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Chapter 1437 Artificial Existence Core (5)

Is there even a key location?

I have to say that although I wasn’t that dreamy, Ms. Claire’s level of cooperation was still very high.

Not to mention mobilizing people's enthusiasm, without the suppression of the rules of dreams, it was actually easy to gain another important information.

No matter how you look at the mysterious room mentioned by this person, it will help you understand the meaning of the epidemic.

"You just mentioned that Mr. Leake 'was' a doctor?"

After assessing Claire's dreaming state and confirming that it was still stable, she continued to ask before paying.

"Yes... when I met him, he had already retired."

This question seemed to make Claire a little uncomfortable, but seeing that Master Grimshaw was just listening attentively without any strange expression, her mood quickly settled down.

"Although he is not very old, according to him, he wants to enjoy life as much as possible before his energy declines."

But even so, Claire still emphasized in a casual tone that the age difference between herself and her husband was not that big.

"I understand it completely, including me."

Nodding, Fu Qian showed his agreement with the noble lady's statement, and even used himself as an example to echo the character created previously.

"This is why I value money so much. It's good to be able to help, but I want to save enough for retirement as soon as possible."

"Based on your age, you are indeed a bit younger."

The master who performed astonishingly, but at this moment was so supportive of the service industry, clearly made Ms. Claire feel good, she chuckled and looked up and down in front of her.

"If you have time later, you are welcome to come over and be a guest. When Li Ke is better."

This person was not completely stupid. He quietly emphasized what he should do right now.

"Of course. Fortunately, with your help, madam, I have basically confirmed what happened to your husband."

Facts have proved that the master is a master. Faced with the pressure from customers, he just nodded slightly and spoke gently but firmly before paying.

Ah...is this confirmed?

The answer before paying was clearly beyond Claire's expectations, and even the dream state was a little unstable.

"Did I mention something crucial just now? Did Rick's abnormality come from his experience as a doctor?"

For a moment, she subconsciously recalled the content of the exchange just now.


Fu Qian actually had no intention of going with the flow and pointed at Claire's right hand while shaking his head.

"But you are right that your abnormality should come from Mr. Leake."

My anomaly?

Claire was obviously more confused. Following the master's guidance, she saw that what she was holding in her right hand was her husband's watch.

"There's still something wrong with this thing? But I didn't find anything unusual about myself—"

Her questions came to an abrupt end the next moment, as a hand actually pressed on her eyes, completely blocking her vision.

A strange feeling came over me, as if wisps of ice mist were passing by in front of me.

Before Claire could question her, the hand blocking her vision had been taken away, and her eyes were bright again.

"Look again."

The voice coming to her ears made her subconsciously not look away, and she almost froze in the next moment.

Within the field of vision, the originally smooth skin of his right hand was actually covered with black and red traces, making it look strange and ferocious at first glance.

Even these special marks are still rippling and flowing in a gentle manner, as if they are alive.

"What is this……"

Finally unable to hold on any longer, Claire asked sharply while checking other places tremblingly.

The black and red traces that seemed to be alive were not only present on the right hand, but such horrifying traces could be seen everywhere.

In her panic, she no longer had the courage to look at her face in the mirror.

"dirty stuff."

However, the master who had just helped her see the truth of the world was still calm and without any fluctuations in his tone, trying to calm the customer's mood to the greatest extent possible.

Adhering to the purpose of the service industry, we did not make any pretense before paying, but answered all questions.

"Things that haunt your husband and are transmitted from him to you."

"As for what it is, you don't actually need to ask me. Take a closer look."

look carefully……

Claire, whose mood was slightly more stable, followed the instructions for a moment, and once again plucked up the courage to focus on the back of her hand.

That is……

This time she looked at it particularly carefully, so much so that she didn't miss any of the points that made up the traces.


In less than two seconds, an uncontrollable scream finally sounded.

"You read that right, they are all alive."

As a master in the service industry, Qian Qian very considerately considered that the customer might have temporarily lost his language skills and took the initiative to explain without waiting to be asked.

"Every point is the incarnation of filth. They weave and entangle themselves like a swarm of insects, and then entangle your souls."

Of course what Ms. Claire is wearing is fake.

Although it is not that stable, it is still the master of dreams. If you do some small operations like this, you don't have to worry about scaring people out.

As for the inspiration for this change, it was plagiarized from Brother Alakir to a certain extent.

In Lit's dream, the pollution that happened to her sister Veer appeared in a similar form.

Countless flying insects gather into ever-changing patterns.

The reason for choosing this style is also very simple. For a woman, the impact of small bugs will undoubtedly be very good.

"But why would I...get them away quickly!"

Facts have proved that the effect is indeed very good.

Under Fu Qian's explanation, Ms. Claire's scream rose another two octaves, and her body became completely stiff, and she did not dare to move.

"It's simple, because you are contaminated."

With a chuckle, Fu Qian actually stood up and grabbed the opponent's right wrist.

"Watches can indeed be thrown away, that's not the key."

Noticing that because of her words, Claire almost subconsciously wanted to throw away the watch in her hand, but unfortunately her too stiff fingers could not be stretched out at the moment, she gently affirmed before paying.


This tone seemed to bring encouragement, and Claire's hands finally opened like chicken claws, letting the valuable watch fall onto the table.

"Very good. It may hurt a little. Be careful not to move."

While complimenting him casually, Master Grimshaw's other hand slowly approached the mark hovering on his skin.


It's hard to even call it painful, it's like being pricked by hairs, a weird itching appears on the surface of the skin, and soon it becomes a patch.

While feeling this change, in Claire's horrified eyes, a dense cloud of black and red actually rose up and merged into the opponent's passing palm. ()

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