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Chapter 28 Devour

 Chapter 28 Devouring

Following Wen Li's words, a silent storm swept through the entire space, and then quickly dissipated invisible.

In terms of intensity, this impact was no more than a breeze blowing against my face, but I felt something was different before I paid it forward.

Before he could savor it, an inhuman roar came out, causing his eardrums to hurt.

Shadow Nightmare, whose neck was being strangled in his hands, began to struggle violently.

Are you scared out of your mind? Fu Qian glanced at him.

The top killer who just now shouted that he could talk, now his eyes were red, his throat was grunting like a beast, and he was moving his body almost regardless of life and death.

Clicking sound.

Shadow Nightmare, who was still unable to break free, had his neck broken in the next moment.

What's even more strange is that the fracture has become as dry as firewood, and there is not even any blood flowing out.

Shadow Nightmare, whose head was severed, not only did not stop struggling, but his movements became more and more crazy.

There was a sound of wind, and Fu Qian turned his head to avoid the claw grabbing his head.

One claw missed, and under the strong inertia, the already rotten arm also broke in response.

There was also no blood flowing out, but the dark red blood line covering the surface of the arm suddenly came out.

Next comes the shoulders, chest, and upper body.

Just like a golden cicada peeling off its shell, dark red blood threads pulled itself out of Shadow Nightmare's body, and then suddenly slipped to the wall and stuck to it tightly.

The Shadow Nightmare in his hand was already dead, so he threw the remains to the side in front of him.

At this moment, it was like a grenade went off in his head.

The violent desire to kill filled his mind, stimulating every nerve in him and shaking his mind to the point of collapse.

Every cell in his body became manic, and it seemed that only the bloodiest killing could calm him down.


Taking a deep breath, Fu Qian looked back.

Wen Li closed her eyes tightly and stood motionless.

She is still pale and frail, but her impression has changed significantly, and there is now a hint of mystery.

Farther away, Tan Mingxue had completely collapsed, hugging herself tightly with both hands, hiding in a corner and shivering.

Countless hair turned into transparent filaments, tangled disorderly around her body, preventing anything from getting close.

That invisible storm can amplify people's emotions?

Fu Qian's heart moved and he used his remaining rationality to analyze the current situation.

Shadow Nightmare had obviously been tricked. He had been thinking about escaping before, so just now he was desperate to escape from his control.

I just didn't expect Tan Mingxue to be the same. This woman is less courageous than she appears.

This is the night guard!

As for Wen Li, the storm just now was obviously released from her body. It can be said that she is the source of this abnormality.

From this perspective, my plan to use the pressure and fear of death to stimulate Wenli was successful.

Although he hasn't received a notification that the mission was successful, Wen Li is obviously in a state of change.

As for whether this is the opportunity for upgrading she mentioned, we can only give it a try.


There was a muffled sound, and his right hand was broken by him.

There is no other way. If he doesn't break it, he will have hammered the people around him into pulp.

However, it only took a few seconds for the severed hand to heal firmly.

Just interrupt Wen Li and it will stop.

Amidst the clicking sound, Fu Qian broke one of his hands again and stood there forcing himself to calm down.

Interrupting Wenli is easy, the difficult part is not to interrupt her (physics).

At this moment, blood rolled in front of his eyes.

With a tremor, the thing on the wall that escaped from Shadow Nightmare actually curled up into a thorny ball.

Not only that, the ball is still expanding crazily, with countless bloody veins twisting together, corroding and devouring everything it encounters.

The one closest to it was Wenli, who was motionless.

In ten seconds at most, this person will be so fragrant that he will be jealous of his talent.

Make quick judgment before paying.

But if you smash this thing, Scarlet Fever will escape.

It doesn't matter to me, even if Wenli is upgraded, it's still unknown whether he can survive.

The moment the two choices appeared in his mind, Fu Qian felt his mind was in confusion and could hardly think.

Sure enough, the tangled emotions were amplified.

Seeing that thing growing crazily, it had expanded several times in the blink of an eye, and was only one step away from Wenli.

Killing it without breaking it is a bit complicated.

The more stringent the requirements, the broader the ideas must be.

Fu Qian took a step forward, and in the next moment he completely released the suppression of his violent murderous intent.


There was a flash of blood, and his right hand recovered again, leaving a bottomless wound on his chest.

Driven by the violent killing intent, the body's metabolism was activated to the limit.

Almost instantly, the cells in the wound grew wildly and turned into a canine tooth.

Taking a deep breath, the crack in his chest quickly tore and expanded. In just half a second, it turned into a bloody mouth full of fangs.

Fu Qian opened it towards the dark red blood mass.

The blood mass, which had swelled several times in size, could not be avoided and was swallowed in one gulp.

The mouth closed suddenly, and the blood mass began to struggle wildly.

However, no matter how it bumped left and right, it was still suppressed by the violent cells, unable to find any way out.

After countless collisions, the blood mass finally burst and disintegrated.

A stream of hot red mist escaped, but it was still tightly locked in Fu Qian's chest, with no trace of it escaping.

Half a minute later, Fu Qian stepped forward and kicked Wen Li.


Wen Li screamed and opened her eyes, jumping up from the ground.

Looking at how quickly he got up, he must have reached the sixth level without asking.

Fu Qian could feel the rage in his heart dissipate instantly. It was indeed her fault.

Upgrading the spiritual system is really troublesome!

"Mr. Fu, thank you for your help."

Glancing around, Wen Li seemed to understand what was going on. There was an expression of surprise on his face and he bowed deeply to Fu Qian.

Fu Qian didn't say anything, but stared at Wen Li's pupils, which were much darker than before, when a voice sounded in his ear.

[Wenli died, containment failed]

The next moment, the scene in front of him quickly fell apart, and Fu Qian returned to the familiar warehouse again.

[Evaluation: Crazy to the point of death]

[Kill: Shadow Nightmare × 1]

[Special kill: Scarlet Angel × 1]

[Special kill reward: Tyrant’s Fist]

[Current san value: 33]

【Would you like to play the event review?】

This can actually fail, my intuition is right, this mission is far more difficult than it appears.

Fu Qian took a breath and did not do anything like smashing the keyboard. Instead, he stood there and directly selected the event review.

He needs to confirm one thing.

Wen Li was clearly standing in front of him and successfully promoted to level six, but the result was death and containment failure.

Unless she is not Wenli!

Skipping everything in the front and dragging it all the way to the end, Fu Qian looked at Wen Li who stood up after bowing.

The face is exactly the same, with a lifelike expression, but compared to before the upgrade, there is a hint of evil in the depths of his eyes.

Thank you Mr. Han for your support, thank you to every book friend, and good night everyone!

This chapter has been completed!
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