Turn off the lights
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Chapter 599 Noisy (twenty-three)

 Isn’t it a little too lively this night?

All kinds of people show up.

Of course, on the contrary, the harvest is also quite rich.

He took two steps forward, bent down and picked up a gray-black flake from the debris scattered everywhere.

This is the charm that Wihler gave to Marco. It can be seen that the quality is really good, and it was not damaged by the indiscriminate blow just now.

Unfortunately, this seems to be the only item left on Marco's body, and no other valuable items have been found.

It’s not too surprising. It’s normal for a player like this who has obvious mental problems to not be able to save much money.

Marco is a typical player who uses his body to conquer his opponents. If he had any items or resources, they might have been exchanged for protein powder.

It's a pity that this special form of power obviously leads to instability from body to mind, and makes things too impulsive.

In addition, judging from the information currently available, the actual effect of this thing is very doubtful.

He calmly left the crime scene and looked at the second charm in his hand.

The reason why I think so is not a subjective assumption, there is a very clear logic in it - Marco is dead.

A person may have killed himself, but that doesn't matter. If he is dead, he is dead.

Referring to Ariel's troublesome test before, if activating the spell was really important, then Marco would definitely not die.

How could Weihele and the others allow this to happen.

So from Ariel's point of view, the importance of this matter is not even as important as running over to help (add to) the trouble...

Before paying, I felt that the whole thing was getting weirder.

In fact, when he turned it up just now, he was still wondering if someone like Wihler would jump out at the last moment and call for a stop.

In that case, the probability that the native council will think the same as you will undoubtedly be much greater.

such a pity……

All in all, after one night, Fu Qian had considerable doubts about the authenticity of Wihler's plan.

At present, the general outline of the matter is as follows.

First, as the Noisy Festival was approaching, an organization with a special belief in Dunis suddenly began to suffer from lycanthropy.

This disease is so serious that it has attracted great attention from the Night Guards, and they even mobilized troops and mobilized manpower from the surrounding areas to closely investigate all kinds of wild supernatural beings.

At the same time, under this situation, the Native Council is planning to kill the gods, preparing to use special means to turn the carnival of the Noisy Festival into a tide of noise.

At this moment, both talismans are in his hands, which theoretically goes against Weihele's original plan.

In this case, then we might as well implement the violation plan to the end and see how stable this long-planned plan is.

For example, when the horn blows, he holds both of the two talismans in his hand, runs over to "help" immediately, and is ready to directly kill the gods in front of the Night Keeper and the Native Council.


Amidst the harsh friction sound, Fu quickly jumped back and picked up the half-eaten cherry shortcake.

The next moment, the table in front of him was pushed far away, and at the same time, a deafening cry came from his ears.

It’s really full of festive atmosphere!

Looking at the lively group of people around the table next to him, Fu Qian was filled with emotion.

Today is different from yesterday, the revelers did not receive any reprimand.

In addition, it is true that young people are easy to be happy and recover from repeated blows so quickly.

That's right, the few people carnivaling in front of them are none other than the spirited young man Frank and his party that we met before.

I thought that when I left this softie, the morale of the whole team had been extremely low, and they were miserable. I didn't expect that they would get excited again so soon.

I even got money to eat and drink.

Before paying, I had some doubts as to whether these four people had done a temporary settlement on a daily basis.

The location where Fu Qian is at this moment is a bar next to the pier. Because the terrain is slightly higher and there are open-air seats, it can be said that the view is excellent.

Sitting in front of the hotel, you can clearly see the towering lighthouse not far away.

When night falls, the legendary Count Valentine will climb there and sound the first horn of the festival.

After making up his mind before, Fu Qian came here in advance to prepare for the big show in the evening.

At this moment, the sky was getting dark, the carnival atmosphere was already quite strong, and strange monsters and ghosts from all walks of life gathered in twos and threes - including the night keeper.

Just in this surrounding area, Fu Qian has discovered at least two figures of mid-level transcendent figures.

And they were obviously organized, evenly distributed around the pier, like a large net spread out, monitoring the gradually turbulent flow of people.

The same goes for the Phoenix Palace and Cross Square.

That's right, Fu Qian also visited these two places before coming here.

Although the manpower there is not so exaggerated, it is still considerable.

It's hard to imagine where the night watchman attracted so many people.

As for why Fu Qian could eat shortbread so calmly even though he was in the middle of the fishing net, the reason is actually very simple.


After stuffing the remaining snacks into his mouth, Fu Qian smoothly put the mask on his face, just enough to cover his glance.

A figure also wearing a mask had his eyes locked on him.

"What's wrong?"

The person next to him who also wore a mask made a familiar voice. It was the rebellious girl Li Te.


Their eyes met, Weir looked at Fu Qian who was sitting there and the exquisite patterned mask on his face, and finally withdrew his gaze, shook his head and moved on.

Sure enough, I still couldn’t hold back and went out on the street.

Not surprisingly, the festive atmosphere is indeed quite contagious.

As for Sister Weier, no matter what the considerations are, her warnings don't have much credibility.

Looking at the Weier sisters passing by, Fu Qian thought to himself.

Yes, the way he lurks is extremely simple, that is, adding another mask to the one given by the witch.

This is the advantage of concealing his aura. In view of the masked revelers filling the streets, he is now completely invisible in the city. Even if a demigod passes by, there is no way he can tell anything strange.

Not to mention Weier-san.

However, it can be seen that the two sisters still took some precautions.

For example, they all wore the most gorgeous and thick masks, covering their whole bodies tightly, and tried to keep a certain distance from everyone.

Unfortunately, the danger is far beyond their imagination.

With emotion, Fu Qian stood up and walked in the direction of the flow of people.

The sunset has completely set, and not far away you can see the colorful lights on the floats preparing for the parade.

Even under the lighthouse, there were crowds of people, obviously someone big had arrived.

Crowfeather-classmate, the time has come to present your plan.

This chapter has been completed!
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