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Chapter 211 Noise

Chapter 211 Noise

"I didn't expect you to come so quickly."

After receiving the payment and entering the house, Wen Li waved everyone away.

After repeated reminders, this person finally changed his honorific.

"Actually, it's not an urgent matter. I just didn't know when you would be there, so I left a letter there."

Even so, Wen Li was obviously still happy.

"Aren't you busy recently?"

"It's actually quite busy."

Before paying, he took the tea made by Wen Li and took a sip.

After not seeing each other for a few days, this man's life skills have improved a lot, and of course his combat skills have also improved.

It can be felt that Wenli's aura is calmer and more steady than before, and he has obviously improved.

After passing the sixth level, this person obviously encountered no obstacles to his promotion.

Thinking about it, when it comes to brushing proficiency alone, Wenli's ability is really convenient.

"No wonder, your emotions feel... a little confused?"

Wen Li looked at Fu Qian thoughtfully.

Is it just enough to avoid confusion?

Fu Qian thought to himself that he had been wearing a headband for a long time.

However, it can be seen from one thing that Wen Li's ability and sensitivity are really good, and he can actually detect his own emotional changes.



Wen Li tilted her head and considered her words.

"It feels very complicated, as if there are many people's emotions mixed together. Are you sure there is no problem?"

"Of course, we are much better."

Answer confidently before paying.

"But your abilities have indeed improved a lot."

Looking at Wenli who didn't know what to say, Fu Qian took the initiative to change the topic.


Wen Li was overjoyed and instantly forgot her doubts.

"Just now I thought there was something wrong with my ability."

"Speaking of which, the things mentioned in the letter are actually related to this."

At this time Wenli finally thought of the topic.

"What exactly is it?"

"I recently met someone who made me feel very strange."

"What a strange method?"

"Too normal!"

Wen Li frowned and explained in detail.

"Contrary to your state just now, his emotions are so normal that they are unreal."

"According to my experience, everyone has unstable parts of their emotions. I call them emotional noise."

"And since I was promoted to level six, my perception of this aspect has become even more acute."

"But this man is very strange. There is no noise in his emotions, not even a little bit!"

Wenli frowned, recalling his feelings at that time.

"But he is not that kind of unconscious doll. Not only his speech and behavior are very normal, but his various emotions are also real..."


After listening to Wen Li's description, Fu Qian nodded.

There is something really interesting about the expression of emotions that is so perfect that it is false.

"Where did you meet this guy?"

"It was a small banquet. Listening to him introducing himself, it seemed that he had just arrived in Beijing not long ago."

"His speech and behavior are very natural, and there is no problem."

"But then I paid special attention and found that he seemed to be very interested in the theft incident some time ago, and even asked about Uncle Deng's news."

"Do you think he might be related to Uncle Deng's disappearance?"

After Wen Li finished speaking, he looked at Fu Qian with bright eyes. It seemed that this idea had been in his mind for a long time.

Deng Feizhou? In fact, the most relevant person is in front of you.

Fu Qian said in his heart.

Although Deng Feizhou was reduced to ashes, Fu Qian was still deeply impressed by him.

It is astonishing that there is a way to directly force a person to reach the realm of demigod.

But there is nothing wrong with Wenli's suspicion.

Deng Feizhou has been around for so many years and has a wide range of contacts. It is not strange for someone to inquire about his whereabouts after his disappearance, but it is not normal for him to be too sneaky.

Before paying, I couldn't help but think of the native parliament mentioned at that time.

Since it's called a parliament, it should be at least three people, otherwise the votes won't be cast.

One of the members died for no apparent reason, and it was completely normal to react a little bit.

This possibility is not small.

If this is the case, as a murderer, I still have to pay due attention to avoid being caught off guard.

"Actually, after Uncle Deng disappeared, Chief Yuan asked me to find out some information, and specifically told her to report any abnormalities to her at any time."

Yuan Shan frowned.

"Do you think it's necessary for me to tell them? Considering it's all a personal guess, I've been hesitating."

Has Yuan Shan approached Wen Li?

It makes sense. I remember Wen Li mentioned that the night watchman once sealed off Deng Feizhou's home.

At Yuan Shan's level, although the scene was in a mess, it shouldn't be difficult to confirm that Deng Feizhou was dead.

There is also Chen Xing's mutated corpse. I believe Yuan Shan has already realized that there is another hidden story in the theft case.

In this case, if you go to Wenli to understand the situation, the probability of suspecting her is certainly low, but you can't say it yourself.

He saw Wen Li looking at him with bright eyes.

This girl realized this, so she deliberately told herself first? She wanted to act according to her own opinion?

It's really thoughtful.

Theoretically speaking, it is naturally better to grasp the general situation first and then inform the night watcher after being prepared.

Just as Fu Qian was about to speak, he suddenly raised his eyebrows and thought of another question.

Of course, it could be the original parliament that was secretly inquiring about Deng Feizhou.

On the other hand, it may not be Yuan Shan’s temptation.

Assume that this person was deliberately exposed in front of Wen Li, and Wen Li did not report to the night guard after coming into contact with him...

I'm afraid it just verified Yuan Shan's guess.

If you consider this possibility, it is better to change your mind and take advantage of the situation.

It doesn't matter if Yuan Shan is innocent. Not to mention killing someone with a borrowed knife, she might have to ask for help from herself if she really finds out something.

At that time, the threat will be eliminated and the promise of assistance will be used up.

It can be said that one stone kills many birds.

"Since Yuan Shan has specifically told her, just tell her."

Before paying, he made up his mind and said directly to Wen Li.

"As far as I know, she has been very busy recently, so don't be embarrassed if you find something to do for her."

When we came out of Wenli's house, it was already dark.

Before paying, he did not go back to the bookstore. Instead, he found a hidden place and took off his mask.

Although it's a little noisy to go back, it's still too dangerous to rest in this world.

I have a special physique now, and I might be targeted by something at any time.

Have to guard against it.

Returning to the familiar living room, fortunately, perhaps because it was getting late, the calls were no longer as loud as before.

The downside is that it's still loud enough.

After listening to the polyphony for five minutes, my mood became very bad before paying.


Looking at a circle of flashing light, a thought flashed through his mind.


In the dormitory, He Xian looked at Pei Yanqing, who had closed his notebook, with a surprised look on his face.

"What's wrong? What movie is so scary?"


Pei Yanqing had difficulty understanding his emotions for a while.

After bowing his head in silence for a while, this man lost the mood to continue watching the movie and silently took his things to wash up.

At the same time, several people in Lincheng had the same reaction as her.

Is it so magical?

Looking at the dim and disappearing light groups one by one, I stood in deep thought.

Through this special link, it seems that my will can be conveyed to these people to a certain extent?

Thanks to OniyGod for the reward, and thanks to book friends for every support!

I was stunned when I saw it today, I have never seen so many votes... I am so happy to bring fun to everyone!

This chapter has been completed!
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