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Chapter 1555 Micro Innovation

You can totally imagine the scene of that underground gathering.

Looking at Honma with lowered eyebrows and lowered eyes, staring at the ball in his palm, Fu Qian seemed to see many people with the same attitude and hope.

Although the movement is simple, like a common prayer in faith, it has a special look and feel because of the shape of the ball itself.

Although the skin and flesh are still there, the ten fingers wrapped outside actually have a faint feeling of being included in it.

Even that kind of different kind of holiness is transmitted in reverse.

Honma, who originally loved life and tasted delicious food, suddenly felt more like returning to his true nature, pure and clear.

"It feels the same as last time, I-"

However, he obviously didn't forget what he was doing and quickly explained his feelings without being reminded.

Unfortunately, as soon as he opened his mouth, the new academy professor unexpectedly made a silencing gesture.

"How do you feel? This is indeed my concern, but it's not time yet."

"You answer when I ask you to answer. I won't ask, just keep this action."

Why is it a little different from last time...

For a moment, Honma's slightly dull expression clearly reflected this doubt.

Unfortunately, the tester just sat there rubbing the ring on his hand without any explanation.

Micro innovation?

At the same time, Honma was not the only one who was shocked.

Ji Liushuang, who came a little closer, was also a little surprised by the improvement of the test plan.

Of course, the reason is not only that the subject's voluntary statements are prohibited, but also the ring that shines with dreamy brilliance in Professor Fu's fiddling room.

Although she couldn't detect the change, Ji Liushuang believed that something had just happened.

As expected, Professor Fu is not prepared to do simple repetitions...

Ji Liushuang naturally thought of the other party's conservative evaluation of Professor Chang Mo's data, and had an ominous premonition in his heart.

Of course, even so, as a qualified assistant, apart from paying full attention and not missing any changes in Honma, she did not do any additional actions.

"it's OK now--"

And as time passed by, after being forced to maintain the same posture for a while, Honma, who seemed confused about the situation, finally couldn't help but speak again.


Unfortunately, what he responded to was exactly the same action.

Professor Fu still didn't seem ready to ask questions.


After being rejected again, Honma subconsciously turned his head and glanced at Ji Liushuang, who was skimming the formation. Unfortunately, the latter's expressionless reaction made him completely accept his fate without opening a word.

But that’s how people are. Once they realize that the status quo cannot be changed, their special temperament suddenly emerges.

In just the blink of an eye, Honma prayed again. The worries on his face were gone, and his enlightenment became even higher.

really not bad!

Seeing the tester who seemed to never take the initiative to speak again, he looked at Ji Liushuang in admiration before paying.

"You have a sword?"

...Aren't you afraid of scaring him?

I thought Professor Fu was going to ask what he thought of it, but unexpectedly he actually asked if he was armed.

However, while Ji Liushuang was confused, he turned his hand and quickly pulled out a short sword from his side.

Slightly longer than the forearm, it has a cross-shaped guard, and the delicate hilt has vermilion marks climbing all the way up.

The compiler's limbs are sharp.

This dagger of extraordinary quality was obviously very suitable for carrying around, and she continued to do so even after acquiring it.


The key issue is that this weapon was originally given to me by the person in front of me.

At such a close distance, how could the other party not know that he was carrying it?

Although I am not sure what the real purpose is, it is clear that I am trying to scare people.

However, the test subject who had lost his choice behaved quite calmly. Even when Professor Fu reached out and took out the dagger, he still couldn't help but look this way.

"Is it easy to use?"

Unfortunately, it wasn't even over before the payment was made. The next moment was to inquire about how to use it.

"...Although it is shorter, it is surprisingly easy to use."

Seeing the topic getting further and further away from each other, and feeling deeply weird, Liu Shuang answered seriously.

"Even Professor Chang has praised it before, saying that this weapon is far from flashy."

Considering that he was the one who gave the gift, it was not easy for the professors of Shenjian Academy to give such a favorable review.

Fu Qian sighed in his heart, and finally turned the topic back to business the next moment.

"What do you think of Brother Honma's situation?"

Aren't you worried that the other party's mentality changes after hearing it will affect the test results?

Ji Liushuang noticed keenly that at that moment Honma was finally stunned for a moment because of these words.

But the doubt only lasted for a moment. She had always been confident in her methods before dealing with it, and she quickly came to a conclusion after taking a quick look.

"I still agree with Professor Chang's statement. It may still be far from true relief, but it does seem to have improved compared to the previous situation."

Considering that this is a serious scientific research exploration, although her words were euphemistic, she was not deliberately optimistic.

"And this item does seem to have a certain promoting effect in this regard."

It can be seen that Honma, who had already made up his mind to enter the state of "let him be strong when he is strong", wanted to defend himself at that moment.

But in the end, he seemed to have remembered Fu Qian's request, and even the sword in his hand, and chose to continue waiting for the call.

"It does seem like this, and judging from Professor Chang's records, other people have similar reactions. It's almost time to get better."

Fu Qian, who had taken this change into his eyes throughout the process, nodded in agreement the next moment, sheathed the sword at the tip of the compiler's limb and handed it back.

"Here, show me your recent gains again."

And just when Ji Liushuang thought Fu Qian was finally ready to start asking questions, she didn't expect that he suddenly made a new request and gestured towards Honma with his chin.

The latest harvest, Asking the Heart Sword Prison?

Ji Liushuang naturally reacted instantly to what Professor Fu pointed out.

Although it doesn't mean that she understands the intention.

Worried that Honma is lying?

This is undoubtedly the most intuitive use of the Asking Heart Sword Prison.

But considering the characteristics of this ability, it seems that I have to ask alone, and I need to carefully consider the content...

Thoughts flashed through his mind, but they did not affect Ji Liushuang's movements at all.

The moment Honma couldn't restrain his curiosity and turned to look over, the dagger was already unsheathed and pointed directly in front of his eyes.


The next moment, pure white expanded unexpectedly.

While Ji Liushuang was squinting at the victim, before she even had time to speak, she discovered that Professor Fu's figure appeared out of thin air and "squeezed" in with a weird posture. ()

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