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Chapter 646 The Old Road (4)

 Chapter 646 The old road (4)

"Okay, no one should touch these things again."

In the end, Ray broke the awkward situation and warned Cartman not to get in, and a small disturbance was resolved.

However, the pressure tactics before payment were obviously effective.

When the group of people returned from the underground, the atmosphere was silent again.

"Speaking of which, do you know a man named Rashik?"

In such an atmosphere, the culprit suddenly spoke up and asked casually before paying the down payment.

"Rasik? Who is your friend?"

Lei Wenyan, who was in a daze, raised his head with a puzzled look on his face.

It seems that he really doesn't know.

If this was acting, the actor's self-cultivation would probably be at the master level.

Facing her cheers, Lei stared at her and added lightly.

"Although I moved out of this house, my aunt has never left the neighborhood and even spent money on maintenance from time to time."

The residential area at the foot of the mountain is obviously not large, just like a small town.

Sitting in the simply tidied room, taking a short rest before paying, and just thinking about the reason for driving away, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Are you afraid of seeing the police? Isn't it too guilty to be a thief?

Fu Qian sighed in his heart, but heard Lei continue to speak.

Mr. Jones, Ray's uncle, doesn't seem very talkative, or he simply doesn't have anything in common with young people.

Fu Qian secretly sighed in his heart, but he was not too disappointed.

Before everyone arrived, Lei's aunt had obviously been preparing for a long time.

"I have promised them."

Lei's aunt's family is friendlier than expected.

Otherwise, if something really happened, as a foreigner, I would be the first to be suspected of this abnormal behavior.

Mr. Jones picked up the phone casually, and after a few hums, he said he had something to do, and directly greeted everyone and went out.

However, out of the corner of his eye, he also noticed that both Cartman and Cartman's faces stiffened as soon as he said these words.

It seems that this is not a bad thing in advance. With fewer people, it will undoubtedly be much easier to find them. Maybe the police sergeant can even know everyone.

In view of the mental shock, the group of people chose to go back to their rooms to rest not long after coming up.

Although he agreed to attend the banquet, Lei himself was obviously somewhat resistant.

But he didn't appreciate it for long.

When looking for people in strange places, there is no doubt that such a role is quite useful.

"Okay, is there a lot of delicious food? I don't want to continue eating fried chicken at night."

"Your aunt? She also lives near here?"

After a brief welcome, it was Lei's aunt who basically kept the atmosphere going.

And when he saw Fu Qian standing outside, he seemed to be slightly surprised.

Riverland actually seemed to be the most excited person in the group.

Coming in a hurry, suddenly interrupting the plan and running away for unknown reasons, it is really suspicious.

Fu Qian sighed inwardly, but as a person who is good at taking pleasure in his work, he was not too impatient and immediately enjoyed the food with peace of mind, while admiring the tension that the three Cartmans tried their best to suppress.

This is too fast! I haven’t even had time to make any insinuations.

Jessica was the first to agree.

Unlike Cartman's gym figure, this one even has a little belly when he's lying there, but he's definitely a good hand when it comes to action.

In view of the evening schedule, I just lay down and rest quietly before paying, and did not set out in advance.

Soon after, a group of people packed the red car and drove down the black gravel road.

It seems that if you want to complete the mission, you really have to look down the mountain.

This guy’s fighting ability is actually not weak!

But when Fu Qian took a quick look, he secretly made a judgment in his heart.

After exchanging pleasantries, dinner started soon.

Facing such an opponent, if it's just a baton, it won't be a big problem if you have to deal with it yourself. But there is a certain risk when carrying a gun.

"Her husband is the local police chief."

Cartman looked surprised and said what everyone else was thinking.

After waiting around until the evening, I finally called for someone to set off, and by the way, I kicked up a couple next door.

The police sergeant in front of him was obviously in his prime, in his forties, and powerful.

Mrs. Jones seemed not to be surprised by this, and immediately continued to greet everyone with a smile.

Now that I have an ordinary person's physique, I absolutely need to recharge my batteries.

And it's not just him, the other three have the same blank look in their eyes.

Not bad, not too stupid.

"Otherwise, why do you think people can still live in this place?"

Think about it before paying.

Even if these three people really did something outside and did not want to see the police at this time, they still had to attend this dinner without a suitable reason.

"Before departure, my parents asked her to look after me."

Even the legendary uncle of the police chief was lazily lying on the sofa watching TV, looking like he was about to fall asleep.

Almost as soon as the engine was turned off, a middle-aged woman in a long skirt opened the door and came out, standing there with a smile to greet her.

This house is quite large, and the ground floor is not particularly old, so it is easy to clean up a few clean rooms.

It is a relatively simple house with a gray roof and white walls. Although it is not small, it is relatively simple.

After dinner was over and everyone was chatting happily, Fu Qian came to the yard alone and observed the surroundings.

When he came outside, he found that Lei had summoned everyone.

Lei snorted.

After crossing almost half of the town, the car finally stopped in front of a building.

To sum up, it is a good helper.

But the next moment he came forward, took out a pack of cigarettes from his body, and handed one to Fu Qian.

Cartman and the two swallowed again, but in the end they didn't express any objection.

Under the current circumstances, this invitation is almost impossible to refuse.


After hearing this, Fu Qian became interested.

In fact, after these three people came back, they didn't immediately tell them to leave. They probably had the same consideration.

Already agreed...


In this mental state, when I was suddenly asked, I was confused but not shocked.

When everyone comes in, he greets the young people very friendly.

However, this harmonious atmosphere did not last long and was soon interrupted by the ringing of the phone.

"My aunt asked us to come over for dinner later."

Not long after, Mr. Jones came back and slowly got out of the car.

Fortunately, the two girls were more active, and they made Lei's aunt happy.

In her opinion, having a big meal after a lot of hard work is obviously a good thing.

After being declined politely, this person did not continue to be polite, and just nodded and took a deep breath.

"Did you hit and kill someone today?"


Seeing the serious look on Mr. Jones's face as he stepped forward without saying a word, Fu Qian had an intuition that he was going to talk about something profound, but he didn't expect it to be so profound.

This chapter has been completed!
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