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Chapter 1442 Artificial Existence Core (10)


He was indeed quite well-trained. The moment he realized what Fu Qian had said, Norvell, who was still looking around unwillingly, almost jumped up, drew his weapon, and pointed it at his head.

"Extraordinary power..."

Tommy's expression was equally shocked, but perhaps it was because he was older and less flexible. Although his hands moved instinctively, they still did not adopt the same alert posture as his partner.

Even my butt is still stuck to the seat.

"To be honest, after staying in Los Angeles for a long time, I have heard too many exaggerated terms, and I am a little insensitive to this word..."

The next moment, he stared straight ahead with a serious look on his face.

"Are you trying to say that what Claire saw before was not a magic trick, but was caused by real inhuman forces?"

"Yeah, doesn't it look like it?"

Fu Qian was not affected by this emotion. While asking, he stretched out his other hand, and another vortex rose.

Even their palms are facing each other, making them look interesting to each other.

"Like, but then I would be even less able to understand your motives."

Although the magical scene only lasted a few seconds, the impact was already quite strong, and Nowell looked like he might pull the trigger at any time.

Fortunately, Brother Tommy was mature and prudent, and quickly reassured his partner with his eyes, indicating to his partner to put away the weapon, and then turned his head to express his confusion.

"If you are really an extraordinary person, you should know the nature of using this method on ordinary people. The little reward you receive is not worth it compared to the risk."

"Isn't it okay to help others?"

Of course what Tommy said was the truth, but it was a pity that he still didn't care much before paying.

"I'm not going to question your motives...but even then, you were too imprudent."

"How likely is it that a customer who is not familiar with and doesn't have much trust will bring the risk of having to explain to the night steward?"

Shaking his head slightly, Tommy was obviously very insistent on his judgment.

"No matter how you look at it, you are not the kind of person who likes trouble."

"Even if it's out of good intentions, normally you should find a way to make her more convinced to avoid this risk. I know that extraordinary people have many such methods."

"It makes sense."

Once the old man got serious, his analysis was very clear and logical. He nodded repeatedly for a while, and then asked questions in the end.

"Then what am I here for?"

"have no idea."

Faced with the question about his soul, Tommy shook his head again.

"You young people always have weird ideas, and I'm tired of even trying to understand them."

"But obviously, once the bottle of potion you gave Claire is tested, whether it is really harmful to people will greatly help infer your motives."

"Of course, I personally tend to believe what you just said, that thing is completely harmless."

While expressing his confidence in dealing with his predecessor's character, Tommy actually stood up.

"I may not even take you away, but you need to promise not to leave this room until further notice."

Just a grounding?


The conditions offered by Brother Tommy were obviously quite generous. He upheld his previous enthusiasm for cooperation and agreed immediately before paying.

"...Until then, you can no longer continue to work."

Perhaps he agreed too readily, so Tommy hesitated for a moment and added a restriction uneasily.


Fu Qian didn't show too much embarrassment, and continued to nod after thinking for a moment.


After taking a deep look at Fu Qian, Tommy did not waste any time and directly greeted his still somewhat confused partner, holding Fu Qian's business card in his hand to say goodbye.

"Why don't you just take him back? This guy doesn't feel that honest to me."

The room was calm again, and Fu Qian, who was temporarily closed for business, looked like he had promised before, sitting there with no intention of moving.

And not long after, a familiar voice sounded in my perception.

It was obvious that after leaving here, Novel, who had come back to his senses, was unwilling to give up and couldn't help but ask about his seniors.

"Are you really sure he will still be there when you come again?"

"From the beginning to the end, we just received a report and found nothing. We couldn't even prove that the guy really had malicious intentions."

It's a pity that Brother Tommy's mood doesn't sound very good.

"I've had enough of these magicians for many years, but what I'm even more fed up with is the group of people who are stupid enough to look for the magicians, but then don't believe them."

"I'm really old. You'll drive me over later and I'll have something to eat."


Although he was unwilling to do so, Nowell obviously followed Tommy's lead and agreed immediately.

"We need to contact the night keeper as quickly as possible."

Some time after the previous conversation about impartial law enforcement, when Tommy's voice sounded again in my perception, it not only became blurry, but also sounded much more solemn.

"what happened?"

Nowell was obviously shocked by this sudden change.

"That guy is probably a transcendent. This is beyond the scope of our responsibilities, and the Claire family is probably quite dangerous."

Not only did he suddenly become serious, Tommy's speaking speed also improved a lot.

"But didn't you just say -"

"If you didn't say that, we might not have a chance to come out. Do you really think bullets can deal with him?"

Nowell's question was interrupted instantly.

"...So he just showed it off deliberately to mislead us?"

With his head still clear, Nowell quickly recalled the previous exchanges.

"Are the changes in his hands real? Is that why those props were not found at all?"

"It looks like this. After all, we are in Los Angeles. He may be able to kill us easily, but he is definitely not willing to face a large number of night guards."

Tommy agreed with Norvell's statement.

"Uh...are you sure?"

For a moment, it was unbearable to imagine the danger the two of them were in just now, and Nowell asked with lingering fear.

"Not sure. This is not a TV series. I don't have that magical ability to see through everything."

Tommy sighed.

"But I can feel that he is different. There is a fundamental difference between this Grimshaw and those pretenders. We can't take that kind of risk."

"...But if it's just this kind of reason, it feels like it won't be easy to convince the night watchers."

He didn't question his partner's judgment too much, but Norvell expressed his concerns.

"This is indeed a problem. They have never believed in our judgment...so it is best to remind the whistleblower first, or go directly to the door to have a look."

Tommy has obviously considered this issue a long time ago.

"Her husband is obviously a key figure. If we can find something strange, it should help convince the night watchman..."

Dedicated and professional, yet also cautious.

The conversation gradually became blurred, and Fu Qian, who still strictly abided by the ban, silently praised the two law enforcement officers, especially Brother Tommy.

Of course, even if he is as cautious as he is, he still has his own cognitive limitations, such as the range of perception of an extraordinary person.

Their whispers should have been spread further.

Judging from the content of the conversation, the plan is undoubtedly progressing smoothly. Not only will the night watcher be waiting soon, but there will even be two more volunteers. ()

This chapter has been completed!
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