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Chapter 479 Wasteland Chapter (41)

 Chapter 479 Wasteland (Forty-one)

"Wait a minute, I'm really not kidding!"

When he held his head and lifted it up before being paid, Ji Yicheng's fear almost turned into reality.

Although he didn't know why, the terrifying impact just now caused his state to become chaotic and he lost many abilities.

Although this does not mean that he has completely lost his fighting power, Fu Qian's performance along the way made him completely lose the courage to fight to the death, and just wanted to grab the last straw.

"Believe me, Elena is in this ruins now!"

"And I can feel that her mental state is extremely unstable. If you kill me, no one will be able to help her."


He didn't look at him before paying, but looked back at the empty room behind him, thoughtfully.

I don’t know if there was a wave just now, and the purified sense of oppression has become slightly weaker.

But there is no doubt that that person has not left here yet.

And if the previous speculation is true, in order to complete the task, he will most likely need to deal with this secret pregnant angel, a high-ranking existence that is enough to suppress demigods.

I have to say, it's quite tricky.

"Then take me to see it!"

While thinking, Fu Qian threw Ji Yicheng to the ground and motioned for him to lead the way. He didn't seem to be worried about him escaping at all.

It's a pity that Ji Yicheng was photographed directly from his extremely confident state to the ground. Ji Yicheng has completely lost his courage in this regard.

Even in order to convince Fu Qian of his value, he tried his best to maintain his physical condition, hoping to make the situation look a little better.

Unfortunately, even so, his image is still worrying.

At this moment, feathers were emerging from the surface of Ji Yicheng's bloated body, even on his armor.

The feathers are pure white and flawless, but the scene of them crawling out is inexplicably disgusting.

And because it kept peeling off the body after being drilled out, it even left a trace on the ground along the way.

"Wait a minute, stand here."

The two of them walked in tandem and quickly returned to the hall of mirrors.

Looking at the broken cocoon above his head, Fu Qian motioned to Ji Yicheng to stand in front of the huge mirror.

Although he didn't understand what Fu Qian wanted to do, Ji Yicheng still followed it cautiously.

It's really stable.

Before paying, I carefully looked at my reflection in the mirror.

As before, Ji Yicheng's image in the mirror is still clear. It seems that the trauma just now did not make him fundamentally change.

Fu Qian turned to look at himself again, still seeing chaotic flesh and blood, flashing color blocks, and entangled illusory images.

At a certain moment, Fu Qian seemed to have grasped something important.

"You mentioned before that you can see the shadow of corruption in everyone, so what do I look like in your eyes?"

Fu Qian looked at Ji Yicheng and asked.

"In addition to the main body, there is an illusory spirit body that overlaps with the body and is in a state of constant change."

It looks a bit like what I see in the mirror.

"very good."

Fu Qian nodded, thought for a while and asked again.

"What did your reflection look like in the mirror when you first came here?"

"It's definitely different from now, because I used the gray fall ability at that time."

Ji Yicheng answered very quickly.

"Because I was originally in a state similar to a spirit body, the reflection looked a bit illusory and overlapping, but soon I recognized the real body from the outline, and the confusion disappeared."


An idea flashed before paying, and I finally realized what I had just realized.

"Cognitive misalignment."

He took out a breath and muttered to himself.

He thought of a possible way to sign the oath - taking the fallen shadow as his true self and denying his original self.

Knowing how to enter the mirror and observe your own reflection is the same for everyone.

However, only Ji Yicheng fulfilled the oath unknowingly, so the problem must indeed lie in his special state.

But it wasn't the gray-fall state that made him directly recognized, because as he just said, the reflection was also a little confusing at first.

But at this time he made an action and completed the last step.

This action is to identify who is yourself in the mirror.

After other people see the reflection in the mirror, no matter how messed up their flesh and blood are, they will definitely not think that the shadow is themselves.

But Ji Yicheng was different. He naturally believed that he was a spirit body and accepted it without any doubt.

Although it is called an angel, this oath is really a bit weird!

"What's the meaning?"

Ji Yicheng on the side obviously didn't understand.

But if that's the case, it makes sense.

Before paying, he ignored him and thought of Lorraine who was suspected of being in trouble.

Unlike transforming into a spirit body, cognitive dislocation can be achieved by anyone.

As long as her condition is abnormal enough.

However, there seems to be no answer yet as to why she was strengthened to such an exaggerated level.

"Let's go!"

Without explaining anything to Ji Yicheng, Fu Qian motioned for him to continue leading the way.

Ji Yicheng was obviously confused, but in the end he didn't dare to ask questions.

What I didn't expect was that the leader was still following the same old path.

Soon, the two of them came to the hall full of stone pillars one after another.

In the hall, there were actually two people at this time.

Elena sat there silently, looking down at her hands.

Cross, who had not seen him for a long time, was standing motionless next to him, holding a hammer in his hand, like a sculpture.

As Fu Qian and the others entered the door, Elena seemed to be alarmed and was the first to look over.


Elena stood up and gave an impeccable salute, with a strange joy in her eyes.

"Mr. Fu, it is indeed you."

"I should have thought of it long ago..."

Fu Qian had just taken off his mask and not put it on again. This person finally recognized him.

While this person was speaking, Cross on the side did not say a word, but just stared straight at this side.

This scene really reminds me of the first time I met these two people.

"Tyr brought you here?"

"How did you know?"

Before Elena could say anything, Cross asked.

That's not simple yet.

I thought to myself before paying.

After rescuing Tyr just now, given that person's character, although he most likely wouldn't lie, he could only tell half the truth.

He stood by and tried to persuade the young adventurer to return, which he believed until now.

But the reason for risking one's life to make this trip is still a bit weak.

Now that I think about it, after Elena left here, she took Cross to find Tire for help and asked him to bring the two of them here. The weapons in Cross's hand can also explain this to a certain extent.

Obviously her previous experience here made her feel that it might be beneficial to Cross's situation.

Facts have proved that her judgment is reasonable. Cross seems to be in relatively stable condition at the moment. It should be affected by the underground ruins.

As for why Tier was asked to help, it was also very simple. Both of them were currently in extremely poor condition, and they were afraid that they no longer had the ability to cross the swamp.

"I believe you can see her state."

At this time Ji Yicheng finally found a chance to speak.

"I can help, and I can prove it to you now."

Although this person still doesn't believe in credit before payment, he no longer has the courage to propose payment in advance and delivery later.


What I didn't expect was that even though it was a sincere suggestion, I still refused it before paying.

Change first and then change!

This chapter has been completed!
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