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Chapter 148 Disorder (18)

 Chapter 148 Disorder (18)


The news in the priest's words was obviously too explosive, and the Baroness subconsciously retorted.

"Why isn't it possible?"

The priest snorted.

"I have been awake for much longer than you. Why do you think my understanding of this place is not as good as yours?"

"I am very sure that among the awakened people in the town, I am not the only one who has this kind of situation. It just depends on the degree."

"In this case, you have to scrutinize everyone. Have you ever thought about what will happen?"

"And I can tell you responsibly that I have never been to the old city, but something strange still happened."

"This kind of unpredictable pollution, do you think you can escape it by changing places?"

The priest's words made the countess fall silent for a moment.

"And there's something I'm afraid you don't know. Since the mutation occurred, the negative effects caused by my awakening have disappeared."

"The negative effects are really gone?"

Even the countess's eyes lit up at this moment.

"That's right, ever since I discovered this thing on my body, I've noticed that my emotional control is gradually weakening."

"On the contrary, in order not to arouse suspicion, it has become a chore to pretend to be influenced by emotions."

"From a certain perspective, does this thing, which has no negative effects and can even be called a blessing, really need to be called pollution?"

The priest turned back and looked at Fu Qian again.

"The reason why I tell you this is that I hope to reach a consensus with you."

"If we can reach an agreement and you are willing to keep this matter secret, then there is no need to kill each other."

"There's no need to pretend to be so kind-hearted. The main reason is that I'm here today. Are you sure you can kill us both?"

Glancing at him before paying.

"So in your original plan, you were going to kill her and then go find me? How are you going to explain to others after you kill us?"

"Simple, you were deceived by the power. In order to get promoted, you stole and destroyed sacred objects. After being discovered by the Baroness, you killed her. Fortunately, I arrived in time."

The priest answered without hesitation and seemed to have been thinking about it for a long time.

"It's a pretty good story, and there are no logical flaws."

Fu Qian nodded repeatedly and looked at the Baroness again.

"What do you think?"

"Sorry, I can't agree."

The countess was silent for a long time, and finally shook her head.

"You said this thing is comparable to a blessing, but the curse of eclipse has been gradually increasing for a long time, and no new people have awakened. Isn't it really affecting it?"

"It can't be ruled out, but why would you care about that kind of thing?"

The priest's voice was gentle and gentle.

"They are different from us. People who cannot enter the sequence are not protected by the seven lights."

"Sorry, but it looks the same to me..."

The Baroness shook her head, her eyes becoming determined.

"So I don't agree with your suggestion."

"Ridiculously stubborn, what about you?"

The priest turned to look at Fu Qian.

"As a young man, I hope your mind is not so rigid."

"Do you think I'm stupid? As long as she disagrees, my opinion is meaningless."

Glancing at him before paying.

"The reason why you are willing to talk is because you are not sure how to deal with both of us together. If she dies here today, you have no reason to let me, a hidden danger, out."

"You asked me the question just now because you just wanted me to let you kill her without intervening. Do I look that stupid?"

"You're not stupid."

As Fu Qian spoke, the priest's expression changed several times, but he laughed out loud in the end.

"In this case, you should give her some advice, shouldn't you?"

"I tried to persuade you, but it's a pity that this person doesn't agree."

He looked at the countess before paying.

"How about you think about it again?"

"I've made up my mind."

There was no room for change in the countess' tone.

"I advise you not to have any illusions. His words have no credibility."

"If we work together to deal with him, there is still a glimmer of hope."

"If you don't want to do this, then I'll hold him back. You can run away immediately and spread the news. He may not be able to keep you."

"It's great that you have this realization!"

What surprised the Baroness was that Fu Qian did not try to persuade him anymore, but instead said yes repeatedly, and then turned to face the priest.

"It seems that there is no need to talk, so we can only rely on our own abilities."

Everyone depends on their ability...

The priest looked at Fu Qian warily.

The next moment, the Baroness screamed, and the black snake grabbed her broken leg and pulled her whole body away, blocking the two of them.

This person was obviously still a little afraid of Fu Qian's killing move just now.


Before paying, he faced the countess.

"I knew this person would use you as a shield, which is why I said I'm glad you have the awareness you just had."

He easily dodged another sneak attack from the black snake, and the smile on Fu Qian's face did not diminish.

"Then I'll send you on the road together?"

However, even though he said so, Fu Qian looked at the Baroness entangled by the black snake, but she still did not release her breath.

"Kill him and leave me alone!"

The countess was a little anxious.

The priest laughed heartily when he saw this.

"He is much smarter than you. He knows that if he accidentally hurts you, he will never be able to escape alone."

Turning to face Fu Qian.

"I think we can still talk about it again. In fact, I have a new idea."

"Oh, what's the new idea?"

Hearing the words before paying, he took two steps forward.

"You can leave now and never come back again. I promise I will never hunt you down."

The priest stared at Fu Qian, but still did not forget to block the countess to one side.

"This is also an idea..."

"Haha, it's great that you have such mature considerations -"

The priest was only halfway through his words when he saw a gray-white dragon head appear in front of him and spit out an invisible breath twice as fast as before, completely ignoring the baroness standing in front of him.

The distance was too close, and there was no way to avoid it, so I could only control the black fluid to block it in front of me.

However, the cone-shaped breath is endless, constantly bombarding the surface of the fluid, making the latter quickly become unstable.

The next moment, human pus exploded.

"You really dare..."

The priest looked at the countess not far away. As a shield, she was also not immune and was hit hard by the breath.

At this moment, she was also confused, and half of her body was quickly drying up and decaying.

"Since...why didn't you take action just now?"

The priest seemed to be in a state of confusion. The destruction of human pus caused him to lose almost half of his body, and he was already dying.

"The forward swing of this thing is a bit long. If I hit you just now, there is a high probability that it won't hit you."

What Fu Qian said was sincere. It can be seen from the previous test that this person is very flexible and it is not easy to hit when he is on guard.

If you want the priest to stand obediently and let him spray, it is best to make him believe that he is safe enough, for example, if he has a hostage in his hands.

"It's rare for this person to use his body as bait. It would be a pity not to make good use of it."

"And I've confirmed with her that she is content to die."

This chapter has been completed!
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