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Chapter 1474 Wrathful Statue

Don’t look directly at God, let alone criticize God.

Fear has always been an integral part of faith.

To deal with it, Greedy Chong and the others are quite rare test materials.

First of all, know its essence, that is, the oath tool of the Lord of Death.

At the same time, as a true group, they have quite good information sharing attributes because of their connections with each other.

At the same time, there are still very few people who know their honorable name.

And most importantly, they don't know their own nature. The only one who knows the truth, Brother Awei, has been sent to the unseen hill by himself.

In this case, it is really suitable to test some faith-related things, even old faith-related things——

What is the state of the Lord of Death and what exactly happened to Him.

Therefore, although we are busy with work, we have never forgotten everyone’s guidance plan before submitting it.

After showing hope yesterday, in the face of doubts and even offenses, punishment is necessary.

When I told Wen Li that I could continue to come to work today, it wasn't just about selling books.

But even with this person helping to spread fear, it still feels lacking.

Fu Qian has been thinking about how to punish him since yesterday.

And sure enough, God rewards hard work. After a morning exercise not long ago, the new reward he received seemed to be quite suitable.

The shadow of death that no one is afraid of, and the description that penetrates everything sounds very suitable for the current weak connection.

At the same time, compared with the power of disaster, there seems to be no need to worry about physical damage.

After all, if the former doesn't control his strength well, he might even get a headshot.

As for the fear of typhoid fever, Fu Qian did not think that with the resources of this group of people, they would be able to extend the duration to fifty-nine hours.

Of course, everything depends on the actual use effect - the effect is good.

Amidst the ripples of fear, Fu Qian's evaluation of the rewards of this mission went up a notch.

On the one hand, it is really effective.

As the target is locked and activated, even if there is only a weak connection, the shadow of death is still delivered without attenuation.

On the other hand, even if it is successfully activated, the statue itself is still extremely low-key, without any gorgeous special effects, and even the fluctuations in perception are extremely weak.

Sure enough, when people get old, they pay attention to returning to their original nature. This thing is very suitable for using to trick people.

While admiring, he noticed the look in the eyes of volunteer Miss Wen before paying.

It was obvious that the object in her hand had an overly curious shape, and even she, who had just been resting at full power, could not resist her curiosity for a moment.

However, I didn't want to hide it before paying it, so I handed it over casually.


It could be seen that Wenli didn't really want to accept it, but her good tutoring made her express her gratitude without rejecting it.

Before responding to this, he just nodded slightly and focused his attention on the other side of the connection.

There was no doubt that there was a heated discussion going on over there, and there were quite a few people there.

The old man who has always had reservations is the host of Jiang En's exclusive auction, the one with a fairy-like appearance.

And the one who stood in tit-for-tat with fierce words was also a familiar person - the layman Zhi Lao.

Speaking of which, this lady must have been one of the most miserable people yesterday, as she was directly hit by the disaster.

Sure enough, firm faith cannot be separated from suffering.

While admiring, Fu Qian was full of expectations and paid attention to the old man's reaction.


The old man is undoubtedly the center of attention on the field at this moment.

It wasn't because a meteor really hit him on the head, but the fear that shocked everyone happened right after his line of questioning.

This extremely smooth connection makes people unable to help but think about the cause and effect relationship.

After noticing this, he obviously didn't have the energy to defend himself, but could not help but raise his head while muttering to himself.

The cold shadow of death hanging at infinite heights is so clear in my perception.

It is as if one can see the ice containing the endless power of death condensing and expanding crazily, crashing down with an unstoppable force, and bringing eternal darkness to itself at any time.

This strange, beyond-perceived omen of death, coupled with the unreasonable fear rising in my heart... was more like the anger from a superior than an attack.

"Have you ever felt..."

Golden spikes appeared on the surface of his body, like quickly putting on a suit of acupuncture armor. The old man, who vaguely felt that he was being treated specially, immediately tried to find resonance.

Although it is blurry, as a viewer, Fu Qian can still be easily recalled by this look.

At that time, after he sent three people away with an insect whistle, this man used a similar trick when he was in a desperate state.

Sure enough, there is often a contrast between the appearance and the inside. He seems to be pure and stoic, but in fact he is a master of playing with the body.

It's a pity that this time, the old man is bound to undergo some mental training.


The first person to respond at the scene was indeed the Tooth Throat layman who had just argued with the old man, but it sounded like he could barely suppress his boiling fear.

The old man, who has always been the main talker of the team, behaved a bit too erratically, which to a certain extent aggravated the wavering of military morale.

"Pure, unfounded fear, as you speak..."

However, after taking a breath, she still didn't wait for the old man to answer, and quickly described her situation.

"No, it's more than that...there's something above your head."

From this statement and the reactions of others, the old man seemed to realize the seriousness of the problem. He reluctantly gritted his teeth and answered while looking up at the sky again.

However, driven by the strong desire to survive, the golden hedgehog armor could not be taken off no matter what.


As expected of a true sympathizer, although all the greedy people present could not understand what the old man said, they still seemed to be able to feel the despair in his tone, and they all asked questions for a while.

And after the other party really tried hard to explain, they all fell into silence again.

about there.

What follows should be a rare life experience for the old man.

Seeing that the atmosphere was in place so smoothly, Fu Qian withdrew his gaze with satisfaction, leaving a group of people there to think and make plans.

As an accomplice of the evil god, Miss Wen was fiddling with the statue in her hand while frowning, and she cooperated without making a sound.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Such a sensible volunteer was naturally full of encouragement before paying.

"Is lunch break over?"

Wen Li returned the statue with a bit of speed and shook his head with a smile.

"How come? It's just begun."

However, the employer actually took it with one hand and handed it back with another item in his other hand.

"Go out to chat with friends. Brother Jiang En still lives in his original place?"

This chapter has been completed!
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