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Chapter 1528 Human strain (32)

How do you say that sentence, listening to thunder in a silent place?

In a dark and run-down place, a blind lady in burial clothes suddenly makes an inappropriate expression through the mirror behind you. This scene is truly touching.

But Fu Qian did not think that this was a code for some kind of private communication, because at that moment the sound of Lord Jin Ning's eyelids opening and closing was really deafening.

Perceptions that go against common sense swept over me, causing misalignment across the board.

What else can it be besides Mr. Jin Ning's sensory confusion method?

Although the power is greater than the previous trap, and it is even more than just one wave, it is continuous, but this unique feeling is too easy to identify.

As for the purpose of suddenly doing this, of course it is not a pretense of cooperation to paralyze oneself, but in fact it is something like finally finding an opportunity for a sneak attack.

Mr. Li is right next to him. There is no need to use such roundabout methods to deal with a demigod, especially when everyone is in such a hurry.

There was no hesitation in Fu Qian's steps and he continued to fall.

At the same time, a bright and gorgeous light, like a broken moonlight, fell from the sky.

The ancient masonry above the head did not cause any obstruction, as if the moonlight was flowing through a passage beyond the other dimensions.

Now that the power of the sage has been restored, how come the academic ability of insight is no longer there, as well as the previous learning results - Jingsi Hesitation.

In addition, although the senses are exploded, the function of my own eyes is almost the same as that of Mr. Jin Ning.

But as mentioned before, there is real experience in giving up vision in dangerous situations, and the impact on accuracy is far from that great.

So now, witness the glory of the ancient moon.

Silently, the brilliance fell accurately on Jin Ning, who had just finished blinking, splashing out into a dreamy and blurry scene.


I have to say that the name Jingsi Hesitation is quite appropriate.

As the moonlight illuminates this decaying land, the splashing light scatters like fireflies, and a soft cry finally comes from the gorgeous surroundings.

"What on earth are you..."

Of course, a mere ray of moonlight would not cause much harm to a demigod, but it was obvious that Mr. Jin Ning was really hesitant.

"What's wrong?"

Her sudden stop and the exaggerated light effects instantly shocked her teammates.

The one who spoke out was Eco, who was already in a nervous state.

Even Mr. Li, who was in charge of the rear, suddenly had a silver sword in his hand.

Although the color is different, in Fu Qian's opinion, it should be of the same nature as the golden halberd.

The removal of the light stand from the front was indeed a misdirection, and the short weapon was obviously easily accessible.

"Vampires, didn't I say that before?"

While admiring, Fu Qian, who was undoubtedly the center of his gaze, nodded slightly to Jin Ning who looked over and said matter-of-factly.

"It makes sense. You did say it before... just like you are indeed a demigod..."

Fu Qian's gesture seemed to calm down Mr. Jin Ning's mood a little, but his eyes were still meaningful.

"That was him just now?"

Before he could continue to express his thoughts, Eco clearly realized some information related to the movement just now from the conversation between the two.

And her tone of disbelief showed that this realization not only did not make her suddenly enlightened, but actually made her even more confused.

Just now, we managed to maintain a delicate balance to allow this team that could fall apart at any time to continue. It was obviously the best solution for both parties, but suddenly they started taking action again?


This makes absolutely no sense.

"It's not him, it's me."

Shaking her head to indicate that she shouldn't be too nervous, Yan Ning finally let out a long sigh.

"Your Excellency Anke, I'm very sorry for the offense just now."

With the previous experience, Eco obviously still has a considerable degree of trust in Ji Ning.

And just when she really followed the advice and slightly lifted her fighting posture, Yan Ning's apology gesture was also very serious.

"The reason I did that is simple. Ever since I entered this place, my perception seems not to be so reliable."

"And I don't want to make the same mistake again, so I have to confirm it with my own hands... It turns out that you are more honest than I thought."

Is that really the case?

Due to misjudgment in perception, I did not realize that I was a demigod.

At this moment, after my own "showdown", I am not ready to completely trust my perception to avoid being misled again, so I just take action to see how good it is.

I have to say that Your Excellency Jin Ning has done a really good job in maintaining his mental health, and he still has a bit of youthful vigor.

There was no doubt about the sincerity of Yan Ning's apology, and Fu Qian even praised it in his heart.

At the moment of the attack, this was also the most likely explanation that came to his mind. Otherwise, why would he only choose to give back a piece of the glory of his ancestors?

That counterattack brought not only visual effects, but also had at least three meanings for Mr. Jin Ning who struck first.

First of all, being able to withstand the full-strength sensory distortion and activate it immediately is undoubtedly a very strong evidence for the demigod level.

Secondly, the moon-related concept contained in that elegant and gorgeous strike is also recognized as a symbol of the power of the ancestor of the blood clan.

After such a clear and clear proof for the vampire demigod, this is similar to her raid, and also lacks a lethal counterattack. This will be explained at the end.

That is because he knew she was testing, so he had the strength to fight back.

Of course, even so, Your Excellency Jin Ning still chose to apologize solemnly, which is quite particular.

"It is indeed a different power from the existing vampires... Mr. Anke is indeed an honest person. I also apologize for my previous doubts."

Even at this moment, Mr. Li, who had also softened his posture next to him, had obviously figured out the reason and even expressed his attitude.

Take a look, you can even consult the opinions of academic guests again on Annalise, the ancestor of the ancient blood race. The process is very natural and traceless.

Kill four birds with one stone.

Compared with others, Mr. Li's level is indeed better.

Even in terms of knowledge.

When he established the vampire character and discovered that the original sin sage's insights had been restored, Fu Qian thought that this seemed to be a good opportunity to consult with learned scholars about ancient secrets.

You can't help but learn, no matter what the harsh environment is.

Your Excellency Jin Ning's cooperation seemed to provide an opportunity.

"Honesty is just a personal choice. It would be too rude to allow others to doubt it."

Waving his hands, his forward posture was full at that moment.

He didn't even ask what was different from the existing vampires, but directly reminded him to do the right thing.

"Should we continue?"

The way forward and retreat depends on one mind, and the art of communication has always been broad and profound.

This chapter has been completed!
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