from the same order of magnitude.

It is undoubtedly quite suitable to follow the example of the stars at this moment, in the second-generation painted world based on the witch's blood and completely controlled by her, to formulate the laws of the dark moon and distribute this power according to different levels of authority.

"Besides, it seems that I don't need to add the names of the five apostles."

Although Amira dare not live up to the name of God's envoy, as a rising faith, with the first apostle Herbert and the seventh apostle Anke Zhuyu in front, I am afraid that the content of the gospel will soon be

Be completed.

“It’s definitely easier and simpler.”

The witch seemed to agree with both of Fu Qian's judgments.

"Even just now, I received a prayer from a special race."

"It stands to reason that they should be the most stubborn group, but it seems that someone has already deeply enlightened them."

"You're welcome."

The special race undoubtedly refers to vampires, Fu Qian was polite while thinking back to the heated summary meeting.

I don’t know if it’s Brother Jacques or Ms. Barrie who is such an enlightened person.

"So you want to go check it out? The place where you paid your rent."

At this time the witch made a suggestion.

"Need not."

Before paying, he shook his head slightly and left in a cool and unrestrained manner.

"Art gallery? Church?"

"No need."

He had no obsession with revisiting his old place. He looked at Laertin in the night, swaying forward, pulling out his legs little by little and stepping on the ground.

"Just walk around, this place is pretty good."

Thank you again for every support. The leader of the alliance will add two updates as usual. The revolver will make up for it as quickly as possible. Currently -44

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