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Chapter 505 Incinerator (10)

 Chapter 505 Incinerator (10)

With more force on his hands, the heavy metal door was pushed open to create a gap for one person to pass through, and Fu Qian squeezed out sideways.

What appeared in front of him was another passage. Apart from being slightly wider than the previous one, there weren't many other differences.

Not far ahead, on top of a built stone platform, a big exclamation point was sprayed out with red paint.

The exclamation point pointed to a small cassette on the platform, which was obviously reserved for himself.

Further forward, the passage presented a ninety-degree corner, and red paint sprayed a pointing arrow on the wall, indicating that he should go down the corner.

What does it taste like?

Looking at all this, Fu Qian took a breath.

It's not an illusion, there is a somewhat stimulating smell in the air.

Although he couldn't confirm what it was for a while, there was no doubt that Fu Qian smelled a dangerous aura from it.

While thinking, Fu Qian looked back at the door behind him.

Sure enough, there was a small hole next to the hole where he reached out just now.

A short piece of wire protruded from the small hole, and it was obvious that the key was hung on it.

Fu Qian leaned down and took a look. From this side, he could already see the silently rotating blades in the hollow.

Brother Jigsaw really didn't scare him. Most of the time, this guy was enough of a threat to cut off his hand.

And if you touch it casually, the balance of the blade will be affected, and the wire hanging the key will shrink in, causing the key to fall to the ground.

"It's surprising."

During the observation, I had already replaced the cassette before paying, pressed the play button, and heard a familiar hoarse male voice.

"It seems that you actually passed the first test. I have been worried that the subsequent arrangements will not be useful. I hope you rely on calmness, hahaha..."

When talking about calmness, this person's tone was obviously emphasized and full of sarcasm.

"Anyway, congratulations. I hope you still have the energy and physical strength to complete the next game. After all, you don't have much time."

Obviously, in this person's estimation, he probably didn't expect that it only took him three minutes to complete the first mechanism.

And even if it's completed, it's likely that some blood will have to be shed.

"You are a reading lover. In your limited life, you have read a lot of books."

"There is always a book you are reading in your bag. Each of them gives you different gains, and you enjoy this collision of ideas and regard the entertainment of other peers as a waste of life."

"But is this really the case? Is what you are obsessed with the thoughts of the sages or the sense of superiority brought by reading itself?"

"Books are like a mark that separates you from other people, telling you that they are inferior. Books are your shield and crown, making you different."

"Of course you will deny this, so now you have a chance to prove how much books mean to you."

These days, can’t you even pretend to be sexy while reading a book?

I frowned when I listened to this recording before I handed it over.

Don’t most young people read books, especially classics, just to gain some achievements? Isn’t this actually a sin?

Even if the hair is not fully grown, how much resonance do you expect to be able to derive from One Hundred Years of Solitude?

Brother Jigsaw, have you ever been deeply hurt by a top student?

Complaints are complaints, Fu Qian has already turned the corner as indicated by the arrow.

The next moment, he understood the source of the strange smell.

Behind the corner, a pool of spring water was rippling, and the passage below was completely submerged.

And that pungent smell comes from this yellowish-green liquid.

"Did you see that window? The escape route is right in front of you now, but it's covered in corrosive liquid."


Looking up before paying, there was also a door at the end of this passage, and next to it was the old-fashioned password button.

And high above the door, there is a small window about forty centimeters in diameter, with no obstructions on it.

Obviously, the way to survive that this person is talking about is to pass through the corrosive liquid in front of you, and then crawl through the small window to escape.

"And the things to help you are at hand. I hope you will make good use of them."

I actually saw what I had on hand before I paid. There was a pile of thick sealed books near the corner.

"The liquid is not very deep, and the books are strong enough to pave a way for you in it, but the quantity is limited, so you need to think carefully and choose the appropriate distribution method."

"Reading is like opening a window to the world. I like these sentences and hope they can guide you, hehehehe..."

Amidst another burst of laughter, the recording ended.

it is as expected.

When Fu Qian saw the scene in front of him, he guessed that he would need to use books as a stepping stone to get across. After all, there was obviously nothing else that could be moved here.

Even with Fu Qian's analytical skills, he can basically confirm at a glance that these books are enough to get him to that door.

The problem is that the window is more than three and a half meters above the ground, so it is impossible to catch it when jumping from flat ground.

Is that why we emphasize reasonable distribution?

Talk to yourself before paying.

If you want to reach that window, the method is obvious, that is, use the pile of books to build a high enough footing.

Based on my current body shape, I think the book is enough.

But the problem is, if we save all the books for last, what should we do with the previous paragraph?

The only way is to first pave a way out, and then every time you pass by, fish the books out of the liquid in reverse direction, and finally collect them together under the window.

And that meant that he had to reach into those corrosive liquids with his hands.

Fu Qian squatted down, stretched out a finger, and pressed the pad of his finger on the surface of the liquid.

The pain unique to chemical burns is felt, and the superficial skin has already ulcerated with just one touch.

So do I have to sacrifice a hand?

Fu Qian let out a breath, not that he couldn't accept it. After all, it was better than losing his legs.

Climbing out of a window with the support of one arm is pretty much the same.

After quickly understanding what Brother Jigsaw meant, Fu Qian did not act in a hurry.

In view of the previous rapid clearance, I should still have a certain amount of time left.

Although as long as there are no other traps, the test can be completed almost safely in this way, injuries will inevitably occur.

In view of the particularity of the current mission, Fu Qian wanted to avoid physical damage as much as possible.

It's one thing to feel pain or lose your hand. If there is any special judgment that kills San, it will be a huge loss.

He rubbed the hard-covered book with his fingers and opened the book at the top before paying.

It can be seen that although the books are old, they are well maintained, including the ones below.

Of course, there is no spell in it that can make you fly.

Before paying, he closed the book and opened another one.

Somewhat strangely, he immediately turned the book around.

It's obviously very neat, but the two books above and below are placed in reverse order.

This chapter has been completed!
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