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Chapter 1417 Disaster Invasion (End)

You can hear the needle drop.

Lord Alakir's shock seemed to be felt in every air molecule in the forest bookstore.

Both sides tried their best and tried their best to reach a compromise, but the tool man actually said this?

The Mingwang of Universiade is really a very human being!

Although the last sentence was given by Fu Qian, as a superior person who seems to have emotions, Fu Qian still thinks it is very reasonable.

So he even cooperated and made a arrogant look on his face.


In contrast, Su Gao, who was obviously surprised, was far less emotional.

The mysterious demigod who uses the power of frost, given Mr. Fu's style, is almost certainly referring to himself.

He was clearly in a difficult situation, but he actually started to talk about the future.


Faced with this overconfident performance, Su Gao quickly smiled and said yes.

Obviously, even though it looks miserable, to her, since Mr. Fu has this confidence, he can definitely do it.

In addition, theoretically speaking, if the other party really causes any trouble later, it would be much more convenient to take over and deal with it yourself and cover it up.

Mr. Fu obviously didn't want to get himself into trouble because of this reminder.

"I've written it down, is there anything else?"

Without any unnecessary politeness, Su Gao continued to ask.

"Yes, enjoy your rest time."

The boy is instructable. When he was satisfied, he simply waved his hand.

This person has a special physique that can resist erosion, but that doesn't mean he can resist erosion all the time.

Arakir's refusal to give up is proof of this.

At that moment, the bookstore became restless again.

Even in the face of such an offense, he is still reluctant to kick people out. Naturally, Lord Alakir does not have any masochistic hobbies.

Enduring humiliation and bearing heavy burdens is always just for the sake of becoming famous.

As a result, this once-in-a-lifetime candidate was actually advised to leave?

It is obvious that Fu Qian’s neurotic behavior of killing hope is completely unacceptable.

Unfortunately, what is more obvious seems to have to be accepted even if it is not accepted.

After receiving Fu Qian's suggestion, Su Gao was stunned for a moment, then nodded without any objection.

Along with this movement, the illusory eyes above her head expanded to the limit with irresistible force.

Then silently, it disappeared together with her body.

Just as he came with ease, he left with the same ease, without taking away a single cloud.

It does not depend on the will of Sir Alakir at all.

In the study room in the forest, only Fu Qian, wearing an iron cage on his head, was sitting reclining.


Compared with just now, the silence at this moment is undoubtedly more depressing.

And this undercurrent of anger was finally broken by Fu Qian's long sigh.

"I'm not sure how long you have been detained here. What I want to say is that times have changed outside."

And what he said next was also very serious.

"Society is developing at a rapid pace, and the people live and work in peace and contentment. From the extraordinary to the daily life, win-win cooperation is emphasized in all fields. The old ideas in the past may need to be changed."

"I have expressed enough sincerity just now. Do you really want to continue to make this kind of choice that stifles subjective initiative?"

Plain language, but with majestic power, even the ancient master Alakir seemed deeply touched.

The specific manifestation is that until he finished speaking, none of the hundreds of books flew up and hit Fu Qian's head.


Instead, there was the sound of heavy metal falling to the ground, and the sweet dream hood that might have provided some protection in that scene was actually taken off and thrown to the ground directly before being handed over, showing off his boldness.

"Having said so much, if you are still stubborn, just go ahead and take action. Fu Mou has nothing to fear!"

His overly unrestrained behavior and his speech as if he was about to change his mind were certainly not deceiving Fu Qian himself.

Time passes at the wrong speed in the dream.

He clearly remembered the news brought by Su Banshen.

Although it feels like I only stayed here for a while, the actual time is hard to say.

Wearing the Tianmeng headband for a long time will have side effects.

Considering the current situation, Fu Qian has no interest in experiencing what a nightmare within a nightmare is like.

After killing the person who deserves to be killed, throw away the weapon to show your sincerity. This is a necessary quality for people who want to be around.


When the atmosphere was heightened to the extreme, as if before responding, there was finally movement in the silent hut.

Without any driving force in sight, all the books on the bookshelf fell to the ground like a waterfall.

And just when they flowed all the way to Fu Qian's feet, as if they were about to drown him, everything shattered like bubbles, and the dark corridor reappeared before his eyes.

After all, he's not a stickler for the past.

Lord Alakir still listened to the advice, and really chose to respect talents, and released King Yun Ming from his dream. He just used the last scene to vent his emotions a little.

This is the well-intentioned version.

To be more realistic, it is that as the hope of the whole village, the deeper the tool man himself is eroded, the less valuable he will be.

Even if he wanted to stay, Alakir might not agree.

Shaking his head in his mind, he used his hands that regained his flexibility before paying to slightly adjust the eyeballs he had stuffed in before.

"What happened just now?"

And what didn't disappoint was that the lobbyist's voice sounded within five seconds after he appeared.

"Who is that?"

"Didn't you say that someone would guide that Taylor? I've been waiting until now, but there's still no sign of him showing up!"

"Oh, how long have you been waiting?"

The continuous parallel questions can well reflect the mood of the lobbyist brother, but Fu Qian's tone is still leisurely.

"...From just now to now, it's enough time for one night."

It could be heard that the lobbyist was trying his best to stay calm, but he still couldn't hide his sadness.

So long...that's much more reasonable...

I was indeed right to take off my headband just now.

Fu Qian was thoughtful for a moment and did not respond in a hurry.

"It seems like you need to find more friends to help, or do you think there aren't more?"

As the lobbyist continued to speak, he actually gained rare firmness.

"If that's the case, you might want to consider the boring job of waiting around."

"Don't expect another chance to threaten me. Believe me, I'm much more tolerant of this place than you are..."

"Of course I believe it."

Lord Alakir remained silent, but facing the lobbyist who actually had the courage to lift the table, he stepped forward and looked at the empty corridor before finally speaking.

"But there's no need to go in. It's really late. I'm actually here to say goodbye."


This statement obviously confused the lobbyist.

"You are joking?"

"Every banquet in the world must come to an end. Saying this from an old friend will only add to the sadness of separation."

Before dealing with this, I just sighed at the vicissitudes of time.

"We are destined to meet you another day."

"Oh...so when are you leaving?"

The lobbyist sounded a little tired of it.


However, what responded to it was just a cold number.

He looked up before paying, as if staring at an invisible clock.






When Fu Qian read the third number, the air beside the nearest door began to twist, and a figure quickly appeared.

The lobbyist who cared about his old friend simply gave up guarding the dream and allowed it to be shattered.


It's a pity that the answer to it is just another cold number.




When there were five people left in the countdown, a clear bell rang.

The last sight of his old friend in the lobbyist's field of vision was when the other party rang a transparent bell on his hand.

The next moment there was nothing there.

The process was so natural and smooth that it made people wonder if they were invisible in place.

This chapter has been completed!
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