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Chapter 1499 Human strain (3)

Sure enough, this outfit and style suddenly seemed reasonable.

The word "guest" contains a considerable amount of information.

Fu Qian's eyes immediately fell on the evening dress that was no longer so solemn.

"So that's the case. No wonder you dressed up to attend."

Eco's confusion under the demigod's pretense of calmness is also easy to understand.

The house was full of guests, people were drinking, eating hot pot and singing songs, and suddenly they were thrown into a place like this, a place that was close to a real tomb. It was understandable that they would be more aggressive.

But there is a small problem here.

"Can I ask what the theme of the banquet is?"

"Your focus is really unique. In addition, considering the experience you described, is your current reaction too calm?"

Obviously he noticed Fu Qian's gaze, but the next question still seemed to surprise Eco.

She narrowed her eyes slightly and did not rush to answer. She looked at Fu Qian carefully again.

"You should know that your story is not that credible. If it is fabricated to mislead people, it seems a bit unprofessional to reveal the truth so quickly."

"It's also possible that I deliberately appeared abnormal to reduce the suspicion of misleading."

Faced with an almost overt threat, Fu Qian's tone remained calm.

Eco's statement still sounds reasonable. When facing sudden difficulties and even having incomprehensible changes in his body, he should be a little uneasy anyway - just like her.

It feels like this is also one of the sources of current negative emotions.

It is a pity that even if this perverse move is indeed to find a tool, we have never thought of playing a simple victim and winning.

The reason is very simple, you can't win by lying down.

Fu Qian did not think that the demigod Eco in front of him was capable of solving the current predicament.

It feels like she even needs someone to help with overclocking before she can play a certain role in the future.

"If you say that, it seems that this possibility cannot be ruled out... but have you ever thought about the risk if I don't believe it?"

And it seemed to work well - while agreeing with Fu Qian's statement, Eco did not readily accept the possibility that he was truly sincere.

Instead, the ravines on the trunk of the tree where the opponent was hiding began to squirm like skin texture, and even the liquid that was originally soaked in them turned dark red.

The next moment, droplets of rotten blood splashed, and the wriggling tree lines were finally torn into dense holes, from which round flying insects crawled out.

Good, very energetic.

Seeing the gloomy old tree turn into a bloody insect nest in an instant, Fu Qian admired in his heart while thinking about the unseen hills when his own legs became almost like wooden ones.

The ability of the demigod Echo is undoubtedly very special, and it seems that he can forcibly transform life forms to a certain extent.

The swarm of bugs, which are about the size of a thumb and have a ferocious appearance, fly in front of you in an instant, and you have no doubt about their bloodthirsty.

Such a method is much more energetic than hiding behind a tree just to say something.

The motivation is successful, even if he turns around and leaves now, the excitement of the demigod Eco is worth looking forward to - Fu Qian is really gone.

Without even a moment's hesitation, Fu Qian's body had already jumped towards the path like lightning, and even stretched out his hands behind his back as if he had eyes.

In the blink of an eye, the incoming flying insects were accurately shot into blood.

Of course, this is not entirely cost-effective.

Although they are far from the level of demigods, the bodies of these flying insects are exaggeratedly hard, and their bodies are covered with blood-thirsty spikes.


After the backlash, even before reaching the position where the mission started, the five fingers of his left hand were already nothing but bones.

Without the qualitative change of divinity, the resilience is still poor after all.

While sighing, he stretched out his right hand, and the two fastest flying insects turned into blood at the same time.

"Please wait!"

However, just as he stepped on the birth point almost accurately, a call came out.

At the same time, I felt that the flying insects chasing after me instantly lost their activity and fell from the sky to the ground like rubble.

"Your Excellency has changed your mind?"

His body suddenly stopped, but Fu Qian, who was really taking things as he was, neither pretended to be puzzled nor expressed displeasure at the sudden attack.

Glancing at Eco, who was still standing there, he asked in an easy-going tone while observing the speed of the flesh and blood clinging to his fingers.

"...Your Excellency's reaction is very interesting, and I suddenly feel that it is not a bad thing to believe it."

The look on his face was a little complicated, but after all, Eco still didn't want to lose the power of a demigod, so he quickly said in an emotionless tone.

"But this interesting reaction cannot be ruled out as being intentional on my part."

However, Fu Qian casually added a layer of matryoshka dolls.

"When I say interesting, of course I have taken this into consideration."

With a snort, as if to express his sincerity, Eco walked out from behind the tree for the first time while speaking.

And at that moment, the reason why she had been hiding behind the tree seemed to become clear.

The position that was blocked just now, most of the left shoulder and even the entire hand, was actually covered with wavy tree lines under the broken dress. This part of the body was already shaped like a dead branch.

"I regret to tell you that the direction you have chosen now is the right one."

Naturally, he noticed Fu Qian's gaze. The next moment, Eco's figure was floating, crossing the space as if he was weightless.

As she stood to one side, she did not shy away from the strangeness on her body and explained directly.

"This place may not be reality, but it is still inescapable to go in the opposite direction. This is the price of trying."

When his fingers fell on his arms, they really made a sound of tapping the tree trunk, and Eco showed a self-deprecating smile.

"I thought that if I kept walking outside, it would be like a fog on the edge of a dream."

The act of walking away just now was certainly not a pretense.

As mentioned before, after cheering up, for Fu Qian, regardless of whether he believed it or not, the next reaction of the demigod Eco was acceptable.

However, at this moment, the other party showed such a sincere communication attitude, so Fu Qian naturally entered the state in a second and told his guess.

"I used to have the same idea, but unfortunately it was not a mist... but a poisonous mist."

Eco sighed softly at this.

"You don't have to go too far to encounter it. My body started to decay after just a touch of contact, so that I had to temporarily transform into other materials..."

"It seems that the only way out of here is to find it there."

Looking ahead, Eco was obviously solemn about the dilapidated grand building.

"Also, I can answer your question just now. The theme of this banquet is very simple. There is a new member of the Laria royal family."

"Although until one hand turned into wood, I have never seen this newborn with noble blood... Of course, I seem to have heard it now."

This chapter has been completed!
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