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Chapter 521 Incinerator (twenty-six)

 Is it because you failed in your first mission?

Faced with the huge contrast between before and after, this is the easiest answer to think of.

Because he refused the guidance prompts, he was considered an unstable factor, so he started to be targeted?

This does sound like a relatively reasonable explanation, but is it a bit too harsh? Doesn’t it give any room for error?

"What will happen if you don't follow the instructions?"

He thought about it before paying, looked at Medea and asked.

"Why do that?"

Facing his question, Medea looked quite puzzled.

"I think there will always be accidents, without any subjective intention. For example, were you interrupted by something during the process?"

He said calmly before paying.

"Have you never failed to complete it in all these years?"

"That's not the case. As I told you, there will always be unexpected situations."

The words before paying obviously made Medea fall into memories.

"That feeling is very bad and makes people feel extremely regretful."

Just a pity?

It could be seen that Medea was not fooling around, and Fu Qian was very emotional for a while.

After regretting it, this one is still alive and kicking.

If what this person said is true, it means that she was not hanged for disobeying the instructions.

Is double standards so serious?

I always feel like I've overlooked something.

"You mentioned just now that Edlar became irritable and anxious later on. Is there any specific manifestation?"

I thought about it before paying and changed the question.

"The performance... there is no particularly specific incident, but the actions are a bit difficult to understand. Oh, by the way! He began to pay close attention to some abnormal points and discussed them with me many times."

"The door in the school storage room? Isn't it abnormal to pay attention to that?"

"No one wants to come into contact with such an unusual thing, right?"

Medea's expression when she said this was like stepping on shit. It was a kind of disgust and instinctive rejection from the heart.

"Not to mention talking about it every day."

"If you're so disgusted, why not just tear down that door?"


At that moment, Medea suddenly raised her head, and her eyes suddenly became strange.

"What's wrong?"

"Edral...he also asked this question."

"And this is a sign of irritability?"

"It's not that I'm irritable. This should be called a sign of madness."

Medea said word for word.

"For normal people, this is an incomprehensible idea. The only place it can appear is in a mental hospital."

It’s obviously very reasonable logic!

Fu Qian frowned when he heard this.

So in the cognition of these aborigines, those abnormal points are similar to a kind of taboo?

Will contact or even talking about it become unfortunate?

No wonder Daniel looked so excited when he opened the door.

But for the stability of the world, this is obviously a good thing.

In addition, Edlar later paid attention to whether the abnormal point could be destroyed, which is important information.

Although in Medea's eyes, Edlar's idea was no different than that of a madman, Fu Qian could understand why he had this idea.

From his perspective, with no clue about the way out, this was obviously an attempt to survive.

After those abnormal points are destroyed, is it possible to get a glimmer of hope?

This is a very normal thought when you are desperate.

"Why are you so concerned about Edlar's affairs?"

While thinking about it before paying, Medea over there couldn't help but ask.

It was obvious that the question she just asked before paying had irritated her nerves.

"Although we had a good time, I don't know much about him. If I have any questions, it would definitely be better to ask him in person."

Already looked for it.

Facing Medea's suggestion, Fu Qian sighed inwardly and thought of the mummy.

This person obviously didn't know that her ex-lover had already been trapped and died behind that door.

There is a high chance that the san value will be cleared before death, and you will become an idiot.

Speaking of this, Daniel once mentioned that when a disappearance occurs, the school will still check for these anomalies.

Since neither I nor Daniel went to class today, I wonder if it would stimulate such a reaction.

The most important thing is that Joseph has died. No matter how powerful the Daniel family is, they may only be able to find a way to complete the disappearance case.

It can be said that it is only a matter of time that the door of the storage room is opened.

However, it takes 48 hours to register a disappearance case. The school feels that it is not acting that diligently. It should be able to hold on for a few more days - right?


At this moment, a bell suddenly rang in the corner of the room, which was extremely harsh in the silence.

Medea, who was already in a trance, was almost startled.

The ringtone came from an elegant telephone. After Medea walked over subconsciously, she hesitated and did not answer it immediately.

This sudden phone call gave her a vague premonition.

Unfortunately, the ringing was very persistent and showed no sign of stopping. In the end, she gritted her teeth and picked up.

But after listening for a few seconds, her body suddenly trembled, and she raised her head to look at Fu Qian.

"Just now, they found a body in the storage room door!"

She even forgot to hang up the phone and muttered to herself in a daze.

Ah ha, it's sped up.

Looking up at the sky before paying, I didn't feel surprised.

Sure enough, I didn’t give myself a chance to deal with it calmly.

The reaction from the school was a bit unreasonable.

Maybe it was a person in charge who received a special reminder.

The discovery of mummies in the storage room will have a huge impact on the current fragile balance.

For example, Stan may find it difficult to sit still, as his current mission may fail at any time.

There is not much time left for yourself.

"Their way of dealing with it is to hide the body there?"

At this time, Medea was also gnashing her teeth, but there was obviously a deviation in her understanding.

"How stupid! Someone is missing abnormally, how could the school not check there!"

"Isn't it stupid?"

He glanced at her before paying.

"Then if it's Joseph, their description should just include their names, right?"


As soon as she was reminded before being paid, Medea reacted instantly and realized that she was overly sensitive due to worry.

"If it's not Joseph, then who could it be... Where are you going?"

She couldn't help frowning in thought, but when she looked up, she found that Fu Qian didn't pay attention to her, but walked aside without saying a word.

That direction is...the kitchen?

"What do you want to do?"

"Is the house nice?"

While she was questioning, Fu Qian looked around seriously.

"……well enough."

Medea was completely stunned, especially when he came back with two kitchen knives and put them on her neck.

"So you have a car?"

This chapter has been completed!
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