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Chapter 1420 Communication between the masterminds behind the scenes

Early in the morning, a corner of the alley in Shangjing.

"It's great that you're okay!"

Wen Li, who broke into the store before it was opened, walked all the way to the store, not hiding his relief.

Different from the past, this person obviously changed into a pair of sweatshirts and trousers that are conducive to movement.

Even considering showing up at the bookstore so early, I did not rule out the possibility of staying here after the previous brainwashing operation.

Girl, I know people like to hear auspicious words these days, but isn’t it a little exaggerated to say nothing?

Her long-awaited greeting also made Fu Qian review his status again.

The item capabilities are all there, no problem.

But the thing in the right eye socket can obviously only be called a ball.

At the same time, the left arm doesn’t even have a prosthetic limb.

An injury of this magnitude has nothing to do with anything.

However, for Miss Wen who had just made great achievements, how could she be so bored that she would engage in literary inquisition? She immediately greeted her slightly and made gestures to invite her to sit down.

"Thank you for your hard work. Thank you for your help."

As for the other party who kept staring at him and even acted strangely, he also expressed his understanding - after all, few people wore armor so early in the morning.

Glittering, like armor composed of countless fine mirror surfaces.

It even changes like a life itself, and the reflected light is dreamy and blurry, captivating the soul.

There is nothing I can do, Miss Wen arrived too quickly.

Almost as soon as he returned, Fu Qian was aware of the movement below - the aura belonging to Wenli rose suddenly.

Although she didn't try to hide it, it was obvious that she was quite focused.

The disadvantage of this concern is that I don't even have time to find clothes to wear.

Before the final payment, I chose to transform the flesh and blood, and the shape was modeled after Lord Ballard, whom I had never seen before.

"For me, it is also a rare opportunity to gain experience."

Facing the Universiade Mingwang's thanks, Wen Li finally looked away from the bright lights, covered her mouth and smiled softly, indicating that you are welcome.

"The biggest worry is misunderstanding the wrong intention. If it doesn't help, it will be troublesome."

If that happens, Taylor will be the most troubled.

Faced with this statement, Fu Qian thought to himself.

As far as I am concerned, I can still find more opportunities. Brother Taylor is afraid that he will not be able to escape the fate of being the Alakir Cauldron.

"You're still a top-notch expert, so you have to trust your own judgment... just like I trust yours."

Seeing that Miss Wen's smile was a bit weird, while Fu Qian did not hesitate to praise her, she already walked aside and took out her clothes.

It's a pity that even though the whole process was as if nothing happened, Wen Li's smile still got weirder.

"I just thought you wouldn't make such a boring joke and act the other way around on purpose."

Under the gaze of King Yun Ming, Wenli realized that he had been a little lax in managing his expression, and quickly took a breath and changed the subject seriously.

"But after I left the dream with your help, I still spent a little time to double-check the order."

When he said this, Wen Li's eyes unconsciously fell on the right side of Fu Qian's face.

It was obvious that the way the other party helped him leave was really memorable.

"The situation at that time... was there a superior being watching us?"

Miss Wen's understanding is still in place, and she should have thought about the situation over and over again.

Even when I asked this question, I lowered my voice very alertly.

"Yes, the rank is very high, but don't worry that he can't hear it. Your Excellency is in a state of confinement and will be in confinement for a long time."

Fu Qian confirmed her judgment and signaled that there was no need to be nervous, that guy had no chance of striking you with lightning.

Of course, even so, he still did not directly say the name Arakir.

After all, he is a superior person. Although he is locked up tightly, what are the side effects of repeating his name too much?

Even if it cannot penetrate into the real world, if it is accidentally pulled into his dream, it will be unsightly.

"I can rest assured that."

Wen Li did not deliberately show fearlessness. She gently touched her chest and took the initiative to introduce the situation during the operation.

"It is indeed as you mentioned. Taylor, who had just been released from restricted movement, left his residence as soon as the sun fell and was very vigilant as if he did not want to be followed."

"And he is obviously very familiar with Jiang En's situation and went straight to the latter's current residence."

It's not surprising to be wary, what happened to the young vampire some time ago must have been enough to be engraved in his mind.

Not to mention familiarity, he told him where Jiang En lived at that time.

The person who knows you best is always your opponent.

I can completely imagine Brother Taylor's heroic pursuit of the truth. He nodded slightly before paying, signaling to continue.

"Jiang En is much more normal. At least in my opinion, he is really completely unaware of the things Taylor mentioned."

"But he may not be happy to express this, right?"

"Well, he obviously has a general impression of this old rival, and his own mood is not very good."

Wen Li seems to have become accustomed to the accuracy of King Dayun Ming's judgment.

"Although Taylor tried his best to hide it, his probing intentions were quickly noticed, and Jiang En's attitude suddenly became very ambiguous."

"Later, I did some guidance according to what you said to keep him honest... What Taylor mentioned is too outrageous!"

Wen Li, who had mentioned his contribution briefly, seemed to have recalled something he had heard before, with a strange expression.

As an equipment supporter of the birth of the Universiade Mingwang, when watching Brother Taylor's efforts to find the truth, it is easy to feel like the mastermind behind the scenes.

"And then what was Tyler's reaction?"

Before paying, I was very complimentary and asked a question at the right time.

"Jiang En's negative attitude was a bit fierce, but it gave him encouragement. When the last words were not speculative, Taylor pretended to leave, but soon sneaked back with the help of a cloak."

While gazing at the memories, Wen Li stretched out her fingers to make gestures in the air.

"He quietly left a pattern on Jiang En's residence, and Taylor was obviously very concerned about Jiang En's reaction to it."

It is indeed our emblem.

Although the gestures were made in the void, Wen Li's movements were still accurate, and he instantly confirmed that it was the emblem of the King of Abandoned Prisons, and there was nothing wrong with it.

"So what's Jiang En's reaction?"

"He didn't seem to have much interest, at least it didn't look like that after Taylor really left and I was relieved of the influence."

"After that, I wanted to pay attention to Taylor's situation, and I didn't stay for too long before leaving. Could Jiang En be pretending?"


Facing Wen Li's thoughtful concern, Fu Qian simply shook his head again.

The reason for this judgment is very simple. Among the loud roaring voices in the will at this moment, there is obviously no one.

This chapter has been completed!
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