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Chapter 779 Sudden Persuasion

Chapter 779 Sudden persuasion

In an event called Notorious, Ms. Kisaragi Kana once achieved a good result of Deep 4 and was awarded the title of Fairy of Darkness.

Converted to the extraordinary category, it is more or less an intermediate level.

Fu Qian has never arbitrarily denied his divergent thinking, not to mention today's check-in experience in the warehouse, which shows that the Law of Notoriety activity is not that simple.

So it’s not Kisaragi Kana’s natural charm that makes me have the idea of ​​not wanting to reject it, but it’s the casual depth of four?

Then the problem seems to be even bigger.

"Not going."

The next moment, he overcame the reluctance in his heart and shook his head firmly.

It's one thing to have an impact, and it's another thing to have an impact.


Kana Kisaragi's face was visibly gloomy, and the aura brought about by her promotion to the extraordinary did not have the same impact as before, which obviously made her very disappointed.

However, she didn't insist much and turned around and nodded to Hayami Suzune.

"I'm available anytime."

After realizing that she might be able to achieve her dream of being promoted to extraordinary, she obviously couldn't wait to confirm her situation.

"You go back first and don't touch the things here. This death cannot be ruled out as having extraordinary effects. I will notify someone to deal with it."

Hayami Suzune nodded, then looked at Kisaragi Chie, hesitated for a moment and then explained.

It was obvious that her brain was a little insufficient for the series of events in front of her.


First, there was Takagi's crazy behavior that he couldn't understand, and then his sister suddenly turned into a supernatural being. Kisaragi Chie was obviously shocked. After hearing this, she immediately nodded palely and had no objection to the arrangement.

And until Kana Kisaragi left with Hayami Suzune, he didn't even look at her.

"It's still early."

Seeing Chie Kisaragi's eyes blank and staring blankly at the wall, she thought about it before paying, and did not give any depraved suggestions such as having a drink, but urged her earnestly.

"Have you not opened the business yet today?"

"What do you want to ask?"

In the familiar fortune teller's cabin, Kisaragi Chie worked hard for a long time, but it was obviously difficult to get into the state, and she finally managed to speak.

"Today we can do it differently."

Before paying, he shook his head.

"I know you are confused and full of doubts right now, so you can think about it this time. What do you want to ask me?"

"Don't be anxious, think about it slowly."

"Does Mr. Dancy also think that the changes in Kana's body are due to the miracle potion?"

It didn't look like he was joking before meeting him. Chie Kisaragi spent nearly five minutes adjusting her mentality and thinking of the first question.

"Not necessarily. Do you still remember the talent issue I mentioned before?"

There was no fluctuation in the tone before paying.

"Maybe it falls into the category of gold always shining."

"Remember, but will it really be like this..."

Kisaragi Chie murmured to herself, of course she remembered what the mysterious figure in front of her said about her sister.

"In other words, her strange behavior since she was a child is because of her talent?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out."

"Then I don't know whether this talent is good or bad..."

Kisaragi Chie sighed softly, wondering if she was thinking of her dead father.

"Did Mr. Dancy meet Kana and the others at Wushe Temple yesterday?"

After sighing, Kisaragi Chie remembered another thing.


"Did Kana encounter any accidents there?"

"She had a little conflict with Brother Takagi, but they reconciled later."

You can answer any questions you have before paying.


Kisaragi Chie's attention was obviously gradually focused, and she was thoughtful after hearing the words, but did not disturb her before paying.

"Kana seemed very happy yesterday. After she came back, she and Takagi went to my place first and told me about her experience of going to Wushe Temple and meeting you, although she had no such plan before..."

These words clearly backstabbed my sister unintentionally, and revealed that Kisaragi Kana did join Kiryuji and his companions in order to follow Fuzen and Sugao.

"Did she come to see you again before midnight yesterday?"

While mumbling to herself, Kisaragi Chie suddenly looked up.


Look at her before paying.

"No, why do you ask this?"

"Maybe it's my misunderstanding..."

His rhetorical question made Kisaragi Chie stare in deep thought.

"When I was reminiscing just now, I suddenly remembered something. Although she was excited after coming back yesterday, she was not fundamentally different from before."

"However, when we met again at night, something seemed a little different... I always felt like something had changed."

Sure enough, there are sudden influencing factors?

Pay Qian nodded with satisfaction and got the information he was interested in.

As I said before, a big reason why he came to Kisaragi Chie as his first stop is that as a character with good observation skills, Kisaragi Chie is very sensitive to the subtle changes in her sister, which is almost equivalent to a living observation record.

It was the same reason why he let Kisaragi Chie ask questions freely just now.

Under the strong impact, this person's thoughts were definitely confused. Asking her to take the initiative would help calm her mind and organize her thoughts, and review every piece of data recorded in the observation records as much as possible.

In the end, this person did not disappoint him and gave an important message.

If, in Kisaragi Chie's view, the impression of her sister changed suddenly, then to a certain extent, it would be supported by her second guess - that some special reason led to Kisaragi Kana's sudden change.

The time point is from after returning yesterday to before midnight.

"What's the difference?"

I thought about it before paying and asked the second question.

"Well... In view of her behavior some time ago, I have always been strict with her, but she has never been willing to accept it."

"But last night, when I went to see her at Takagi, I accused her of being too naughty because of her behavior. She didn't seem too dissatisfied, even a little hesitant. She seemed more obedient than usual. That's

It's a very subtle feeling... but because Takagi was obviously not in a normal mood, he finally tied me up and took her away."

Kisaragi Kana is actually more obedient than usual?

This statement made Fu Qian a little unexpected, and the bad premonition in his heart became more and more serious.

According to the situation described by Kisaragi Chie, she blamed her sister, and then her sister rarely hesitated. The simplest explanation is that Kisaragi Kana's personality and mentality have changed because she encountered certain things. It seems that Kisaragi Chie also thinks so.


But there can actually be another explanation.

Referring to Kisaragi Kana's wonderful persuasion just now, a seventh-level player can interfere with the cognition of a demigod, so is it possible that an ordinary person can also interfere with the cognition of a transcendent?

Kisaragi Kana became obedient not because she had changed, but because her sister had changed?

This chapter has been completed!
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