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Chapter 703 The moment of eating (18)

 Chapter 703 The moment of eating (18)

As soon as the question before payment came out, Gao Ya's expression suddenly changed, almost sharply visible to the naked eye.

It feels like the probability of knowing is high!

Although it only lasted a moment and soon returned to normal, Fu Qian, who had been paying attention, undoubtedly saw this reaction in his eyes and silently sighed.

Judging from this person's posture, he doesn't know anything about Mingju's true effect.

That's strange. As a substitute, don't you know a little too much?

No matter how you think about it, this is considered a core secret, right?

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster!

"Thank you for the reminder, but did you ignore a question?"

In the delicate atmosphere, Gao Ya was the first to break the silence.

"The metaphor of impurities that cannot be removed is very interesting. To be honest, I have always had similar worries before."

"But now it's gone. Do you know why?"

"Because you in front of me are a successful example, aren't you?"

At this moment, Dr. Gao Ya's logical ability as a scientific researcher was fully demonstrated, and he stared at Fu Qian with a look of admiration.

It seems so!

As soon as these words came out, even Cynthia's eyes lit up.

Although the guy in front of him was unreasonable, his combat prowess was terrifying. In contrast, his strength had been increased unimaginably. The key was that he showed no signs of being mentally affected.

It is indeed a perfect case!

"Idiot! Repeatability!"

Faced with the scorching gaze that came his way, the next moment he stepped forward and slapped the table angrily, scolding him.

"Have you forgotten such an important principle?"

"What can a special case illustrate?"

"Look at the piles of defective products outside. Are you wasting the company's resources like this?"

"What do you want?"

After being scolded repeatedly, Brother Gao Ya's tone was already showing signs of being rude.

It has to be said that from just now to now, the style of this conversation has been really exaggerated. At this moment, the guards were looking between Fu Qian and Gao Ya, and they were a little confused as to why it suddenly turned into an academic discussion.

"Actually, I'm a little surprised. In any exploration, some interference items are inevitable. Why do you think this thing can't be eliminated?"

Brother Gao Ya naturally couldn't care what they thought, so he suddenly asked Fu Qian.

As a project leader, I still have two skills.

Fu Qian thought to himself.

He didn't believe that this guy would be led into a trap by his few words. The purpose of his nonsense just now was very simple, just to test how much this guy knew about the sworn item "Mingju".

As for Gao Ya's reaction, in addition to dismissing his own problems, he even seemed to secretly test in reverse how much he knew about the sworn items.

"Are you asking me about your subject? What kind of attitude do you have!"

While thinking about it, Fu Qian slapped the table and stood up, his tone full of hatred that iron cannot be transformed into steel.

"That's all, take me down there."

The next moment he let out a long sigh, looking like he was worried about his scientific research career.


Dr. Gao Ya was silent for dozens of seconds as everyone stared blankly, and finally he actually agreed.

The next moment, he signaled the guards to move out of the way, and Dr. Gao Ya even led the way directly.

It's getting more and more suspicious.

Before paying, he naturally followed without hesitation and commented silently in his mind.

If Gao Ya directly gave an order to have someone crush him into powder, it would be considered normal.

With such a compromised attitude at this moment, rather than believing that he gave up his dignity for the sake of scientific research, it is better to say that he desperately wanted to confirm whether he knew something.

Faced with this bizarre plot development, Cynthia was obviously puzzled.

Driven by curiosity, after a moment's hesitation, she followed.

Finally, the three of them were escorted by a large number of guards and made their way to the bottom floor.

The other members in orange uniforms had been expelled in advance, and Gao Ya directly ordered the door to be opened.

"Let's go in together, there should be enough time."

The next moment Gao Ya looked at Fu Qian and said firmly.


Do good things before you pay.

A true scientific researcher must have the spirit of dedicating himself to scientific research.

As for there being still time, this guy is not talking nonsense, there are still almost ten minutes until eight o'clock.

"I'll go too."

Cynthia was not to be outdone and expressed her professionalism immediately.


Gao Ya glanced at Cynthia and did not advise his colleagues.

Even before setting off, he asked those outside to ignore the five-minute limit and not to open the door unless given his own signal.

Soon the heavy metal door slowly closed behind him, and Fu Qian saw the strange katydid horse for the second time.

Mingju's style is as good as before, and his cry is also full of energy.

Just like Fu Qian and Ms. 6, the three of them were standing in three directions of the room.

As a middle-level person, although Cynthia clearly looks like she is facing it for the first time, she overall looks quite relaxed.

Not only was he not confused, he was even looking up and down in a serious manner.

As for the project leader Gao Ya——

Fu went to look on the right side.

From the moment he walked in, he acted calmer and seemed to be in control.

"Sure enough, it's not affected at all?"

At this moment, he responded to Fu Qian's eyes and took the initiative to speak.

"It's pretty much what I imagined."

"What an enviable talent. I am becoming more and more interested in you."

"You must come down because you want to see my reaction in front of this thing, right? The Soul's Lead did expose something about me. It's not surprising that you would think so."

He smiled self-deprecatingly.

"I don't deny that I once struggled painfully because of being exposed to Ming Ju many times."

"For a long time, I was more convinced than those testers that I was Patch, and Gao Ya was just an identity of mine, and I even couldn't help but pursue the fun of deceiving others."

"But the reason why I still convinced those people and spent huge manpower and material resources on testing was because I got rid of that process step by step and even retained some of the feedback."

"At this moment, I can clearly confirm which part is myself and which part is induced by the devil."

Gao Ya looked at Fu Qian with a serious and serious expression.

"This is what I rely on, because I am also a successful case, understand?"

At this moment, Gao Ya's tone was very righteous.

It's like trying to stick to your own opinions and beliefs in the face of experts who have such deep prejudices.

Including Cynthia, it seemed that this was the first time she knew about it.

Regarding the difficult years that Gao Ya talked about so plainly, she seemed to be able to think about the hardships and couldn't help but feel a little moved.

At this moment, Fu Qian, who was "speechless" after being refuted, quietly looked at the scene in front of him, but felt a lot of emotion in his heart.

Now the fun is great!

After traveling all day, I only had time to finish proofreading one chapter. The next chapter has been postponed until tomorrow morning. Happy holidays everyone!

This chapter has been completed!
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