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Chapter 644 The Old Road (2)

 Chapter 644 The old road (2)

In the dark, human hearing becomes much more sensitive.

Therefore, every word of this abrupt sentence reached Fu Qian's ears clearly.

living person, female.

This was a very appropriate sentence. Before paying, I did not think too much about the dangers involved, but made a quick judgment based on this limited information.

In addition, even though he spoke in a lowered voice, he could still tell that the other person was quite young.

I thought about it before paying and chose not to respond.

"Now, the execution begins!"

The voice outside waited for a while, but got no response from Fu Qian, and finally spoke again.

As soon as he finished speaking, he could clearly hear the grinding sound that made people's teeth hurt.

It's like someone is pulling on the hinges and squeezing the spikes.

He still didn't say anything before paying, letting the other party do what he did.

After a while, the sharp thorns pressed against the skin did not penetrate.

"Are you okay? Qian Fu, do you want me to open it for you?"

This time, only a few seconds passed before the sound outside sounded again.

But not only was the voice no longer majestic, it even sounded a little panicked.


He blinked before paying and verified his guess.

This is not a group-destroying final killing moment, this dangerous scene is just a joke.

Most likely, I got in out of curiosity after discovering this thing.

As for the people outside, they were either my companions. After noticing my actions, they came over to stir up the atmosphere.

Or you just call for help yourself.

At this moment, facing Fu Qian who still had no response, the man outside could not sit still. The movement suddenly amplified and he was obviously trying to open the door.

There was still no word before the payment was made.

Finally, a ray of light finally penetrated through the sound of breathing that had begun to become heavy.

The first reaction before paying was to use the light to look inside.

It is narrow at the top and wide at the bottom, and densely covered with spikes. It is indeed a cruel instrument of torture in legend.

In addition, both the spikes and the feet are very clean, and it feels like this thing has probably never been used.

It should just be collected as a hobby, or copied.

While thinking about it, the gap in front of my eyes was opened to the size of a palm, and a face eagerly and cautiously poked out from the side.

Quite young, with delicate and soft facial features, not too much modification on her face, and a faint circle of freckles around her nose, which fits the image of a young female student.

"Are you OK?"

At this moment, this person was looking at Fu Qian with his light green eyes and asked carefully.

"I just made a joke, but you didn't respond..."


Fu Qian smiled slightly and finally spoke.

"I'm just joking."

The girl was almost stunned for a moment before she realized the meaning of Fu Qian's words, and couldn't help but have a hint of sullenness on her face.

"This joke is not funny at all!"

"That's not necessarily the case."

Before paying, he used the light, stretched out his hand to push away the obstacles in front of him, and answered casually.

As expected, there was a dark room outside with no windows. It could be seen that it had not been cleaned for a long time, and there were all kinds of colorful molds on the walls and corners.

That’s where the rich and colorful flavors come from.

He lowered his head and looked at his feet before stepping down.

In addition to the rusty iron maiden behind it, you can also see an armor stand crooked to the side in the room.

Since the clothes I and my female classmates wear are quite modern, this should be someone's hobby collection, but it has not been maintained for a long time.

"Where are they?"

While looking at it, he asked casually before paying.

"You mean Cartman and the others? Didn't the three of them go shopping?"

It was obvious that the female classmates were a little shocked by Fu Qian's performance.

Looking at such a ferocious thing makes me tremble even more. Not only does this guy seem unafraid, he even has the leisure to joke with himself.

So even though she didn't want to talk to Fu Qian, she still answered subconsciously.


Before paying, he repeated the name silently and took a look at the sleeves on the female classmate's arms.

Generally speaking, those who are left to clean are the honest people in the team.

This person must have been busy. After seeing him wandering around and following him, he found that he had actually gotten into it, and he wanted to make a joke on a whim.

What an enviable youthful energy!

In addition, two plus three, there are exactly five people. It seems that the number has not been reduced yet.

"How did you find this place? Lei reminded us not to run around."

The female classmate looked around at this time and frowned.

"This place looks too uncomfortable. Let's get out quickly."


It was obvious that this woman didn't want to stay for a moment longer, and she didn't refuse her proposal before paying.

Going up the narrow stairs, Fu Qian quickly reached the upper floor of the building.

Compared with the basement, the upper part looks newer, but it has obviously not been occupied for a long time.

The buildings are basically made of wood, but they have obviously been carefully treated and are quite strong.

"What do you need from me?"

Looking at the female classmate who breathed a sigh of relief, Fu Qian asked politely.

"Fortunately, everything has been sorted out."

The female classmate smiled and pointed to the cleaned tables and chairs around her, looking quite proud of herself.

"Take a rest. When the three of them come back, you can have lunch first."


Before paying, I immediately followed the good example and wandered around minding my own business.

Through the open window that diffuses the smell, you can see a variety of rooftops not too far away.

Although it is obviously located on a mountain from the height, it is not an inaccessible place.

Young people still have some sense of propriety and don't want to be completely savages.

Walking all the way outside the house, Fu Qian found that the house was quite large and was surrounded by walls. Of course, these walls were all covered with mold.

A black stone road that looks very old goes out from the gate and winds all the way to the foot of the mountain.

While observing silently, the roar of an engine could be heard outside the wall.

No need to think about it, people who went out to do shopping must have returned.

Fu Qian looked in the direction of the door. A few seconds later, a red car staggered in.

Through the front windshield, you can see the driver wearing a black sleeveless T-shirt with a muscular upper body.

Next to him was a bespectacled man with meticulously combed hair, and his clothes were also much more elegant.

In the back seat of the car, a blonde girl wearing sunglasses covered her head with her hands.

Yes, this configuration is really classic!

In the midst of emotion, Fu Qian frowned a little the next moment.

Why are they all so lifeless? There is no trace of excitement about vacation, and their condition is even lower than those left behind to clean.

This is totally against common sense.

Even until the car stopped and the door opened, the three of them remained silent, and there was no eye contact between them.

This chapter has been completed!
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