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Chapter 486 Ten Hundred Years of Shock

 Chapter 486 Ten Hundred Years of Surprise

Pay Qian is not talking nonsense.

There is a reason for judging that what Taylor took out was actually a diary.

Because before paying, I casually opened a page and saw the following content:

"Rael doesn't really have a crush on me. What draws her to me is her desire for my power, and she uses her excellent acting skills to cover up this..."

And the amount of information is slightly larger!

Fu Qian nodded repeatedly and looked at Taylor meaningfully.

"Is your book about love?"

"Strictly speaking, this is an ancient notebook."

Taylor, who was sitting opposite, obviously saw the content on the page and immediately coughed and explained.

Notes? This sounds much more reasonable.

Think carefully before paying.

"How old?"

"At least a thousand years, it has been passed down from generation to generation by the family elders."

Facing the questions before him, Taylor still responded calmly, with a smile on his lips.

So I was just watching a sadomasochism from ten centuries ago?

Before paying, he searched his temples and turned back a page.

"... After repeated tests, garlic does affect the state of vampires. Although there is no direct harm, it will suppress fertility... This is an effective way to prevent me from getting pregnant when I am intimate with human women, unlike before.

Kill them..."


I checked before paying and found that this was indeed right next to the previous sadomasochism scene.

Of course, we will not comment on the emotional experiences of the original author of the note before payment.

What he wanted to emphasize was that this was a bit wrong!

The contents of the notes from more than a thousand years ago are all in vernacular?

No matter how stable the inheritance is, the way people spoke thousands of years ago will always be different, right?

This strong sense of dissonance is almost like the ingredients list of a hundred-year-old wine printed by Microsoft Yahei.


Seemingly sensing Fu Qian's doubts, Taylor chuckled again and waved his hands gracefully.

"There are too many magics in this world, right? No matter people or things."

"Mr. Fang is confused as to why the above content is understandable? In fact, it is not difficult to explain - it will automatically change the display method according to different observers."

Is this actually the case?

In other words, when you flip through it, "it" will automatically change into something you can understand?

It is indeed a magical item!

In addition, not only did this person address him directly as Mr. Fang, but also what he said later, this was no longer what he meant.

Basically, it means that I know you are not an ordinary bookstore owner. We are here just for the previous festival and want to see what kind of monster you are.

What is before you is a magical item that has been passed down by our clan for thousands of years. Have you never seen a sample?

I've been scaring you to death for a whole year, Jie Jie Jie!

Okay, Fu Qian admitted that the rest of the tone was deduced smoothly, but there was nothing I could do about it, it was too smooth.

How arrogant!

Even so, his eyes suddenly became sharp, indicating that he had a strong sense of involvement and was already getting angry.


The next moment I paid, I slapped the counter hard.

"How much?"

In Taylor's suddenly alert eyes, he asked coldly.

For a moment, Taylor almost thought this guy was going to take action.

After all, judging from the information previously investigated, this guy is not only mysterious in identity, but also moody and erratic. It is not impossible to take action without saying anything.

Even though he has almost revealed his identity as the Goulard family, even in Beijing.

I didn’t expect this product to actually ask about the price.

"How much can you offer?"

Taylor slowly sat back on the chair, his mood instantly adjusted back, and he looked at Fu Qian with interest.

"Your book is slightly damaged, so it's hard to get a price for it."

Before paying, he shook the notes in his hand casually and sounded very professional.

"In addition, although there are many pages, there is a lot of blank space at the back, and not even more than half of the really meaningful content."

What Fu Qian said was not nonsense. He just flipped through it and could see a lot of blank pages at the back.

A thousand years have not been filled up. Are the people in your family a little lazy?

"Actually, this is the valuable part of this notebook."

Taylor looked at the blank space where the note had been turned.

"In the blank space, you are free to write anything."

"Then what?"

"Then? And then there's the magic of this notebook."

Taylor laughed.

"It only accepts what is 'real'."

"If what you write is contrary to the facts, it will disappear quickly and cannot be retained."

"Is it so magical?"

After listening to Taylor's explanation, he looked down at his notes again before paying.

"It feels like it's very suitable to take to the casino. Guess the size or something."

"Unfortunately, that's not possible, because what you write in needs to be something you firmly believe in. Any speculative content does not fall within this category."

Taylor frowned and looked at Fu Qian, obviously having difficulty understanding the idea of ​​using this magical item as a cheating tool.

It must be something that you believe deeply, and then quickly dissipate to tell you that what you believe in is false?

This thing gives people the feeling that it is full of bad taste.

But if what Taylor said is true, then based on this effect alone, this magical item is worth a fortune.

The so-called authorities are obsessed with it. It is definitely a very meaningful thing to have the opportunity to verify the authenticity of the cards in your heart at some critical moments.

“It’s really amazing!”

Thinking of this, he nodded thoughtfully before paying.

"If that's the case, I can give you a dollar."


Even as calm as Taylor was, he was stunned for a moment.

"You are joking?"

"Why am I joking? This is how business is done."

Fu Qian looked like you were making too much of a fuss.

"Don't underestimate this dollar. My monthly turnover may not be this amount."

With the way you open a store, you'd be damned if you can make money!

Taylor gritted his teeth in his heart and looked at Fu Qian coldly.

"Can I think that you are insulting our entire family?"

"You are insulting yourself by showing this kind of thing and letting people bid at will, right?"

Faced with the threat implicit in this man's words, Fu Qian remained unmoved at all.

"It seems that Mr. Fang lacks the sincerity to cooperate."

Taylor snorted, looking like he didn't want to talk nonsense with Fu Qian, and reached out to take back the notes.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he reached out his hand, the note was pressed down with two fingers before handing it over.


Before Taylor could say anything else, he searched around before paying, finally took out a coin, pressed it on the table and pushed it over.

"Is this going to be a forced purchase or sale?"

There was already murderous look in Taylor's eyes.

"No way?"

Before paying, he pointed at the empty bookstore with his chin.

"I thought you came here because you knew my style."

This chapter has been completed!
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