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Chapter 739 Blindness (Added 12 updates for the leader 'Jacques')

 Chapter 739 Blindness (Added 12 updates for the leader "Jacquent")

Yasui Toki's visit in person?

The existence that appeared quietly and made it difficult for the two demigods to detect it seemed that it could only be the envoy of God.

After going round and round, is our judgment still correct?

It really led to higher-level characters, even going straight to the top.

Although the span is a bit long, in a sense, it is actually more reasonable than Asao Sakura coming again.

Fu Qian seemed to see a slippery and slimy invisible snake, coiled around, ready to launch a fatal blow at any time.

However, it is still not 100% confirmed that it is Yasui Tokiyuki, and there is still a question here - how did it do it?

Judging from previous experience, the gap between divine envoys and demigods should not be so exaggerated.

What's more, the perception abilities of myself and Su Gao are absolutely excellent.

However, the facts are before us. The three people in the room have not noticed its existence until now, and they are only guessing.

The most special one among them is Su Gao. She is obviously not aware of it subjectively, otherwise she would definitely find a way to hint to herself.

But because of the special ability, the body still reacts instinctively, such as the sense of presence weakening, which is like a subconscious defensive action after being attacked.


Thinking of this, Fu Qian cleared his throat and looked like he was making a concluding statement.

"It seems that those promises above should not be made by Ms. Asao?"

The meaning of this sentence is very simple, that is your level, making such a promise is not very convincing.

"Mr. Dancy is right. I am indeed not qualified enough to make such a promise."

In view of the contradiction that she couldn't understand just now, Asao Sakura's attitude was even more cautious now, and she didn't feel any strangeness about the contempt in Fu Qian's words.

"But I am very sure that there will be people of sufficient rank within Yasui Company who are willing to make such a commitment, as long as you two are interested."

"Enough level? Who? Yasui Tokiyuki?"

Before paying, he snorted and said Emperor Yasui's name very politely.

"I have not received any notification about this possibility so far."

Asao Sakura was speechless for a moment and carefully organized her words.

"It's because I judge that it's not serious enough yet, right?"

Fu Qian's dull sneer came from under the mask.

"I understand, then wait until you feel it's serious enough!"

Is he hinting at something?

After hearing what Fu Qian said, Asao Sakura felt quite uneasy.

Yes, in her opinion, the situation may be serious, but it is still not serious enough to alarm Emperor Yasui.

The most important thing is that the senior people in charge of this area also think so.

But the new discovery just now made her feel a little nervous.

Is it really that strong?

At the same time, Fu Qian expressed that he was also confused.

The words just now seemed to be about grabbing Shiro Sakura, but they were actually meant for Yasui Tokiyuki in the dark.

Since the speculation is a bit scary, it needs to be confirmed immediately.

The worst possibility is that Yasui Tokiyoshi just sits here, observing at will, and then doesn't notice anything at all.

This meant that it was extremely dangerous. He and Su Gao might face a divine envoy-level invisible blow at any time.

But at the same time, I still have a little doubt before paying.

After becoming a demigod, perception has gone beyond the simple five senses and become more abstract. Just like those harassing phone calls you receive in the real world, or even just talking about yourself in your consciousness, you will feel it.

Therefore, it is difficult to imagine that a divine envoy could unilaterally deceive two demigods to such an extent.

I didn't notice it at all. Is it possible that it didn't observe me at all, thus reducing the chance of discovering it?

After all, according to the previous information, Su Gao was the mastermind behind the fourth level peak power, and he was just a tool.

In any case, the situation must be confirmed immediately. After all, if it is the first type, this state of turning a blind eye is too terrifying.

And how to distinguish between these two situations? The first action you choose before paying is "come on".

No matter how much you ignore it, if you are directly called out by name, you still have to take a look, right?

Last time, Ariel, as a second-level person, didn't see through the mask given by the witch.

Even if that person really had some way to prevent himself from observing its existence, it would definitely be more difficult for it to see its true rank than Su Gao.

When it takes more effort, it might be able to observe something in reverse.

From this perspective, my preparations still came in handy.

It's a pity that after I finished posting the words, there is still no reaction at all.

Could it really be the first case?

Fu Qian quietly caught the pseudo-god's transformation, preparing to transform at any time if the situation turned bad.

For rank suppression, it's not that I don't have similar means, but I have to pay a price.

The cost is not only 10 san points, but also a high probability of exposing your identity.

And that means that if you want to gain something during this trip to Ye Island, you can only use physical methods.

But these are all small things.

If the opponent takes action, he will most likely attack Su Gao immediately.

The personal safety of volunteers must still be guaranteed.

Of course, there is a last possibility, that is, I really think too much, and the whole process is actually a battle of wits and courage with the air.

There was no one lurking around at all, Su Gao was just in a daze after taking a nap.

This idea appeared in my mind for a fraction of a second and was immediately rejected.

This speculation is meaningless.

Following this line of thinking, one can also guess whether the person deliberately didn't react so that he thought he was outsmarting the air!

Pure men never deny themselves easily, even if it is just speculation.

"Mr. Dancy misunderstood. The news has not been conveyed to that level yet."

"In fact, no matter who conveys it, as long as it is a promise given by Yasui Company, it will never be broken. Ms. Violetta should also understand this."

On Asao Sakura's side, Katayu's talk continued, and she even tried to draw Su Gao into the conversation.

"So what is Yasui Company's official commitment?"

Su Gao, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke, sounding like everything was in his right mind.

The situation seems to be relatively stable for the time being. Let’s start from the beginning and look at it. Is there anything that I have overlooked?

Seeing this, Fu Qian was stroking the pseudo-god transformation, ready to activate at any time, while his thoughts were racing.

This may help to infer how the other party achieved this.

Wait a minute, speaking of abnormality, Asao Sakura's reason for coming here today is still a bit far-fetched. Although her persuasion was wonderful, it actually didn't make much sense...

She has another purpose for coming here? Is it to protect Yasui Tokiyuki?

But it's so strong that people can't even notice it. Isn't it enough to just show off with a big show? Do you still need a mid-level player to cover it?

Asaozakura should have other functions, a crucial function.

This chapter has been completed!
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