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Chapter 835 Ignition (7)

 Chapter 835 Ignition (7)

"What do you mean?"

After being deflated continuously, it could be seen that Queen Broken Claw's expression finally turned cold, and she was obviously not very happy.

"I didn't take any action just now to stay polite, Akasha."

"This friend from outside is much scarier than you think..."

However, Ballard didn't even bother to look at her, and still stared at Fu Qian.

"If I attack together, it will be a fight to the death."

"In my judgment, regardless of winning or losing, the probability of your death is more than 50%."

"...So what are you going to do?"

Hearing what Ballard said, Queen Broken Claw, who was called Akasha, was silent for a while.

But after a few seconds, she spoke again, and even gave Fu Qian a wink to clear up her past grudges.

"Would you like to invite Mr. Andile to dinner? I would be happy to do so, but I didn't expect you to have similar hobbies."


Ballard shook his head.

"Mr. Andile has already eaten. Now he needs to follow me. I want to ensure that he will not cause damage to the order here."

His tone was very firm, and it was obvious that he had already made up his mind.

"Actually I only had the appetizer."

In response to his plan, Fu Qian spoke righteously, pointing out the imprecision in his expression.

"Although I don't mind doing as the Romans do, I'm still curious, what would you do if I didn't agree?"

"It's very simple. I just said that Akasha is most likely to die."

Ballard said this without any hesitation and was full of threats.

"I haven't seen you for a few days, and your self-righteousness has become even more serious."

But as the victim in the hypothetical scenario, Akasha was obviously very unhappy.

"What makes you think that I will cooperate with you to maintain the so-called ridiculous order? To say the least, this Mr. Andile is much more handsome than you."

"Ridiculous order... look at this place."

Ballard finally turned his head and stared at Akasha coldly.

"I tolerated what you did before because you were able to bring together some dangerous factors to discipline you, even if the original intention was just to taste various flavors of blood."

"But you actually released a dangerous character like Catherine and created this situation. Do you think this matter will just go away?"

"If you keep it closed, the taste will deteriorate."

Faced with the accusation, Akasha's momentum inevitably weakened, and she looked at the mess and explained.

"And didn't I come right away?"

"If it weren't for Mr. Andile, everyone in the restaurant would probably be dead."

Ballard snorted.

"Is this what you call the first time? Do you think it will have any effect?"

"You don't have to be so grand. Now that you say so, I have a question. Why are you here?"

As a demigod, Akasha obviously has a temper. Faced with the merciless accusations, she finally started to fight back.

"To maintain order, of course."

Ballard snorted.

"Relying on the 'prophet', there may be problems in divination here? I'm not surprised at all."

"The problem is that it seems like you didn't take action immediately!"

Akasha sneered again and again.

"Could it be that this mysterious Mr. Andile has made you afraid? You even ignore the great principle of maintaining order?"

When this person spoke, he deliberately emphasized the word "great" and seemed to be quite disdainful.

"Wake up, Ballard, we all know that this is just a prison. No matter how hard you struggle, you will eventually die in this prison."

"What you call order is completely meaningless, and I don't care at all... Of course, there are still things worth being happy about today—"

Akasha licked her lips as she spoke and looked at Fu Qian with burning eyes.

"We have a very delicious inmate."

"Thank you, Ms. Akasha also tastes delicious."

Listening to the bickering between the two demigods, when it comes to themselves, they never forget to give each other a business compliment before paying.


Faced with this weird compliment, Akasha took it very seriously and smiled wildly.

"So are there many outsiders like me?"

The next moment, he looked at Ballard and asked, as if he was thinking of something.

"Not that many, but certainly annoying."

Ballard's tone was full of true feelings.

"I now support Akasha's statement more."

However, before he finished speaking, he sighed with obvious disappointment.

"You, the maintainer of order, seem to be nothing more than that."

"What's the meaning?"

Maybe he didn't care much about the ridicule, but there was a certain message in this foreigner's words that made Ballard alert.

"You'll find out soon, without even having to rely on divination."

Fu Qian was acting like a riddle man, very much asking for beatings.

"Of course, before that, you can waste your time on me."

"You think I'm going to believe this equivocation?"

Ballard, however, was a well-known catcher and would not let him go easily.

"Please, Mr. Andile, all three of us have to go to the base."

"Why should I go too?"

When Fu Qian was thinking about where the base was, Akasha also had a different opinion.

"Because I am not sure that I can ensure that Mr. Andier cooperates obediently."

Ballard spoke with great sincerity.

"That's what I mean. After all, it's your business, why should I get involved?"

Akasha obviously doesn't like to meddle in such nosy matters.

"It's very simple, make up for your own mistakes, otherwise I don't mind dispersing all your blood bags after the matter is over."

Ballard stood up, not hiding the threat in his words, and at the same time, his visor began to close a little bit.

"Let's go. I see that you admire Mr. Andile, so you can sit in the back seat together."

"Your greedy chariot?"

As soon as these words came out, Akasha actually sounded a little interested.

After thinking for a moment, she actually came up to Fu Qian in the next moment and grabbed Fu Qian's arm.

Not only is half of his body pressed against Fu Qian's body, but even the bone claws on his back are drawn together at a subtle angle, making him look much more supple.

"Mr. Andile, from this angle, you are even more charming!"

Looking up at Fu Qian, Akasha smiled like a flower.

"Ballard's Greedy Chariot, this is a rare opportunity, let's go and see it together!"

"Okay, Akasha, you smell so good!"

Seeing Akasha, who was almost the same height as him, making a snuggling gesture, Fu Qian also complimented her very cooperatively and greeted Ballard at the same time.

"It's almost time, let's go drive Green."

The driver's tone made the air freeze for several seconds.

In the end, it was Akasha's laughter that broke the silence, but it was clearly harsh in Ballard's ears.

This chapter has been completed!
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