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Chapter 306 Silent Anchor

 Chapter 306 Silent Anchor

Just know it if you know it, it doesn't matter.

In this situation, even if I told them personally that Xu Meng had actually found the right person, no one would believe it.

In fact, not only them, but also Xu Meng would not believe it.

Fu Qian leaned on his seat casually and looked at the people scattered throughout the living room.

At the same time, they still have their own "voices" in their minds.

Double contact, it's a pretty interesting feeling.

These few people are basically my poor social circle.

It can be seen that they are all happy from the bottom of their hearts about their reappearance.

I have to say that although I feel noisy most of the time, through these sounds in my head, I can really feel that I am still connected to the world.

You must know that unlike before, with the messenger mask, you can theoretically leave here at any time.

Even in his current state, he seems more in tune with the world over there.


The next moment, Tan Ying's voice suddenly rose in pitch, and she turned around to look at Fu Qian, her eyes widening.

"Have you been staying at a rich woman's house these two days?"

When I am overly excited, my voice almost sounds a little broken.

Pei Yanqing beside her was also stunned.


I acknowledged it directly and openly before paying.

"You're so busy that you don't even have time to answer your phone...are you working too hard?"

Tan Ying's expression was strange. It was obvious that the reason why she lost contact with her was completely different from what she imagined.

"Life is at stake. As a professional, how can you be distracted?"

Faced with her shock, Fu Qian answered calmly.

Lives at stake? Professionals?

Several people looked at each other, and finally Tan Ying gritted her teeth and asked cautiously.

"What the hell are you doing over there?"

"Personal Security Consultant."

Fu Qian answered almost instantly, squinting at the four stiff faces.

"You think so?"

At this time, not only Tan Ying and Pei Yanqing, but also Qin Yu were stupid.

The picture that deviated too much from their imagination made their dirty souls stir for a while.

"So...you have been working as a bodyguard these days?"

Pei Yanqing, who had never spoken much, finally couldn't help but speak.

"Strictly speaking, there is a difference from a bodyguard. I only participate in a friendly manner and provide technical support for security protection."

"Sounds so professional!"

Pei Yanqing was amazed.

“Expert level.”

There is no humility before payment.


Qin Mingze pointed at Fu Qian.

"You trained like this to increase your combat effectiveness?"

There is still some ambiguity in what you said. He nodded calmly before paying.

"It's just incidental."


For a moment, the room was filled with exclamations. The four people's attention was all focused on Fu Qian's new part-time job, and all kinds of questions came one after another.

"When did it start?"

"Isn't it dangerous?"

"I've never heard you say, is there any confidentiality requirement?"

"So, isn't that rich woman pretty?"

"It's okay."

Before paying, he recalled the appearance of Wen Li.

Qin and Yu both looked fascinated immediately, and they were crazy about the pictures.

"So do you still want to eat this meal?"

Seeing that the form was a bit out of control, I asked before paying.

“You can eat anytime!”

Qin Mingze waved his hand, obviously not wanting to let him go like this.

"Tell me your problem honestly first!"

"I'm really too lazy to go out."

Fu Qian rubbed his chin and thought for a while, then walked to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator.

"But as a person who keeps his word... I still have some reserves at home, so I can help you deal with them."

Unlike most of his peers, as someone who has lived alone for many years, Fu Qian’s cooking skills are still acceptable.

Of course, a large part of the reason is because of poverty.

Only young people who have never been short of money can give such a happy answer as "you can order takeout when you are hungry".

In fact, as long as you cook yourself, you will be able to understand the huge gap in nutritional supplements between the two.

"Did you really do it?"

Tan Ying was obviously very surprised when she saw Qian Zhen going out to pick tomatoes seriously.

This guy can actually cook!

"Xiao Qian's craftsmanship has always been good."

Qin Mingze waved his hand, as if you were making too much of a fuss.

"It's just that this product is too lazy. I haven't eaten it a few times in so many years."

"Believe me, after today's meal, you can brag about it."

"Then let me help!"

Tan Ying was obviously a little resistant to the kitchen, and Pei Yanqing next to her volunteered, took off her plaid apron and put it on herself.

"Okay, what can you cook?"

Looking at Pei Yanqing, who looked a bit like a cook, she asked naturally before paying her bills.


The latter was stunned for a moment, his face turned red, and he bowed his head like a mosquito.

"I...I can also start with you."

"Okay, I understand."

Young people today! Fu Qian sighed for a while.

However, I didn’t expect much at first, so it was already a good start.

He threw a few potatoes over and asked Pei Yanqing to help peel them.

It was still a long time, so Qin Mingze and Wu Qingyu were not in a hurry to ask questions, and just fiddled with the equipment in front of the checkout, playing games in the living room.

"Your employer is very generous, and the remuneration seems quite generous."

Tan Ying did not let him go, and still stood at the door of the kitchen, brows contemplating.

After learning that Fu Qian actually had such a part-time job, the previous incident of the bracelet being bought became a little more reasonable.


Unexpectedly, as soon as he said these words, the hand he was peeling onions in front of him shook.

I just said I forgot something.

Fu Qian sighed and looked up at the ceiling at a 45-degree angle.

This time Wenli still didn’t pay!

"What's wrong?"

Seeing his strange expression, Tan Ying asked subconsciously.

"Nothing... these cunning capitalists."

With Pei Yanqing's help, it only took about an hour to finish lunch.

It was already past noon, and several hungry people swarmed forward, almost like a whirlwind, and wiped out all the works in front of him.

While eating, he was full of praise and highly praised the cooking skills in front of him.

Although they didn't forget to ask him about his part-time experience, they undoubtedly knew how to use discretion and didn't ask any questions that Fu Qian didn't want to answer.

All in all, after the meal, the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves.

Tan Ying was even infected by this harmonious atmosphere and helped to clean the dishes and chopsticks.

There are still many things that young people can do when they come together.

After finishing cleaning up, a group of people simply used this place as a game hall and board game room, and they didn't disperse until it was getting late.

As everyone left, the noisy living room became quiet.

I didn't turn on the light before paying, so I just sat in the dark.

At this moment, in his mind, the annoying calls before also fell silent.

It was obvious that after confirming that they were fine, these people felt relieved and temporarily shifted their focus.

This feeling of going from noisy to calm is quite good. I closed my eyes before paying and looked comfortable.

In a sense, these calls are like my anchor in this world.

It was getting late and the anchors were silent.

Thanks to Linjiang, 2022******2850 for the reward, and everyone for your support. Sorry, there is only one chapter today, and I will start a new task tomorrow.

This chapter has been completed!
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