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Chapter 1428 Encouragement to Learn

"Are you really sure...there are guests outside?"

Wen Li, who was behind the counter, finally couldn't help but put down the book in her hand, came forward and asked softly.

The reason why there is an action of putting books is very simple - this is already half an hour after the pre-payment reminder to prepare.

Realizing that there was an expert peeping outside that she was completely unaware of, Wen Li, who remained calm on the surface, instantly became more vigilant.

It's a pity that after taking the book as a cover, time passed by and there was still no sign of the distinguished guest coming.

The constant reading efficiency of one page in two minutes was finally no longer maintained.


At this moment, the quality of an academic person was revealed. He continued to read ten lines without raising his head.

"...There are still too many people? Do you need me to get rid of them all?"

Inspired by such leadership qualities, Wenli continued to exert his own subjective initiative.

"No, that will make the guests nervous."

Fu Qian was still focused on his studies and explained the secret of feeling at home.

"If you want to attract uninvited guests, you must give her space for self-service operation."


After all, small business also requires great wisdom. Faced with the business philosophy shared before, even veteran capitalist Wen Li still nodded with great approval.

Of course, it would be better if she could recall some more basic things, such as operating with integrity and not delaying wages.

It's a pity that this expectation was eventually submerged in Miss Wen's show of being unscrupulous and dishonest.

For a moment, it was a clear afternoon, but the sunlight that penetrated into the shop seemed to cast a shadow.

A unique darkness enveloped every corner, even a chill.

After just a few seconds, the students who had been quietly flipping through the books seemed to be aware of it and looked around.

It's rare that the bad boss showed some restraint today, why...

In a moment of unspeakable discomfort, someone finally put the book back and walked straight out the door.

Although he tried his best to maintain his learned elegance, the slightly hasty movement when he finally opened the door still revealed his desire to abandon darkness and turn to light.

This emotion was obviously very contagious, and within just a few minutes the door opened continuously.

With the last Mediterranean guy standing at the door of the bookstore looking up at the sky and pretending to be bathing in the sunshine, there were only two people left at the counter in the store.

"Please come in."

And it can be seen that even if the business encounters such a waterloo, the managers still maintain emotional stability.

Turn your back to the customer who appears at the door the next moment, and still greet you warmly before paying.


At the same time, the volunteer at the counter no longer used the book as a cover, and looked at the visitor in a daze.

Gray hair, red eyes, and pale face. Combined with the changes that just happened in the bookstore, the racial attributes are really obvious.

Not to mention that I paid special attention to it when I helped Mr. Fu collect intelligence before, so it is not difficult to identify it.

At this moment, the vampire demigod seemed to have received some encouragement from the greeting, and he pushed the door open without any further hesitation.

"Hello, Sirana."

Before that, volunteer Miss Wen had already stood up.

As a young person with a good upbringing, she obviously cannot treat such a famous senior with the same attitude as the person next to her.

"Are you Wenli?"

As a non-social lover, Serana was relatively unfamiliar with Wenli's face.

But this did not prevent her from deducing the identity of this new genius in Beijing based on his rank and age.

"Nice to meet you."

It's really shocking for a fourth level person to be so young.

In particular, the opponent's condition is still very stable, with no hidden dangers visible.

It's rare...but after getting involved with this product, it actually feels a lot more reasonable.

Glancing at Fu Qian, who had not looked back from the beginning to the end, Serana took a deep breath and warned herself to behave like a demigod and not express her emotions or anger.

"Sorry, I was too absorbed in what I was watching just now. Please take a seat."

However, as a businessman who can gain a foothold in Beijing, how can his ability to observe words and emotions be weak?

It seemed that he instantly sensed the customer's dissatisfaction with being neglected. Before paying, he finally threw the book aside and turned around to greet him warmly.

"No way, I'm disturbing you..."

Serana, who has had many communication experiences, knows that she cannot use her words, otherwise the situation will get out of control if she is not careful.

But the reason for the other party's criticism made her say this. At the same time, she couldn't help but glance at the book next to her - "Excellent Management: How to Activate the Intrinsic Drive of a Team"

However, the content that caught her eye still shocked her thinking a little bit.

"Mr. Fang... really has a wide range of interests."

When the shock subsided and she realized that the unscrupulous bookstore owner was smiling slyly, as if just to see her reaction at this moment, Serana finally went against her original intention and gritted her teeth and said something sarcastic.

"How could it be so? Things like this need to run smoothly. You have to fulfill your responsibilities."

Unfortunately, he still answered fluently before paying, sighing and pointing around.

“It used to be a simple and extensive operation, but now that we have more people, we are increasingly discovering our own management deficiencies.”

“As a practitioner in the cultural industry, in addition to helping everyone acquire knowledge, I must also keep learning myself.”

You call that simple and rough? Rough is more appropriate, right?

You think I haven't heard of your reputation?

Realizing that she was being brought into the rhythm again without realizing it, Serana forced herself to hold back the words in her stomach to prevent the building from tilting too completely.

"It's admirable, but it's a pity that I have no interest in learning anymore, so I'd better discuss this topic another day."

With a straight face, Serana forcibly ended this overly positive topic, but accepted the suggestion and sat down.

As expected of Mr. Fu, he communicated like this with the arrogant vampire demigod at the center of the legend... Chief Yuan was indeed not the only victim.

Wen Li, who was sitting at the counter next to her, was amazed deep inside, but she still controlled her expression as much as possible to avoid offending others.

Fortunately, Serana only glanced here and then looked away without any strange change in her expression, and she didn't even ask for avoidance.

Obviously, as Fu Qian said before, in the eyes of industry insiders, the talented girl Miss Wen has already been deeply marked by him.

"Okay, so what are you going to talk about today?"

Before paying, he was also very easy-going. He immediately followed the guest's wishes and directly asked the other party's intention.

It's a pity that this development seems to be too smooth again. Serana, who had been working hard to prepare for a battle of wits and courage, felt disappointed for a moment.

This chapter has been completed!
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