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Chapter 235 The real reward

Chapter 235 The real reward

"any solution?"

In the warehouse, the lobbyist's body was rapidly crystallizing, turning into a gray transparent statue, and then disintegrating inch by inch.

However, his eyes were staring straight ahead, unaware.

"If it is true, as I think, that there is a parasite in my body that can spy on consciousness, then my chances can be said to be very small."

Look at him before paying.

"And the only thing I can rely on is that you don't dare to be exposed in this place, not even a bit, so your consciousness will not be spied on here."

If my guess is correct and the real target of this mission is the lobbyist, then the warehouse must have the means to deal with him, otherwise this mission will be meaningless at all.

So here, he must be in the deepest hidden state.

I added something in my mind before paying.

"In order to prevent the idea of ​​dealing with you from being discovered, I did not go out immediately. Instead, I made a complete plan here, and every step is clear."

"The moment I leave here, I will no longer think about any relevant information in my mind, and will only act according to the plan I have made."

"Boat water, cook noodles, just do it step by step, without thinking about why in the middle, and the time is accurate to the second."

"Finally, after a series of extremely normal operations, I suddenly stopped at a certain moment and kept my mind blank."

"I set this time at five seconds."

"In the middle, never think about why, nor pay attention to the changes in the body, and come back here after the five seconds are over."

"Suppose you have been snooping and find out that something is suddenly wrong with the host. How would you react?"

"You are currently in a weak state, and you definitely don't want to be noticed by others. You should be worried that my mind has been affected by parasitism, and will my abnormal behavior attract unnecessary attention?

Since you didn’t feel any danger, it was a very reasonable and safe move to guide me a little to get my behavior back to normal, and then—we’re here.”

"This is a dangerous game, and I may only have one chance."

Fu Qian looked at the lobbyist and saw that the latter's body was in a state of disrepair and his head was shaky.

"If I fail, the result is that I may not even know that I failed. This sentence is quite interesting to say, but fortunately it doesn't..."

"Your performance is really surprising!"

At this time, with a muffled sound, the lobbyist's shriveled head fell to the ground. His hair was as messy as withered grass, but he still made a sound.

"But what I can tell you is that no matter what form I am bound in, I will return one day."


Fu Qian waved his hand at him.

"Come on!"

The lobbyist made no more noise, and his head quickly became blurred and fell deep into the warehouse.


After witnessing this scene, Fu Qian let out a breath.

This has to be the weirdest mission so far!

It is also the most dangerous!

I have to say that this kind of corrosion that transcends concepts and even transcends dimensions is really eye-opening.

In past missions, the biggest danger was losing all your sanity.

If you don't notice this time, you can say that you will become a puppet silently.

Fortunately, I have a rich imagination.

In fact, in retrospect, the warehouse still gave some tips.

For example, mission rewards.

Apart from sanity and inspiration, there is nothing else, which is undoubtedly quite abnormal.

In addition, there is a detail that is very easy to overlook.

[Today’s work has been completed and you can leave the warehouse now]

This prompt that would appear after every mission in the past did not appear even after I sat in the warehouse for half an hour.

This almost makes it clear that his mission is not over yet.

Now, the real reward should come, right?

Fu Qian sat in his seat and stared into the depths of the warehouse.

As if he heard his voice, the next moment, two things appeared silently on the table.

This is?

Almost immediately before paying, I was attracted by the strange shape of the item and directly reached out to lift the big one.

It's so heavy, it looks like a torture instrument!

The first reward is a hexagonal iron cage.

The iron cage was half a meter high, looked like it was made of rough pig iron, and was extremely thick.

There is a hole at one end, just big enough for a head.

[Name: Sweet Dream Headband]

Before paying, focus on it, and lines of information appear.

[Type: Helmet]

[Introduction: A self-imprisoning headcage can isolate thoughts after being worn. It will produce different effects as the time of wearing it changes]

[Wear it for 0-60 minutes to block all gaze]

[Wear it for 1-6 hours and you can see the undistorted reality]

[If you wear it for more than 6 hours, you will fall into a sweet nightmare]

[Each time you take it off, the head cage will automatically close and can only be opened again after 24 hours]

[Note: It is said that absolute self-isolation will breed divine wisdom]

This thing is actually a helmet?

The styling is really unique!

I admired it while reading the introduction before paying.

This effect is also very interesting.

The biggest trouble I have now is that I am easily noticed by various beings.

In this case, the first special effect is undoubtedly quite appropriate.

Although according to the description, it is only effective for one hour and cannot be maintained forever, but it can still come in handy at critical moments.

As for peeking into the reality, I can't think of a place where I need to use it for the time being, and the sweet nightmare that follows is, to put it another way, definitely not a good thing.

Don't wear it for too long.

After roughly analyzing it, he put the headband back on the table and picked up another reward before paying.

In fact, he was not unfamiliar with this item.

[Name: Insect Whistle]

[Type: special items]

[Introduction: Can make sounds that penetrate the barrier between reality and dreams, and summon nightmare worms to devour everything]

[Note: In most time and space, worms can only exist for a very short time and cannot distinguish between friend and foe]

It is indeed this thing!

Before paying, he played with the white whistle in his hand.

If it has the same effect as in the mission, the summoned worm will undoubtedly be very powerful, and its level will be at least demigod level.

Although there is no distinction between friend and foe, as long as it is used properly, it can also have miraculous effects.

These two rewards are undoubtedly quite practical, and the hard work is not in vain!

Considering the potential danger, I did not take them with me before paying, but left them all in the warehouse.

After taking care of everything, I activated the mark before paying and returned home.

It's still morning outside, and the noodles on the table are still steaming.

But at this moment, the purity was no longer there. Almost instantly, the shouts in my mind flooded out.

It should be no problem!

He nodded secretly before paying.

I didn't hear these sounds just now. It seems that it is indeed the reason why I was parasitized.

Maybe it’s because my soul is not pure anymore?

You can use this later to check whether you have been tricked.


Fu Qian hummed while thinking and picked up the chopsticks in front of him.

Thank you for the reward for helping the children, and thank you to every book friend for your support. The pace of updates has been a bit chaotic recently, and we are working hard to adjust it!

This chapter has been completed!
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