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Chapter 1517 Human strain (21)

Mr. Li's previous performance was all about withdrawing his troops for a banquet, so that when he wanted to take action, he had to use local materials, and every tree and plant could hurt someone.

Who would have thought that the real situation is that he has already grasped the situation of having no sword in his hand but a sword in his heart.

The halberd that appeared in his hand was obviously not a real thing, but some kind of special extraordinary condensation, a weapon that was more convenient for him.

The even more amazing speed is proof.

However, even with this method, the person in charge still removed the light holder from the wall and used it in a serious manner throughout.

Including what happened just now is actually very simple.

After saying "continue" to paralyze the target hiding in the dark to the maximum extent, he immediately launched a sudden attack, still using the lamp stand sword technique, and the chosen position was more like a warning to the enemy.

And under the cover of this seemingly incompetent and furious scene, the real killing move was launched, and it worked with one blow.

The splattered blood obviously proved the previous speculation, that is, something peeping over the side really has a flesh and blood entity.

Such results will undoubtedly bring a huge morale boost to the team.

The dilemma was finally broken through, and Mr. Li's methods were amazing.

But at the same time, Fu Qian also believed that if he behaved excessively suspiciously and threatened during this encounter, then this clumsy halberd might hit him.

But as the saying goes, the devil is as high as the devil. We are all intellectuals. It is a basic operation to avoid dangers that do not seem to exist.

We seem to be unrestrained all the way, but in reality we are always measured.

In a moment of mutual sympathy, the long whip in Fu Qian's hand dissipated, announcing that this stage of testing has been completed.

"There really is something!"

Even so, Mr. Eco, who was suffering from mental torture, was still in a trance for a while.

Only Lu Yi, who was standing farthest away, subconsciously exclaimed.

And Ji Ning, who was supervising the battle on the spot, seemed to have anticipated the old man's methods.

The moment she struck the blow, her palm was almost synchronously aimed at the spot where the blood was spattered, and she clenched it suddenly.

And as she moved, the void immediately became more intensely distorted.

It's a pity that it was limited to this, and eventually fell into silence, without revealing anything new.

Including the halberd in Mr. Li's hand that was chopped down again.

He was still run away!

Standing back next to Jin Ning, Mr. Li stood quietly for a while and did not make any more blind attacks.


And a moment later, the lamp stand in his hand was thrown directly to the ground, and even the halberd quickly dissipated, and he turned to look at Fu Qian.

"you are right."

"There is a physical entity, strong concealment, one-on-one, and most importantly... the shape is indeed somewhat similar."

As a group of people watched, Mr. Li made a very brief summary, and the next moment he looked at Lu Yi, the only one who spoke, and his eyes fell in front of him.

"It's really this thing..."

The situation was changing rapidly. As an example, Lu Yi took a while to realize what Mr. Li meant.

And he seemed to realize that the things growing in his body would really turn into living creatures and even spy on them secretly, which made him mutter to himself for a moment, feeling a little uncomfortable.

"If you put it that way...that kid Benjamin, I'm afraid it's a little bit complicated."

As for Fu Qian, who was affirmed, he didn't have any bad emotions because the action fell short.

Also staring at the green tree, he continued his analysis seriously.

"How to say?"

With the previous performance, Mr. Li seems to have significantly increased confidence in him.

"This thing obviously has no resistance to Mr. Eco's treatment."


Before doing this, he pointed directly at the human-shaped branch and recalled the process just now.

"Perhaps there is a reason why it is not a complete body, but after coming out, not only can it hide its whereabouts to this extent, but it can even escape smoothly in the face of your surprise attack. The improvement is too much."

"So can it be understood that the cry of the descendant of Larria planted a seed in the human body, and after the seed actually hatches, it will share some of its power again."

"This sharing gives the seeds considerable anonymity and vitality, and of course the mission of instilling erosion through crying...and any of these is not something that even an ordinary demigod can handle."

"God, is that what you want to say? The level of power represented by that newborn baby."

Listening carefully and commenting quickly, Mr. Li directly pointed out what Fu Qian meant.

"I can only say that it looks a bit similar. At least the degree of difficulty can be used as a similar reference."

It's such a pleasure to deal with smart people. Fu Qian didn't care about morale at all and nodded with a smile.

Unfortunately, smiling is not contagious at all times.

Especially Lu Yi next to him, and even Mr. Eco, whose eyes were not so distracted just now, the emotional index dropped almost visibly to the naked eye.

"Very good. In fact, I have a similar view. The trouble we encounter this time is likely to be quite difficult."

Unfortunately, this fragility did not receive any sympathy. After looking at Fu Qian, Mr. Li, the only talker in the team, directly recognized the observation report, which successfully brought the morale of the team to a low level.

"So do you have any ideas for an encore?"

However, as the saying goes, the old man clearly didn't just kill and bury. The next moment the conversation changed, he was actually trying to find some benefits.

"Unoptimistic progress is also progress. If you catch it the first time, you can catch it again."

And he undoubtedly found the right person. How could a professional morale trader only do short selling?

With a firm gaze for a moment, Fu Qian expressed his confidence in the bright future and even pointed out the tortuous road that was already on the horizon.

"Are you really so confident?"

Now even Yan Ning couldn't bear it anymore.

"Of course, at least none of us have symptoms yet, right? There is still a chance for trial and error."

Fu went to gesture around and avoided Lu Yi very accurately.

"Then Mr. Eco should be recovering well?"

The next moment, he looked at Eco, who had recovered the ability to frown, and expressed his cordial condolences.

…This is the trial and error opportunity you mentioned, right? When I’m almost recovered, I can give you another beating?

While Eco's eyes were still a little dull, Yan Ning's facial features were already wrinkled as he asked the question.

"Can you still hear the crying?"

However, Fu Qian did not care about this emotion and continued to consult the parties involved.

"It's still okay...but the accumulated erosion on my body seems to have really dissipated a bit."

Eco, who finally recovered his ability to answer questions, was no longer silent and looked at himself carefully while speaking.

"If I do it again, I'll have no problem—"

"No need, this time...it's not over yet."

But her team-spirited statement was directly interrupted the next moment.

Without making any further remarks, Li He, who spoke out, was already looking at Jin Ning.

"Can it be traced?"


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