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Chapter 1410 Disaster Invasion (23)

He is worthy of being the one with the home court advantage. Once he decides not to be secretive, his operations are in place.

Weier had just been pulled in, and she was already being infected by the moisturizing substance silently.

Although my eyesight is poor, I can still see clearly at such a close distance.

The drunken blush on Weier's face was made up of tiny red dots with exactly the same shape, even flying around each other like worms - or maybe they were worms.

Insects that reside in flesh and blood in a special way.

Although Fu Qian didn't think this was a deep-seated pollution that could penetrate the barrier between dreams and reality, it was not even comparable to the boiling blood he had seen before.

But such changes are enough to reflect Alakir's determination to utilize the waste from the dream in front of him.

Whether there are dates or not, there are three consequences, not to mention that this is just the beginning.

Fortunately, as the bane of all changes, the Return Order that he took from the Nightmare Corridor was finally discovered to be effective.

The Return Edict is indeed ineffective in dispelling contamination from oneself, and it even has no effect in dispelling contamination from others.

What it seems to dispel is the connection between the special guests and their dreams.

To put it simply, if Alakir has no scruples, he can bring in the real bodies of other characters in the dream at will.

The Return Edict seems to be able to reverse this process and send back those who are synchronizing.

A clear example is that the blush on Weier's face did not fade because of the continuous activation of the Return Order, but instead the movements became intense.

Like a swarm of frightened bees, they swam quickly along the body surface.

"What's wrong?"

As for Weier's confused expression, the illusive eyes on her head were gradually fading.

Fu Qian did not respond to this overly broad question, because at the next moment, the eyes that had not had time to dissipate were shattered, along with everything around them.

His own troublesome behavior seemed to have eliminated the sole value of this dream to Alakir.

Before Weir was completely sent back, he chose to flip the table directly and end the dream.

Great harvest!

Weir's face disappeared, and a long corridor with five doors reappeared in front of her.

Fu Qian’s attempt at pure mental pollution ended with a hopeless ending.

However, as someone who attempted to escape from prison, he still expressed satisfaction with the trip.

Don't be so narrow-minded in your thinking, test out the depth of the superiors, and show the bottom line of the tool people. Isn't this considered a gain?

On the one hand, because of his firm mental line operation, Alakir was forced to reveal a higher level of sobriety than before, which was helpful for the measured judgment of subsequent actions.

On the other hand, the table-turning behavior of the Return Order clearly conveys the tool man's ability to do bad things, which helps Alakir to make a measured judgment on his subsequent actions.

We servants also have tempers.

No matter how you look at this jailbreak operation, it has achieved a milestone.

He even obtained an experimental material for Tianqi, leaving a possible final ripple.

As for this road break, what should we do next?

"How's it going? Are there any gains from the new channel?"

Within a few seconds of appearing in the corridor, the lobbyist's voice could not wait to be heard, and it seemed that he had been waiting for a long time.

Although there was no concealment in his tone, the main goal of this expectation was a failure response rather than a new hope.

This is completely human nature. No matter how naive the lobbyist is, he will never believe that he will bring him as a partner after he really finds a new way.

Only when two people are stuck in the mud can they step on each other's feet.

When I didn't come home just now, I thought my guest brother must be very anxious.


As a person with a strong ability to empathize, I immediately cupped my fists and handed over my hands, and apologized gracefully.

"Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life!"

Facts have once again proved that the lobbyist in the Dreamkeeper state can still clearly see the scene in the corridor.

Because the silence this time was record-breakingly long, Fu Qian thought that there was some visual impact from body movements.

"Have you really found other channels?"

Of course, the lobbyist's willpower was once again proven, as shown by his strong determination to speak after a long silence.

"It's very close - the success proves that other channels will not work."

The answer before paying was sonorous and powerful.

"...Are you giving up a little too quickly? It's not your style."

This turn of events obviously ravaged the lobbyist's cerebral cortex for a while, but he was not someone who was being teased casually. He immediately sneered and questioned.

"Haha... there is an old saying in my hometown, the gap is the gap, and if you don't understand, you don't understand."

How could Fu Qian be afraid of this little personal attack, so he stood coolly with his hands behind his back.

"Defining my style at will will only imprison your judgment."

Of course, despite his great momentum, Fu Qian did not share his findings about Arakir's true state.

This is a tacit understanding.

In Li Te's dream, after the tool and the mastermind showed each other the bottom line, they had laid a solid foundation for sincere cooperation, and now it was time to express sincerity.

For example, keeping Alakir's true status a secret in front of another tool man.

With the sensitivity shown by the other party before, Fu Qian believed that he could completely accept the good intentions behind this move and re-evaluate the relationship status, all without saying anything.

Of course, there is another very important point. In terms of talking about the guest's character and skills, knowing less may not be detrimental to him.

"I really don't understand. You clearly ran away before, but you actually came back again."

It's a pity that humans don't thank Luo Ji.

The unqualified lobbyist had a hard time understanding the hard work of the King of Dayun Ming, so he caught the other party's words and couldn't wait to make a sarcastic comment.

"So, are you going to be like me, stay here with all your heart, and use the power of Alakir a little bit?"

This tone of voice is not the same as yours. Why do you have to fight with me?

The lobbyist's attitude of being satisfied with his predecessor immediately aroused his displeasure.

After reviewing the bottom line just now, we are now steadily moving towards the position of senior partner. How can a social beast like you who doesn't even understand the situation compare?

"So people are here?"

But in the end, I kindly didn't break the feeling of good about myself before paying, and just snorted.

"Not yet... Be patient, I believe he will come."


He rudely sneered at the lobbyist's professional ability before paying.

"So you have somewhere else to go? What's the point of staying in the cloister?"

The lobbyist who clearly received this point finally lost his self-esteem and became angry with embarrassment.

"Why not? Do you think everyone is as unknown as you?"

Ask sharply before paying.

"There are many people who care about me, and the number of people who hold grudges is beyond your imagination!"

Before he finished speaking, and without even waiting for the lobbyist to make any further remarks, he simply snapped his fingers and disappeared again.

This chapter has been completed!
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