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Chapter 787 Brain Corrosion (1)

 Chapter 787 Brain Corrosion (1)

That's right, the last preparation mentioned before paying is to complete today's clock-in work.

Neferi just mentioned that after Yasui Tokiyuki completed his promotion, she and Su Gao had better pay attention to safety. This was not all nonsense.

The behavior of himself and Su Gao obviously caused interference to Yasui Tokiyuki.

Previously, this person was busy with promotion, and the method he chose was to use Yin and Honglue as a clamp, but that doesn't mean it has always been like this.

Even if Neferi only has a cooperative relationship with him and doesn't bother to tell him about Sawada, the probability of him personally visiting him after letting go is definitely not small.

Considering the high possibility of facing the legendary First Order, Fu Qian decided to maximize his respect.

[Today’s work content has been updated: Enter the containment scene of 2-506 and complete the re-containment]

[The current san value is 163, the current inspiration is 99]

[Entering 2-506 Containment Scene]

You didn’t let yourself choose skill items? It was actually a task that restricted your ability?

[…1%…5%…15%…45%…75%…95%…100%, the containment scene is loaded]

After thinking about it, the loading has been completed.

【This is a wonderful night.

When you wake up from bed, you look at the stars outside the window and find that everything is quieter than usual.

Although the alarm clock will go off in ten minutes, you are already sleepy, and while lying on the bed, you quickly realize that it is time to go to work.

This is not a familiar job. Fortunately, you have written down the address on a sticky note]

Working at night? Is it so inhumane?

As his five senses recovered, he looked around and finally saw the night sky outside through the exaggeratedly small window above his head.

Not only are the stars twinkling, but you can even see clear streams of light that cannot be described in color.

It's really a night shift, and it's not just a random introduction.

Wait a minute, it’s still nonsense!

The next moment I rubbed my head, I felt groggy and in a trance, not at all sleepy.

The legendary pre-work syndrome?

He sighed with emotion before paying, and the next moment he sat up and looked at his room.

There was a creaking sound, and there was obviously a bed of some age beneath me. It was not big in size, just big enough for one person to sleep on.

At first glance, it was not just this piece of furniture that was old, the entire room clearly bore traces of time, but fortunately it was fairly clean.

By the way, is it too quiet outside at this time?

I picked up a stainless steel alarm clock next to the bed and made sure it was still a little while before eight o'clock.

Logically speaking, it is the prime time for night activities, but even if you hold your breath and listen, there is still no sound outside.

It's a little weird, but with such a clear reminder in the mission introduction, it seems that the next step is to report it first.

He turned off the alarm clock casually, picked up the note below before paying, and quickly memorized the only line.

There was no doubt that this was an address. Before paying, I even spent ten seconds finding a map to directly confirm its location.

How weird it looks!

The place I lived in was an old-fashioned six-story apartment. It took me three minutes to clean it up before I paid. After taking the elevator down to the street, the scene outside made me frown at the first moment.

Judging from the map just now, this place is not that big, just the size of a small town. But as far as the eye can see, it is actually full of high-rise buildings, towering into the clouds, giving it the appearance of a super city.

Just now, the window in my room was too small, and my field of view happened to be in the gap. I didn't realize it at the first time.

There is no doubt that this is a bit abnormal, and no small town would be designed like this.

Besides, there was still no one on the street.

They come, the security.

Although he found many unusual places, he didn't worry too much about it. Instead, he immediately checked the road signs and quickly confirmed the direction.

The destination was not far or near, almost exactly one block away. Fu Qian saw the destination not long after walking.

It was a two-story building, sandwiched between two tall buildings. There was only one light on in the building at the moment, and it could be seen on the signboard that it was a small clinic.

Without hesitation, I wrote down the location of the lighted room before paying, took my employee card out of my pocket, and swiped it at the door.

He quickly touched the lighted room, and the door was even ajar. He raised his hand and knocked, and after saying "please come in," he pushed the door open and entered.

"You came."

The next moment, Fu Qian saw the only living person so far.

Or even... an acquaintance?

When the other party greeted him, Fu Qian frowned slightly and looked at the character sitting at the table, facing him from the side.

He has short brown hair, an expressionless face, a tall figure that cannot be concealed even when he is sitting, and is wearing a white coat.

This look is so classic.

I once received psychological counseling from this person in a place called Loris City.

Kelly Landa, if I remember correctly, her name should be this.

But there is no doubt that this place is definitely not Loris City, and it was not long ago that this person was overstimulated and went to the monastery for retreat, right?

Returning to your old career so soon?

Before paying, I admired in my heart.

But no matter what, since I am a staff member this time, I will never come for psychological counseling again, right?

"Sorry, I'm used to working at night. Thank you again for your cooperation."

Kelly seemed to have improved her approachability, and she immediately thanked her seriously.

"But I just sorted out the files and found that the current situation is a bit troublesome."

The politeness only lasted for one sentence, and the next moment Kelly turned back to pick up a pile of information on the table, frowning.

"We currently have several patients who have missed their appointments, and given their obviously poor mental status, I'm a little concerned."

Are you really doing your job?

Nod before paying.

"What do you need from me?"

"Need, please wait a moment."

Kelly was not polite, sighed softly, bent down and rummaged around.

After a while, she took out four paper bags and handed them over.

"There are four doses of medicine inside. I will give you the patient's address in a moment. Please help deliver it to the door. Make sure they drink it to avoid uncontrollable situations."

I can understand your mood. Question: The four medicines seem to be the same? Are the diseases so consistent?

It was not nonsense before paying. The four paper bags Kelly handed over were not even sealed, and you could see that there were four identical small brown bottles inside.


Read the logo on it before paying.

There is nothing else on it except a name.

He looks like an unlicensed pharmacist, but he seems unreliable.

[The current task has been updated]

[The containment conditions are met, and the patients are given sedatives in the correct order]

At the same time as I asked the question before paying, the task prompt appeared.

This chapter has been completed!
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