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Chapter 782 Sincerity is the ultimate skill

 Chapter 782 Sincerity is the ultimate skill

While Neferi was sighing, she didn't need to look back. She knew beforehand that Su Gao, who was in a 100% alert state, was quietly walking towards this side.

Although because of the methods of the divine envoy in front of him, Su Gao most likely did not remember her appearance.

But the angels, women, and the Yasui Company camp came to our door at this special moment. Under the multiple labels, there was really no reason to take any chances.

"I didn't think you were Siren people at first, but now I'm even more sure."

Her eyes followed Su Gao until she sat down next to Fu Qian. Nefeli didn't mind this extremely indifferent mood and continued with a smile.

"Excuse me. Ms. Neferi doesn't look like someone from Yasui Company at first glance."

Facing the divine envoy's implicit praise, Fu Qian responded with a very pertinent comment.

"Oh why?"

Neferi looked quite curious.

"The exposure of my sinful transaction with Brother Sawada is good news for Yasui Company anyway."

Fu Qian pointed to the direction Zetian left.

"And the way to deal with this situation is either to surrender yourself voluntarily, or you and Tokiyuki Yasui to take action together, which are obviously better choices than to come to my door and let me know that the matter has been exposed."

"Not to mention bringing brother Zetian to the door."

"After all, this person is too weak. If a demigod wants to silence him, even a divine envoy may not be able to protect him."

He analyzed the situation seriously and did not even hide the fact that he had seen the opponent's position.

As for the issue of handling methods, this is certainly not nonsense.

What Yasui Company has always been worried about is the reason why they concealed their use of the miracle potion and did not report it.

This matter may be big or small, whether it is a superior matter or not is not trivial. It is a matter of principle that cannot be resolved whether it is superior or not.

But once the test subject in this matter is not innocent, has suspicious motives, or is even an extraordinary person himself, the seriousness of the matter will inevitably be reduced.

In this case, the safest choice is to go directly to the night manager to admit his mistake, take certain risks to take the initiative, and completely eliminate hidden dangers.

Or the two divine envoys could directly take action decisively, taking down themselves and Su Gao first. Even if the control is not good enough and alarms the Night Master, given that the targets are two extraordinary ones, their nature is far less sensitive.

However, the last choice of this divine messenger was to come to the door alone, and even brought important witnesses with him. His attitude was a bit subtle no matter how you look at it.

"That makes sense."

Neferi nodded repeatedly when she heard this, and even clapped her hands twice at the end.

"I have to say that the candidness of this exchange far exceeded my expectations."

After admiring it, she said with emotion.

"I was originally more interested in Ms. Violetta, but Mr. Dancy really gave me a big surprise."

"As for the cooperation between you and Sawada, Yasui really doesn't know anything about it. It was also because of Kisaragi Kana's incident that I asked Sawada some questions. I didn't expect there would be unexpected gains."

"As for Yasui Tokiyuki, he should be very busy right now and doesn't have time to pay too much attention to this."

Really busy?

The amount of information in these few words of Neferi has to be said to be quite large, and Fu Qian nodded secretly after listening to it.

It seems that Yasui Tokiyuki is really making big moves.

Sure enough, sincerity is the ultimate skill.

The reason why I decisively took off my mask just now and chose to show my true face is certainly not as simple as being polite to guests.

As mentioned before, Kana Kisaragi was extraordinary overnight, magical and magical, but it was not enough for a divine envoy to come to personally confirm the situation of the comparison group.

And because of Kisaragi Kana's special changes, it was normal for him to be concerned about him. After all, in addition to using the same type of potion, he also had many interactions with Kisaragi Kana.

Under the attack of dimensionality reduction by means of the divine envoy, no matter how strong Zetian's survival instinct is, the probability of keeping the secret is approximately zero.

Although he didn't know much, just exposing the fact that he was a transcendent would be enough to arouse Neferi's alarm.

After all, when this person came last time, he most likely didn't realize that he was a transcendent.

For an envoy who is used to looking down on others, this contrast is undoubtedly huge.

Therefore, Fu Qian immediately judged that Nefeli's second visit at this moment was most likely not Su Gao's target, but him.

Instead of waiting for her to find a way to lift her mask, she might as well be honest and show her attitude.

The advantage of doing this is that it can directly establish an honest and friendly communication atmosphere and contribute to efficient exchange of opinions.

What I told Su Gao before was the truth. I was still looking forward to Yasui's reaction to Kisaragi Kana's promotion to the extraordinary. After all, it was related to the final conclusion of the project.

"So how is Kisaragi Kana doing now?"

After expressing their sincerity to each other, Fu Qian took the initiative to bring the topic back to the topic the other party had just mentioned.

"Very good! In fact, it's a bit unexpectedly good."

Neferi nodded.

"Anjing received a notice to assist in the investigation last night. As of now, she should still be with the night watchman."

"Judging from the feedback, Kisaragi Kana's state has stabilized at level seven and has shown extraordinary charm. So much so that the current researchers of the Miracle Potion Project are very excited. I wonder what Mr. Dancy thinks?"

“A bit boring.”

Neferi's question was greeted with sharp comments from Fu Qian.

"In my opinion, this is just a coincidence within a coincidence. At least the bottle I drank didn't make me feel anything special."

He shook his head before paying.

"The reason why it is effective is most likely because of Kisaragi Kana's own extraordinary talent."

"My own talent?"

Neferi looked surprised, then asked in a funny tone.

"Kana Kisaragi was a real ordinary person before the miracle potion. Where is her extraordinary talent?"

"How about depth four, isn't it good enough?"

Before paying, he took out the badge again and slapped it on the table.

"Mr. Dancy is also interested in that little game?"

Looking at his actions, Neferi's eyes were filled with meaning.

"The chief local night watchman said that he is very concerned about this kind of young people's hobby."

"As for me, this little game is quite interesting. It's at least more interesting than Miracle Potion."

"Mr. Dancy is really different! You know, in the eyes of most people, these two things are completely incomparable."

While Neferi was sighing, Sawada had returned and casually motioned for him to make tea. The latter followed the instructions in a natural manner, showing no trace of excitement.

"I checked some previous information. Kisaragi Kana's situation is indeed a bit special. Is it because of this reason that you deliberately got close to her in the first place?"


He shook his head again before paying.

"I did it because I was entrusted by someone."

This chapter has been completed!
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