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Chapter 289 Bottled Prisoners (13)

 Chapter 289 Bottled Prisoners (13)

"Then don't waste time."

After turning black, Elena was more decisive than before. After agreeing with Fu Qian's judgment, she immediately gave the order.

"Assuming that these people seek purification every time they kill someone, then the statue must not be too far away, otherwise just going back and forth would be too time-consuming."

"Agreed, in fact I think we can try there."

Before paying, he pointed to the distance.

Looking along the edge of the water in front of you, you can see a building carved out of the sloping wall.

The area is not very large, and it is not obvious if you don’t look carefully.

But regardless of distance, direction, angle, no matter how you look at it, if the base is over there and then you come here to hunt, it will undoubtedly be very suitable.

Well worth exploring.

Speaking of which, there is no need to go to such trouble. There probably aren't many people here who have integrity. The one who fell into my hands just now wants to survive, so just ask him and he will definitely get it.

It's a pity that Elena's attack was so ruthless that she didn't even leave a single person alive.

Also speaking of this...

Before paying, he looked at Elena who was leading the way next to him.

It can be said that this woman's performance before and after the injury formed a sharp contrast. The transformation from a saint to a villain was completely instantaneous.

Not to mention his personality, even his ability form is switched like this. This person's condition is very worrying.

"This is my natural ability."

As if seeing Fu Qian's doubts, Elena walked with a black snake entwined in her hand.

"But my father didn't like it."

"In order to help me get rid of this dark ability, he tried every means, and finally really used my talent to turn me into the completely opposite form."

"It's a pity that this twist is not so stable. During one operation, I accidentally killed him, and then I ended up in this redemption game."

When saying this, Elena's expression fell into a strange kind of peace, as if she was telling a trivial matter.

"Actually, I think this is good... If sinful karma can really be purified, then I can determine which part of the inner struggle over the years is false."

"Don't be confused Elena, you will definitely be able to get rid of that dark influence."

Listening to Elena's eloquent talk, Cross, who had been silent for a long time next to him, finally couldn't help but speak.

"Maybe, actually I think this is pretty good!"

Elena chuckled when she heard the words, and turned to look at Fu Qian.

"What about you? Do you also think that I am in an evil state that should be purified?"

"You can judge your own affairs by yourself. I'm not familiar with you."

Before paying, he glanced at her casually.

"Don't expect me to tell you that the good or evil of power only depends on the person who uses it. It's a cliché to just keep to yourself. The world is far from that simple."

"Well said...it seems like I will have to remain confused."

Elena was stunned for a moment by Fu Qian's words, and then she showed a weird smile.

"Don't want to be confused? It's simple. It doesn't matter whether it's right or wrong, just choose one side and make the corresponding awareness."

"For example, when you are tied to the stake and burned to death, don't cry and say that you were just confused."

Ha ha!

After listening to Fu Qian's words, Elena thought for a long time and actually laughed out loud.

"It makes sense, teaming up with you is indeed a wise decision!"

"You can think about whether it's wise or not. There are guests coming now."

Fu Qian stopped talking nonsense to her and motioned for her to look forward.

At this moment, a figure appeared in the distance and walked towards the three of them slowly.

With the previous lesson learned, Cross stood directly in front of Elena this time, and black mist surged in the latter's hands.

"You three, please don't get me wrong."

When the person came close to a certain distance, he stood still and shouted directly in this direction.

From this position, we can see that the man is of medium build, has an elegant face, and his hair is neatly combed. At first glance, he looks like a university professor.

"I and the team I represent have no ill will towards you."

"Really? Can you explain what you are doing here?"

After turning black, Elena was obviously much more aggressive, and she immediately snorted coldly.

"It's very simple. One is to apologize for the conflict just now, and the other is to see if we can cooperate with the three of us."

The visitor didn't mind her tone.

"The conflict just now...that person was indeed one of yours!"

Elena instantly grasped the point.

"Cooperation? How do I know this isn't another trap!"

"It is true that this possibility cannot be ruled out, so I will just state the facts and you can make your own judgment on the specifics, Ms. Elena."

The person who came actually called Elena's name directly.

"you know me?"

Elena frowned when she heard this and looked at the other person up and down. It was obvious that this person was not on her information list before.

"Of course, you have to know that as the weaker side in this competition, there are not many forces that you can draw on."

The visitor was still smiling.

"For the sake of fairness, let me introduce myself first, Lynn, one of the prisoners in this competition."

"The thing is very simple. In order to survive to the end as much as possible, I organized a group of people who had the same idea and tried to gain some initiative for myself. The three people who just offended are among them."

Obviously, this person named Lin En is very eloquent and can explain the current situation clearly in just a few words.

According to him, he selected and organized a dozen experts in total, and they immediately started searching for the statue.

After finding them, they gathered together and started hunting down other lone people, accumulating the fire of sin and then finding statues to purify them.

The four-person group just now is one of those teams.

It seems that we know why the crime seeker appeared so early this time.

"...It's clear that we now face a common threat."

After introducing his situation, Lin En looked at Elena sincerely.

"The Butcher's sins are accumulating very quickly. Coupled with his previous deeds, we have almost no ability to confront him head-on. All we can rely on are the sin-seekers."

"What's more, there are emergencies now."

In an unexpected situation, Fu Qian raised his head and glanced at Lin En.

"Did you just meet a butcher?"


Lynn is very honest.

"We finally tried to lure him away. He can't find it here yet, but it's obvious that something beyond our plan happened."

"The Sin Seeker didn't go looking for him, did he?"

Elena also reacted at this time and sneered again and again.

"you know?"

Lin En's eyes immediately lit up, and he was obviously a little surprised.

"Of course we do, and we also know exactly who it is chasing."

Elena looked behind Linn.

"Judging from the current situation, your plan has not had the desired effect."

"You don't need to be nagging anymore. Take us to the statue."

Sorry, the title serial number of the previous chapter is wrong. I will ask the editor to change it as soon as possible. It is really troublesome to not be able to change the title after publishing!

This chapter has been completed!
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