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Chapter 1435 Artificial Existence Core (3)

Do you have such a good appetite?

Although there are only a few sentences, the picture painted by special customer Claire is undoubtedly very curious.

Combined with the tone of voice, even the undulating hair on the skin, the emotions are conveyed extremely vividly.

Imagine waking up from a dream at midnight, opening your eyes in the dark and finding no one on your pillow.

When he was confused, he looked closely and saw that his other half was squatting on the ground, holding a cat in his hand and licking it until it was smooth and smooth, and his eyes were even closed...

Ms. Claire can hold on and find someone for help, which is already pretty good.

After all, by acting so freely, there is a high probability that her "discovery" has not been discovered yet, which means that she should have held back and not screamed at that time.

And the person she chose to seek help from after she came out obviously once again proved the gold content of this holy city of mysticism.

If a similar thing happened in Shangjing, there is a greater chance that she would have gone to Chief Yuan - although Claire should really go to the Night Keeper.

Licking, the name of the item in this mission, please remember it clearly before paying.

Ms. Claire came to the door and described such a suitable scene. If there was no connection between them, it would be too much.

Her dear husband is obviously under the influence of extraordinary power, and it cannot be solved by drawing cards and divination.

Fortunately, we are not good at it either.

Although he came to a questionable judgment in an instant, it was a pity that Fu Qian's overly bland performance was obviously misinterpreted by Claire in the opposite direction - thinking that he was questioning the authenticity of the narrative.

"I know this is hard to believe, and you may even wonder if I was asleep, but please believe that I would rather have been having a nightmare at that time -"

"I believe."

Unfortunately, before she could finish emphasizing, Fu Qian had already nodded calmly.

Claire's expression seemed to be a little less confident for a moment.

"You think I shouldn't be so plain? It seems you don't know enough about our industry."

"Or is it that the many second-rate people you came into contact with gave you some kind of misunderstanding?"

He pushed the business card in front of the customer casually, sighed before paying, and motioned around.

"Then in your opinion, why is this place arranged like this?"

This question obviously made Claire hesitate to answer. For a moment, her eyes just stared at the business card in front of her.

Not only the room, but even this thing is obviously not suitable for the identity of a psychic.

"On the one hand, I don't need those things to show my professionalism. On the other hand, I have seen too many weirder scenes than what you just described, so I tend to see more normal things."

After all, there is still a sense of self-consciousness in the service industry. Before paying, I didn't have the brain cells to continue to embarrass the customer and casually explained the reason.

As mentioned before, if you want to stand out, you need to perform extreme operations.

From just now to now, this firm contrast marketing strategy seems to have finally come to fruition, establishing a professional image in the minds of customers.

"Understood, it seems I made the right choice today."

Taking a deep breath, Claire's face relaxed a little, and her willingness to communicate reached a new level.

"Actually, the purpose of my visit today is very simple. I just want to know what's wrong with my husband and is there any way I can help him?"

"Without his knowledge?"

"Yes... Although I have not formally talked with him, I believe that with his personality, it is absolutely impossible for him to cooperate."

Claire paused and admitted this harsh condition.

It seems that as mentioned before, she had the opportunity to find this place only after hiding her discovery.

"That would indeed be a lot of trouble... Have you brought his belongings here?"

He nodded slightly. Although he said it was difficult, he didn't show any embarrassment before he asked. After thinking about it for a while, he asked.


This performance undoubtedly gave Claire a little confidence, and the latter quickly opened her bag and handed over a shiny watch.

"This is the one he often wears. Do you think it's useful?"

Sure enough, you don’t have to worry about not being able to pay the fees.

With a casual glance, you can see that what the other party brought out is of great value, but it's a pity that he didn't glance at it a second time before paying.

"It's no use."

This is not nonsense. The only value of the cat licker's belongings is to see if there are any extraordinary traces.

In fact, he had already sensed it for the first time just now, and the result was that there was no sign of this on Claire.

I brought it up deliberately at this moment, on the one hand to verify that she indeed brought something that belonged to her husband, and on the other hand to pave the way for further communication.


Claire was obviously at a loss under the overly straightforward denial.

"This thing doesn't make any sense to me. Let's provide some more information about your husband. You mentioned that you caught him doing that kind of thing more than once. How many times in total? When was the earliest time?"

It's a pity that Fu Qian didn't even bother to explain the reason and asked directly.

"If the target is just me... the number of times is actually quite a lot. Ever since we got married, he seems to have some special... hobbies in this area."

Facts have proved that after the previous efforts to create a good atmosphere, the other party finally became more comfortable sharing some private content.

When answering the question, Claire's face even turned slightly red.

"My initial understanding was that it might be because he was a little older...although he has always been in good health."

"But he has never been so exaggerated as this time. It feels like any living thing in the house will arouse his strong interest..."

"Yesterday was the third night in a row that I caught him doing something like this."

Ms. Claire is not too old, and this couple is actually a young and old couple.

"Just licking and not doing any other extra actions?"

I was thoughtful for a moment before paying.

"...No, when I was pretending to sleep, I was afraid that he would tear me apart like food. I really felt his body shaking with excitement."

Claire shook her head.

"But apart from the drool that seemed to never stop flowing, he didn't leave anything on me in the end, not even tooth marks."

"By the way, his possessiveness has been very exaggerated during this period. Even if I communicate normally with others, he will be very unhappy."

"I understand, so what's your husband's name?"


After a slight hesitation, Claire briefly revealed a name.

[The current task has been updated]

And almost at the same time, a reminder appeared in my ears.

[The conditions for containment are met, and the source of the disease will be completely eliminated without being contaminated]


This chapter has been completed!
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