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Chapter 502 Incinerator (7)

 Chapter 502 Incinerator (7)

Although it is obviously an old house, it is kept clean and tidy.

At this moment, the setting sun shines into the living room through the window, dyeing everything a golden color, making it look very quiet and peaceful.

The living environment is good, but why do I always feel a little weird?

Looking at the scene in front of him, Fu Qian muttered to himself and thought about what made him feel incongruous.

Soon he thought of why - the furniture and appliances were all too new.

Under normal circumstances, few people will update all their electrical appliances at once.

It seems that this place has probably just been cleaned up and rented out, and it has not been long since I have lived here.

Fu Qian guessed the possible situation and walked in through the open door.

No matter what, the door must be entered, otherwise the task will not be completed and the work will be in vain.

However, at the next moment, the feeling of weightlessness came. In an instant, his feet became empty, and his body fell uncontrollably.

The floor collapsed and I was falling.

At that moment, Fu Qian quickly realized his situation in his mind and immediately grabbed his hands to both sides.

It was empty when I arrived, and it was obvious that the floor collapsed to a large extent, and there was absolutely no place for me to draw strength.

After realizing this, adjust your body's center of gravity forward and bend your knees slightly.

After about a little more than a second, a heavy impact came, and Fu Qian seemed to hear the whine of his knees.

Thanks to his timely posture adjustment, despite the huge impact, he did not fall.

But at the same time, severe pain came from his feet.

Fu Qian looked down and found that the ground was actually a flat metal mesh with dense spikes on it.

The spikes are several centimeters long, just enough to pierce the soles of shoes.

And it was obvious that he had been hit on both feet.

Is it really a man-made trap?

Fu Qian narrowed his eyes and looked up at the place where he fell.

I felt this way when I fell down just now.

How could the floor collapse under normal circumstances be so fast that even when I was on alert, I had no time to use my strength to escape?

Not to mention that the floor that landed first should be under your feet so that you won't get hurt.

There was no debris on the floor beneath my feet.

This is basically a flip-flop mechanism, just wait until you come back and step on it!

It can be said that there is no possibility of any accident at all.

He rubbed his temples before paying.

I still underestimated my integrity in this mission!

The essence of the task of love is not to allow yourself to hide in a safe place in time when danger is approaching, but to allow yourself to die on time?

If you don't follow the mission, you will lose your sanity. If you follow the mission, you will fall into a trap and fall from the building.

It is indeed an incinerator!

I sighed in admiration before paying.

By visual inspection, the height of the ceiling is almost eight meters.

This should directly connect the two floors?

It's not a small project, it seems like it took a long time to prepare.

[The mission is completed, the current mission has been updated, try to win the game]

While I was thinking, a prompt sounded in my ear at the right time.

Game victory? What game?

Fu Qian was pulling out his legs alternately, and frowned slightly when he heard this prompt, as if he had realized something.

"Hello, I want to play a game with you."

The next moment, a hoarse male voice suddenly sounded in this dim space.

"You are a melancholy high school student. With your excellent grades and charming appearance, even though many people mock you as a nerd, they are still secretly envious of you. Of course, you know this."

"You are well-read and proud of your differences, rejecting those things that your peers strive for."

"The cheers of the stadium, the scenery of the party, and the favor of the opposite sex. In your opinion, those young people who indulge their bestiality are not even qualified to be called the same kind as you. You have a more unique view of life itself."

"You tell yourself that you have no such worldly desires and pursue a higher state of sublimation."

"But are these true? Do you think of yourself as a superman, rather than a winner in similar competitions? Is this true pride, or is it self-deception caused by cowardice?"

"In my opinion, you are not noble. The people you despise at least dare to face their own desires, while you focus on the spiritual climax brought by illusory conceptual definitions."

"You are the most reptile-like person in the entire school. You use self-hypnosis to squander your talents and commit unparalleled blasphemy against life."

"I know you don't agree with what I said, so today we will have a chance to see if you are really that different."

"Those thorns pierced into your body contain toxins that I specially prepared for you. There is no doubt that they have entered your body and are gradually eating away at your life."

"And before it actually hits, you have an hour to give yourself a chance to survive."

"Life or death, make your choice."

This is really it!

Fu Qian rubbed his face and let out a long breath.

When he heard the word game just now, what flashed in his mind was the classic appearance of Chainsaw Mania.

The sound just now came from a loudspeaker on the wall, and it sounded like it was a recording.

He must have triggered the switch after falling down to start playing.

By now both feet were out of trouble.

Four on the left and five on the right, a total of nine holes.

According to the recording, the special toxin has entered his body through these nine wounds and will kill him in an hour.

Okay, this is very Jigsaw.

While listening to the recording, I also made a preliminary observation of the surroundings before paying.

The metal net under your feet is about five or six square meters, which corresponds exactly to the position where you fell, ensuring that you will not be hit no matter what position you are in.

Other than that, the room was undoubtedly quite empty.

Except for a door facing him, there was only an old wooden table.

There was absolutely nothing in sight that could be built up so that one could climb back directly from it.

Considering the height, if you want to go back the way you came, you might have to learn Zhang Wuji's gecko wall-walking technique.

So his only choice was to go through the door on the opposite side and accept the jigsaw's test.

Of course, regarding the accusations in the recording, Fu Qian’s inner reaction was, did the jigsaw imitator really have no reason for it?

It feels like he is just a lonely and sensitive high school student, but it is directly defined as blasphemy against life.

And then come up with this cruel way to help yourself get salvation?

This is not the extent of the crime of chuunibyou!

Fu Qian sighed as he stepped on the nail net and walked out slowly.

Although the nails are sharp, they are not enough to directly pierce the shoes under your feet if they are in steady contact, so as long as the speed is appropriate, there is almost no need to worry about being injured again.

On the contrary, if you are afraid of trying to jump out, you are likely to score twice.

My condition has improved a bit, but my heart is still a little uncomfortable. Considering all the news about post-recovery myocarditis, I decided to do it step by step, so there is only one update for the time being.

This chapter has been completed!
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