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Chapter 1510 Human strain (14)

After all, he was a well-informed extraordinary person. It only took a few seconds for the rescued Lu Yi to calm down with the help of Mr. Li He.

And with the rapid arrangement of thoughts, even his body was sorted out at the same time.

He "untangled" his entangled body bit by bit, managed to sit up, and quickly took in the scene in the room.

It's like a drawing of hell, and the only thing I can feel some relief from is the scrutinizing faces in front of me.

Although not particularly friendly.


Just when he was about to speak under pressure, Lu Yi suddenly looked ferocious, stretched out his hand and slapped himself on the forehead.

Almost at the same time, little bits of shining light appeared all over his body, and quickly connected into a piece, making the whole body bright and holy, free from dust.

The four people present here are all well-informed, so they can naturally see that this is not a refusal to cooperate, but an attempt at some kind of purification method. Can't you see that the "hair" around them looks withered under the light.

Therefore, there was no need for Mr. Li He to remind him, the team members remained silent and just watched.

What's gratifying is that it didn't take too long after all. As the pure breath surged all the way to Tianling, Lu Yi's body that was sitting upright trembled, and he opened his mouth and spit out a ball of something.

Panting like relief, the four onlookers could clearly see that it was a group of gray-white filaments wrapped in mucus, and it even felt like it was burning into ashes.


As soon as it seemed that the crisis was over, Lu Yi solemnly thanked him.

Of course, he obviously knew that this was not the time to be polite, so he immediately turned to the main point and spoke very quickly.

"That child...that new member of the Laria family has a problem! Have you encountered it?"

"I guess I haven't met him yet."

The content of the previous discussion was confirmed almost instantly, but Mr. Li remained calm and calm after thinking about it for a while.

"What exactly is the problem with that newborn, and what does it have to do with these things? Let's be more specific."

"Actually, if you saw it with your own eyes, it would be hard to believe that it was a child..."

The old man's ability to control the field was still very good. Infected by his emotions, Lu Yi's emotions gradually calmed down, but then he looked strange.

"Although it can't walk and has a normal body shape, it looks extremely old from head to toe, and even has gray hair..."

Turning around to look around, Lu Yi pointed at the filaments he had spat out.

"That's the kind of hair."

A newborn in the state of an old man? I have to say that it goes well with the style of painting that I have come across.

Although the situation Lu Yi described was weird, it was not unimaginable. The first thing that came to mind was even the lingering cry.

I thought my voice was too hoarse before, but now it seems to make sense.

It seemed that others did not question the authenticity too much, and all four members of the team remained silent for a while.

"In addition, although the Laria family said that they suddenly suffered an unknown curse, in my opinion, this abnormality is likely to exist with birth."

Such onlookers obviously put a lot of pressure on Lu Yi, and his mind continued to race for a while.

"Why do you say that?"

What is gratifying is that there is finally a response this time. Li He frowned slightly, curious about the reason for his judgment.

"Their family has kept a relatively low profile in recent years. Although I had interacted with them a lot in the past, I actually didn't expect to receive an invitation at all."

Encouraged, Lu Yi regained his energy.


"For a newborn heir, this banquet seems a bit too grand, don't you think?"

"There are indeed more people coming than expected...but according to you, shouldn't this be the exact opposite?"

It seemed like it was said too grandly, but Mr. Li He still agreed, but then he raised questions.

"If the people in Laria know that there is something wrong with this new heir, shouldn't they keep a lower profile?"

"Even if I come to you to try to help purify the curse, it's better to do it in secret, right?"

"Your Excellency is right...that's why even though I felt strange at the time, I wasn't overly suspicious."

Lu Yi gradually regained control of his body and stood up.

However, he obviously respects Li Hyuk very much and his posture is still cautious.

"But after examining the child closely, I suddenly understood why - it was changing."

"The appearance is not static. It is getting older at a speed far exceeding that of ordinary people. After I raised questions about this, its parents finally admitted it and said that after aging reaches a certain limit, it will become older again.

Young, even back to a baby's appearance."

"This process was not too fast at first, but it suddenly accelerated on the day of the banquet."

"There is still such a thing..."

What Lu Yi described was obviously a new situation. For a while, even the well-informed Mr. Li looked thoughtfully at Jin Ning next to him.

"Where's the mind?"

No verbal communication is required, the latter continues to ask directly.

"There is no obvious change, it is very quiet, and communication is the same as that of a young child."

And it can be seen that Lu Yi does not dare to neglect her.

"So you want to say that this newborn is actually born like this, but this constant switching makes the Laria family feel lucky?"

Your Excellency Ji Ning's performance obviously did not live up to expectations.

Although she has not entered the mental field that she is good at, her analysis of the situation is very methodical.

"If the situation hadn't suddenly worsened, they might not have rushed to you to help with purification?"

"Yes... although it looks weird, I don't feel any curse or filthy atmosphere."

The communication efficiency was higher than expected, and Lu Yi's expression became more serious for a moment.

"Except for its appearance, it looks no different from an ordinary newborn. If it was a brief contact with the baby's appearance, I believe that even the night watchers may not be able to detect it, so they are not in a hurry to risk leaking the information and ask for help.


Obviously, there are still many people who are aware of the monitoring of the bloodline of this ancient royal family.

From the corner of his eye, Eco's facial features were a bit stiff, and he had a cold face and said nothing.

"But at the same time, they were not absolutely sure, so they invited a lot of people in the name of a banquet. Once it got out of control, they tried to find people to help in the name of a curse to maximize their chances of survival."

Lu Yi obviously didn't realize that the night bearer he was talking about was right in front of him, so he quickly summarized according to the idea just now.

"It's a pity that I couldn't help. The target's condition is really difficult to understand. I tried three comprehensive purifications, but to no avail."

"Anyway, this is my understanding... Dean Li, did you find anything special when you came here this time?"

Happy holidays and may you all be forever young at heart.

This chapter has been completed!
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