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Chapter 189 White Porcelain Doll (6)

 Chapter 189 White Porcelain Doll (6)

Now it is basically certain that that kind of unstable guidance affects everyone, not just one person.

It's just that my whiteboard demigod status is special, so I'm the most sensitive.

At the scene of the attack, Fu Qian looked at Delin who had returned to normal size.

The arm that Delin deformed at the beginning just now should be his extraordinary ability. It can be seen that it should be quite powerful in normal times.

However, just after a little stimulation, it spread directly to the whole body.

Mr. Luo's method was a little later, and he may have lost control.

If it were me...

Before paying, I used my imagination a little bit and suspected that I could kill everyone in an instant with any move I made.

In fact, the kick just now was more a reflection of technique than strength.

This place should have a special impact on flesh and blood abilities.

This is still on the outskirts, so you have to be even more careful when going back into the dense forest.

Fu Qian's unimaginable bad attitude made the only female team member tremble with anger.

She had noticed the exchange between Fu Qian and Delin just now, but she did not hear the specific content.

In her opinion, Fu Qian's performance yesterday was a bit lagging, and today he just sat on the sidelines the whole time. His work attitude was really bad, and he was called the scum of the team.

Of course, the main reason was that the action was thwarted and the losses were heavy, which made her feel a fire in her heart.

Seeing that Fu Qian was treating him like nothing, I couldn't help but move forward.


At this time, a somewhat dry voice came, but Delin finally recovered.

His current appearance is undoubtedly quite miserable, because his previous transformation was out of control, causing his body to be bruised and bruised.

Fortunately, it was just a flesh wound. Although his eyes were still blurry, it was nothing serious.

After stopping the female team members from making trouble, he looked at the tragic scenes around him and was speechless for a long time.

The first time he lost control, he was still conscious, so he could completely guess what happened.

But the scene before me was really not in the plan.

After a long time, he finally managed to stand up and found his employer, Miyamoto.

"My team members were also injured due to this unexpected sneak attack. Today's plan will definitely not be able to continue."

"I hope to go back and take a rest first, and then discuss the next step. What do you two think?"

"It should."

There was not much disappointment in Miyamoto's tone, and there was still a smile on his face.

"Looking at the bright side of everything, even though it didn't go as planned, we still got three trophies, didn't we?"

Not only Delin, but others also frowned after hearing this.

This person acted too casually, and Fu Qian looked on curiously.

Although it is purely a matter of interest, if all the thugs die, it will definitely have an impact on the plan.

However, it was a bad start, but this person didn't seem to be in a hurry at all.

The road back was silent and desolate, in sharp contrast to the high spirits of the morning.

In view of Fu Qian's previous excellent performance, he was almost isolated by the entire team.

The only person willing to talk to him occasionally was the Mediterranean Sagittarius.

"You come with me."

All the way back to the camp, Delin seemed to have recovered a little bit because of the strong breath of life in the dense forest.

"Just now……"

After looking him up and down for a while, Delin finally spoke.

"How did you discover the abnormality?"

"In fact, this was not discovered just now."

Facing Delin's question, Fu Qian directly told what he had discovered last night.

“Last time I just had a vague feeling, but I wasn’t sure.

But when I was taking action today, at a critical moment, the same feeling of being spied on reappeared, and I felt there was something wrong."

It turned out to be like this...

Delin's brows furrowed into a frown when he heard what happened next.

It was obvious that he realized the problem was not that simple.

"Who else have you told this about?"

After thinking for a while, he looked into Fu Qian's eyes and asked cautiously.

"I haven't told anyone."

But Mr. Luo may not be unaware of it.

Fu Qian shook his head and added something in his mind.

It's not that he deliberately wanted to hide it, but in his opinion, knowing Mr. Luo's situation may not be a good thing for Delin.

Because Fu Qian was very suspicious of how many secrets there were in this small camp.

In his opinion, more than half of the conversation between the two at this moment may be being monitored.

That Mr. Luo is obviously not something Delin can fight against, and whether Delin knows this information or not, it may mean different things to him.

"Don't tell anyone about this yet."

Delin thought for a long time, and finally looked at Fu Qiandao seriously.


Faced with his request, he immediately agreed without asking why.

In fact, Delin's decision is not difficult to understand.

Today's plan was thwarted, and the team's strength was also greatly damaged. The risk of this commission will undoubtedly need to be re-evaluated.

If the team's opinions are not unified for the time being, it is estimated that many people will want to quit if word of this comes out.

Once people's hearts are dispersed, there will most likely be no room for change.

Seeing Fu Qian's straightforward agreement, Delin nodded with satisfaction.

I didn't know that this team member's perception was so sharp before, but in any case, having such an investigator is of great significance to now.

Just as he was about to say the first two words of encouragement, a heartbreaking scream suddenly sounded outside.

here we go again?

Delin stood up suddenly, and his subconscious reaction was that the group of dolls were chasing him here.

Before he could speak, Fu Qian had already opened the tent and walked out.

The one who screamed was a tall, muscular man. Fu Qian recognized him as the other person involved in the conjoined twins incident that morning.

At this moment, he was like a madman, running around staggeringly, knocking down several tents one after another.

However, there was no trace of the doll around him.

Other team members tried to hold it down to confirm what the problem was.

However, the strength of his struggle was so great that no one could control him for a while.

Delin emerged from the tent and his face became even more ugly when he saw this scene.

Although I don't know what happened, this man's screams were really miserable, and if he continued, his morale would be destroyed.

So although his body was still weak, this man still took a step forward, carefully made some changes in his right hand, and held him down.

Seeing that the man was still struggling, the others swarmed up and held him down.

The man who was pushed to the ground looked in extreme pain, and you could even hear the sound of his teeth grinding.

The female team member lowered her head to comfort him, but the next moment her face was poured with blood.

Under the horrified gazes of a group of people, the man's head exploded and turned into a wriggling cauliflower.

Thank you to book friend 2021*******0093 for the reward, and thank you all for your support!

This chapter has been completed!
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